Subject: ** (TYPE IN PO NAME) ______, Constitution and By-Laws/Insurance Waiver
1. PURPOSE: To demonstrate to 27 SOMSG/CC that ** ______(TYPE IN PO NAME) is governed by organizational by-laws and does not require insurance to conduct fundraisers.
2. BACKGROUND: ** ______(TYPE IN PO NAME), which is created under the authority of AFI 34-223, Private Organization (PO) is a private organization and is classified as an independent organization.
3. DISCUSSION: The purpose of this private organization is to **______(TYPE IN INDIVIDUAL PURPOSE). In an effort to update our constitution /by-laws the ** ______(TYPE IN PO NAME) has updated all required documentation with the PO Monitor. According to our by-laws our fundraising efforts will be focused on ** ______(LIST COMMON ACTIVITIES). Furthermore the ** ______(TYPE IN PO NAME) understands that if they elect to sponsor a fundraiser that involves high risk activities independent insurance will be required. For these reasons the ** ______(TYPE IN THE PO NAME) has an insurance waiver that is in the process of being approved.
4. RECOMMENDATION: Request 27 SOMSG/CC approval and signature of the **______(TYPE IN THE PO NAME) Constitution/By-Laws (Tab 1) and the Insurance Waiver at (Tab 2).
a. If the Constitution/By-Laws (Tab 1) is approved there will be more funds available for the ** ______(TYPE IN PO NAME) to assist the Airmen of Cannon AFB, if it is not approved the ** ______(TYPE IN PO NAME) will be required to dissolve and the support that they have provided the Airmen of Cannon AFB will no longer be available.
b. If the Insurance Waiver (Tab 2) is approved there will be more funds available for the ** ______(TYPE IN PO NAME) to assist the Airmen of Cannon AFB, if it is not approved the ** ______(TYPE IN PO NAME) will be required to purchase insurance for fundraising events thus taking away from the overall fundraising effort and limiting the funds available to assist the Airmen of Cannon AFB.
**______//SIGNED/”your initials”/”current date”//
3 Tabs
1. Constitution & By-laws
2. Insurance Waiver Request
3. TMT Sheet
(Unit level coords are only needed if someone within the organization, reviewed/coord/approved the document.)