Christmas Badminton Courses and Fun Tournament:

14th–18th December 2015

A choice of two day badminton courses for all Walthamstow Hall senior school girls with a tournament at the end of the week. Return form to Hub asap with a cheque or make a direct payment to HBC bank account to book your place. There will be a maximum of 16 players in each group. Confirmation of your place will be by email. The timings for the tournament day will be communicated by email once we know how many participants there are. You are welcome to enter the tournament day even if you cannot attend any coaching before.

Any questions please speak to Jo Muggeridge at school or email

The Coaches will be Jo Muggeridge and Alex Easton

Rackets provided, wear your own clothes, bring INDOOR trainers, water bottle and a snack!

APPLICATION FORM – HBC Christmas Badminton activities for Walthamstow Hall girls



Contact email address: ……………………………………………….

Cheque enclosed (payable to HBC Juniors) or payment to bank account, reference daughter’s name – Christmas coaching.

Lloyds Bank

Sort code: 30-91-91

Account number: 22018460

Account name: HBC Juniors

£30 YES/NO Mon 14th/Tues 15th, 9am-1pm, Years 7-9

£30 YES/NO Mon 14th/Tues 15th, 1-5pm, Years 10,11,12,13

£30 YES/NO Wed 16th/Thurs 17th, 9am-1pm, Years 7-9

£30 YES/NO Wed 16th/Thurs 17th, 1pm-5pm, All ages (senior school)

£5 YES/NO Friday 18th, Fun tournament day, all ages and ability groups, prizes, game times to be confirmed, singles and doubles.

Doubles partner’s name:…………………...... (if known)

Please indicate if you are happy for photos of your daughter to appear on the HBC website and/or video analysis to be used as a teaching tool: YES/NO

Parent signature: …………………………………………………………

Emergency contact number during activities: ………………………..

Rackets provided, wear your own clothes, bring INDOOR trainers, water bottle and a snack!

Run by: Hildenborough Badminton Club