Answers to Sermon Notes
“The Invitation”
Part I: “In The Beginning”
Genesis 1:1 – 2:24
- This morning we begin a new series – a series where we will be tracing the story of scripture from beginning to end.
- The Bible is large, and can be hard to fully understand.
- To truly understand it, we need to see how it all fitstogether into one message.
- Our journey begins in the beginning.
- One of the first questions we need to ask is why it is that the Bible begins with the story of creation.
- After all, the specific purpose of the Bible is not to be a history of the world;
- Much of the world’s history is not found in it.
- It is, rather, an invitation for man to be restored in his relationship to God.
- The answer is that starting with the creation of the world is necessary in order to give mankind the proper framework through which to consider this invitation. This framework has 4 parts.
- It helps us to know and better understand this God, who invites us.
- He is the Creator.
- He is ourCreator.
- He is fully engaged with us – created for relationship with him.
- He is our Provider and Sustainer.
- It helps us to know and better understand ourselves.
- We are the pinnacle of his creation: made in hisimage.
- We have infinitevalue.
- We have a highcalling: to rule over creation.
- Already with these two points we see a clear departure from the beliefs of much of the world on these issues.
- “Man is just anotheranimal.”
- “Nature is best when unspoiled by man.”
- This is not God’sposition.
- “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and subdue it.”
- This doesn’t mean that God wanted a concretejungle, but it does mean that man is to be engaged in direct care and oversight, cultivation and development.
- This is where our sense of satisfaction comes from.
- We have boundaries. (morality)
- Originally just one, but it represents the principle.
- We are accountable to him.
- Whether we accept the invitation or not, we cannot disregard him.
- It helps us know and understand our world.
- Created with order and purpose.
- Created good.
- One of the most frequent reasons for hesitation in accepting this invitation is the question of how a good God could allow such evil in his world.
- Fallen Man asserts the moralhighground.
- God is not the author of evil; it is, rather, the result of his desire to have willing worshipers.
- The reason for evil in the world isFreeWill.
- God did not want a relationship with beingsforced to love him.
- He created them with this choice.
- They were tested to prove themselves in a very smallthing.
- And they failed, becoming evil themselves.
- God allows this evil in the world (centered in man) as long as it takes to redeem those he has chosen.
- It shows us how things will be in the end.
- Creation renewed/transformed
- Believers renewed/transformed
- Relationship renewed/transformed
- The Shalomof God and Mankind, and all Creation.
- This is The Invitation, and it all begins in the beginning.
For Further Discussion
- How well do you know the overall message of scripture?
- Are there any parts of the Bible that you aren’t sure about – aren’t sure how they fit into the overall message?
- Have you ever thought of the story of scripture being an invitation before?
- Which parts of the accounts of creation are the most powerful for you?
- What it tells us about God?
- What it tells us about us?
- What it tells us about our world?
- What it tells us about our future?