STAT 101 Worksheet: Qualitative Data

ANXIETY: 1 = None; 2 = A Bit; 3 = Moderate; 4 = Severe [source: class survey]

Data (n=31): 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4

Task 1: Build a qualitative frequency table of the variable ANXIETY. Include the variable values, frequencies, relative frequencies, cumulative frequencies, and cumulative relative frequencies.

Task 2: Build a Bar Chart of the variable.

Task 3: Build a Pie Chart of the variable.

Task 4: Build a Pie Chart of the variable.

Task5: Write two sentences that describe information

contained within the frequency table.

BALANCE OF NATURE: [source: Environmental Sustainability survey]

The following responses were to the statement, “The balance of Nature is very delicate and easily upset”: Strongly Disagree 1; Disagree 10; Unsure 13; Agree 46; and Strongly Agree 13.

Task 1: Build a qualitative frequency table of the variable.

Task 2: Build a Pie Chart of the variable.

Task 3: Would it be appropriate to build a pareto

chart of this variable? Why/why not?

DEATHS in MINNESOTA (1975):[source: Le p. 9]

The table to the right contains a list of deaths due to a variety of causes among Minnesota residents for the year 1975. After calculating the proportions of deaths due to each cause [i.e. find the rf], present the results in the following charts.

Task 1: Build a relative frequency bar chart of the variable.

Task 2: Build a Pareto Chart with Ogive.

Task 3: Write two sentences that describe information

contained within the frequency table or chart.


An examination of 668 children reported living in crack/cocaine households shows 70% were black, followed by 18% white, 8% Native Americans, and 4% other or unknown.

Task 1: Build a qualitative frequency table of the variable.

Task 2: Build a Bar Chart the variable.

Task 3: Build a Pie Chart the variable.