
Tangerine- Study Guide

Answer the following questions in complete statements, providing as many details as possible.

1. Pages 1 through 4- Explain the peculiar flashback that Paul has, and include how his supposed “vision problem” causes him frustration.

Part I

August 18

2. Explain what Mrs. Fisher tells Paul regarding the development of the land in Florida.

August 19

3. How are Paul’s and Mrs. Fisher’s expectations of their new home and development changed by the muck fires?

4. How does Paul envision his family and others getting caught up in the Erik Fisher Football Dream?

August 21

5. Explain Paul’s metaphor of the Fishers being major leaguers sent to a minor league city (page 22).

6. What are some of the surprises and disappointments about Paul’s new school?

7. List or characterize a few of the differences between Mr. and Mrs. Fisher.

August 23

8. Paul explains that once Erik became a good place kicker, Mr. Fisher was suddenly “transformed” into a sports lover. What does this reflect about Mr. Fisher’s character?

9. Despite the negative image being painted of Erik, what positive trait can be seen from this section?

August 28

10. Explain the flashback that Paul has about one of his first days of kindergarten.

11. Even though Paul is still bothered by the story used to explain his wearing goggles, how does he, too, seem to buy into it?

August 30

12. As Paul explains it, how will his brother influence those who associate with him?

August 31

13. We find out some family background on Mr. and Mrs. Fisher. What seems odd about both parents’ desire to forget memories of their own parents?

September 1

14. How does Paul impress one of the best players on the soccer team, and how does this incident secure his position on the team?

September 5

15. How does Erik’s crude display after Mike Costello’s death characterize him?

September 6

16. Explain the irony of the school’s response or reaction to Mike’s death.

September 7

17. Explain the difference between how Mrs. Fisher acts during the meeting and her husband’s actions. What may this indicate?

September 8

18. Explain the irony of why Paul is released from the soccer team.

19. Compare Paul’s initial reaction to seeing Mike Costello in the casket to the one he has once he is within closer view.

September 9

20. Describe Paul’s disappointment with his experience at the carnival and the fear that enters his mind at the end of the chapter.

September 11

21. What type of emergency occurs at Paul’s school and what role does he play?

September 14

22. What information is given about the way Charley Burns ran the Civil Engineering Department?

23. What parallel is given between Mr. Fisher and Erik in this passage?

September 15

24. Instead of being considered a disaster, how does the revised school plan affect Paul positively?

September 18

25. Note some of the differences Paul observes at Tangerine Middle School in comparison to his old school.

26. Explain how Paul finally feels hopeful about the way things are going for him.

September 20

27. What cruel mockery of Mike Costello transpires between Erik and Arthur in front of Joey and Paul?

September 22

28. What lesson does Paul learn after playing his first soccer game as a War Eagle?

29. How is Erik humiliated during his football game against Cypress Bay?

September 27

30. Explain Joey’s “initiation” with Victor and his gang and how this affects him.

31. What is insinuated by Paul’s last passage at the top of page 141?

October 2-3

32. Explain some of the changes that are occurring in Joey and how these changes are affecting his friendship with Paul.

33. Explain the significance of Paul’s flashback about Joey’s first day at Tangerine.

October 4

34. What type of file does Paul discover on his dad’s computer and what can you infer about this information?

October 5

35. Explain the importance of Paul’s memory in Huntsville.

November 4

36. What background do we discover about Luis?

November 5

37. What information does Paul learn about his soccer coach, Betty Bright?

November 10

38. Hoe does Paul begin to view his lifestyle differently through the eyes of a member of the soccer team?

39. How is the championship game against Lake Windsor an unforgettable experience for Paul?

November 20

40. What incident occurs between Erik and Tino?

41. Explain the confrontation between Erik and Luis.

November 23

42. Why does Paul decide to help the Cruz family fight the freeze in the tangerine groves?

November 24

43. What can be inferred from Mr. Fisher’s reaction to Mrs. Fisher’s question regarding the possibility of Erik no having a future in football?

November 27

44. We’ve been getting some clues regarding the robberies that have taken place in Paul’s development. Who seems likely to be involved and what are some of the clues leading to this possibility?

November 28

45. According to Paul, what is the likely cause of death for Luis?

November 29-30

46. Why does Theresa warn Paul not to attend Luis’s funeral, and what allows him to ease his conscience and weep for Luis?

December 1

47. How does Paul stand up to his brother and Arthur after the chaos of the Awards Night?

48. How is Paul finally able to confront his parents and make peace with his accident?

December 2

49. How do Shandra’s story about Antoine and the comment Antoine makes to Paul influence Paul?

December 3 (later)

50. How does Antoine’s scandal affect Erik’s football dream?

51. What is the important meeting that the Fishers hold in their home?

52. What significant event occurs after the meeting?

December 4

53. Explain Theresa’s conversation with Paul.

December 5

54. How is Paul’s friendship with Tino solidified in this section?

December 6

55. How do we know Paul will come out of all of this a completely different person? How has all of this affected him positively?