Active Flag

Ian Rea, Clonakilty Rugby coach, has his last session in the school today. 5th and 6th will attend a blitz in the rugby club on 3rd April.______

Anti- Bulling Campaign Results

6th Class

Cillian O Donovan


Diarmuid McCarthy

5th Class

Ciardha McCarthy

Alison McCarthy

Lucy O Flynn

4th Class

Denise Fleming

Lola Rose O Donnell


3rd Class

Natalie McCarthy

Leah Fleming Hand

Jill McCarthy

2nd Class


Saoirse O Donnell

Niamh Gannon

1st Class


Callum Collins

Senior Infants

Scarlet O Mahoney


Lilly Kirby

Juniors Infants

Amy Shaw

Amy Whelton

Elaine Whelton


Zach Camier

Robert McCarthy

Gavin O Brien

Fr. Dave is holding a Sacraments Meeting in school at 8pm on February 13th. This is for the parents of 2nd, 5th and 6th classes.

6th Class will take part in a basketball tournament in Cork city in February. Anne Marie Collins is continuing to help coach 5th and 6th class on Tuesday morning for the next few weeks. ______

Gymnastics with Claire will continue for the next few weeks. This Friday some children will do a demonstration for the rest of the school.

BarryroeCamogie Club will have their annual clothes collection on February 11th between 10am and 2pm in Grange Tavern and Courtmacsherry Community Centre.

Dates to remember:

31st January – In-school internet safety/cyber bullying talk 4th to 6th classes

31st January – Indoor camogie in Riverstick for 4th class

1st February – Grandparents Day

7th February – Indoor Hurling in Ballinacarriga for 4th class

7th February – Skipping workshop €2 per pupil please.

13th February – Art work for 5th and 6th classes displayed in Skylight gallery in Bandon.

17th February – Parents Association quiz for 6th class

Credit Union Schools Quiz

Congratulations to the U.13 and U.11 teams who represented the school on Sunday.

Grandparents’ Day

Grandparents’ day will take place on February 1st in the school. This will begin at 11.10am. Grandparents will be shown to relevant classrooms and an activity (card playing, story telling, board games, making St. Brigid crosses) will be organised. If any grandparent wishes to bring any item from their schooldays i.e. a school copy, book, photo, this would be very interesting for the children. Some children may not have Grandparents available to come on Wednesday. As the children will remain in their classrooms they will have an opportunity to interact with the Grandparents attending. We will have a cup of tea afterwards.


Parents Association Quiz

The Parents Association will run their annual Quiz on Friday 17th February at 8pm in the school. This is always a great fun night – bring your cousins and friends! The format is teams of 4 with a maximum of 1 adult per team though an adult is not essential on the team. John Holland has kindly agreed to make out the questions and be the table master for the night.

The money raised from the quiz is used to fund a water based sporting activity for 6th class each year.

If anyone would like to donate a spot prize this would be much appreciated.


Green Schools

Children are continuing to work creating their outdoor classroom using logs as seats and they are painting the top of the logs. If you have anything we can upcycle and add to our garden please let us know. Thanks to those who have sent in logs.

Tomorrow is our last day for Friends for Life. We have concluded our lessons and, as the children have worked very hard, they have learned you should reward yourself. Therefore tomorrow 3rd class will their class party after lunch.