Student Information Sheet
Ms. Lapointe
Date: ______Mark: ______/20
Answer all questions and provide insight!
Phone Number:
Cell Phone:
Email Address:
Parent(s) Name:
List three things you did over the holidays?
What are your favourite subjects and why?
What activities are you involved in or hobbies/interests do you have?
How can Vanier improve as a school?
What social media do you use and explain why?
How can Vanier and I utilize social media to assist you in the classroom?
What are five things on your bucket list? If you don’t have one, start now.
Why did you enroll in this class? What do you hope to learn?
Do you consider yourself a team player? Follow through with deadlines? Rank on a scale of 1 – 5 for both and explain your answer.
What are 5 things that bug you? Not people or necessarily bad habits but things that bug you that could potentially have a solution.
What are 5 things/items that you can’t live without?
If you had $25 what would you spend it on right now?
What do you think teens spend most of their money on?
What do you think 20 – 30 year olds spend their money on?
What season do you think your classmates could tap into this year when running a business?
What business experience do you have?
What business owners do you or your family know personally?
What do you hope to be doing in five years? Ten years?
Do you prefer working by yourself or with a partner/group, or does it matter? Explain.
In what type of classroom environment do you learn best? Describe it…
Come to class every day and come prepared to learn. What does this mean? Examples…
We will engage ourselves every day in class, and in a positive manner. What does this mean? What will it look like? How will the teacher act? How will students act?
Write a brief statement of you own philosophy of education – (not what school is, but what is should be). What should education and our classroom look like and feel like to be a positive and educational learning environment?
I can’t stress enough that you will be working with people that you might not normally work with and that there will be times that their might be conflict. How do you personally handle conflict and how might you handle such situations?
This class is very much hands on and project based. Some students use this opportunity to scapegoat and ride on the coat tails of others. How do you think you can ensure that you won’t be one of them? List three strategies that you can implement to ensure engagement in the class.
We will be donating to a local charity or cause, do you have any ideas?
What is your favourite and most motivating quote? Why?
What motivates you in your life?