Doc E4/REG/2003/16 Annex
Directorate E: Agriculture, fisheries, Structural Funds and environment statistics
Unit E-4: Regional accounts /
Working Party on “Regional and Urban Statistics”
Meeting of 3-5 December 2003 in Luxembourg,
BECH building, room quetelet
Document E4/REG/2003/16
Annex to:
SIRE and Local Administrative Units (LAU)
European Commission, L-2920 Luxembourg. BECH building
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Doc E4/REG/2003/16 Annex
Annex 1: Format for the transmission of the nomenclature of administrative units
Description / Characters / PositionThe information needed in the delivery is the following:
Declaring country (ISO 3166 code, 2 letters) / 2 / 1-2
NUTS level 3 code as published in the Regulation on NUTS (NUTS version 2003) / 5 / 3-7
NUTS level 3 name as published in the Regulation on NUTS (NUTS version 2003) / 70 / 8-77
LAU level 1 unit - name (where applicable) / 255 / 78-332
LAU level 1 unit - national code (where applicable) 1 / 7 / 333-339
LAU level 2 unit - name / 255 / 400-654
LAU level 2 unit - national code 1 / 13 / 655-667
Language of the LAU name (if 2 or more official language versions exist for one name, please provide both/all in separate fields and with an indication of the language for each version) / 6 / 668-673
Optional fields:
National code of the administrative unit that corresponds exactly to a NUTS level 3 unit / 12 / 674-685
NUTS level 1 unit with NUTS codes / 3 / 686-688
NUTS level 1 unit with national code / 12 / 689-700
NUTS level 1 unit with name / 70 / 701-770
NUTS level 2 unit with NUTS codes / 4 / 771-774
NUTS level 2 unit with national code / 12 / 775-786
NUTS level 2 unit with name / 70 / 787-856
Data on total resident population for the LAU level 2 units (at most recent date before 11 July 2003 and according to the territorial division of 11 July 2003) / 7 / 857-863
Data on land surface area in whole hectares for the LAU level 2 units at 11 July 2003 / 7 / 864-870
1)The national code should clearly show to which upper level region in the hierarchy the LAU level 2 unit belongs.
The list has to be sent to Eurostat in an electronic format in Excel worksheet format by email.
It is advised to sort the list by NUTS 3 code. The mandatory fields should preferably be in the same order as listed above.
For the national LAU code, we prefer to receive an explanation of the structure of the code, in particular, which hierarchical levels can be derived from subsets of the LAU code.
All labels shall be delivered according to the official national spelling with lower case and initial capital letters (upper- lowercase writing like "Frankfurt am Main") and with all diacritical marks (å, ç, é, î, ñ, ö) preserved. Abbreviations should only be used if they are part of the official label. No restrictions exist for the length of the labels.
For Greek labels, two versions are requested: one version with original Greek characters, one version with Latin characters according to the official transcription.
We will need information about the character set in which the labels are stored. The characterset should be specified by file
ISO 8859-1:Latin1 (West European)
ISO 8859-2:Latin2 (East European)
ISO 8859-3:Latin3 (South European)
ISO 8859-4:Latin4 (North European)
ISO 8859-5:Cyrillic
ISO 8859-6:Arabic
ISO 8859-7:Greek
ISO 8859-8:Hebrew
ISO 8859-9:Latin5 (Turkish)
ISO 8859-10:Latin6 (Nordic)
Further information about ISO 8859 standards for character sets can be found at:
Information about Unicode standards can be found at:
The language for each label should be defined in ISO 639-2. Official abbreviations for languages according to ISO 639-2 can be found at:
Annex 2: Format of transmission of list of modifications to territorial units
1.Modification of units (MODA)
Description / Characters / PositionDeclaring country / 2 / 1-2
'MODA' / 4 / 3-6
Year of change / 4 / 7-10
National code of territorial unit 2 / 10 / 11-20
Month of change / 2 / 21-22
Day of change / 2 / 23-24
Type of modification 3 / 1 / 25-25
Label of the administrative unit / 60 / 26-85
NUTS code of affected NUTS III unit 1,4 / 7 / 86-92
National code of affected NUTS III unit 1,4 / 7 / 93-99
Label of affected NUTS III unit 4 / 60 / 100-159
NUTS code of affected LAU level 1 unit 1,4 / 7 / 86-92
National code of affected LAU level 1 unit 1,4 / 7 / 93-99
Label of affected LAU level 1 unit 4 / 60 / 100-159
1Only if the link between NUTS code and national code is available.
2The national code should clearly show to which upper level region in the hierarchy the LAU level 2 unit belongs.
3Modification of territory:'A': Add 'D': Delete
Non-territorial change: 'M': Modification of label or national code
4Relates to the codes and label of the modified NUTS region. Should only be filled in if the NUTS III or LAU 1 structure is affected by the change of LAU 2
Directions for use:
Depending on the change, the national code and label of unit varies
Adduse the new national code and label ("after change")
Deleteuse the old national code and label ("before change")
Modification of labeluse the old national code ("before change") and the NEW label
Modification of national codeuse the old national code and the old label ("before change") with one record in the CONC file.
2.Codification of concordance between the old and new units of territorial structure (CONC)
Description / Characters / PositionsDeclaring country / 2 / 1-2
'CONC' / 4 / 3-6
Year of change / 4 / 7-10
National code of the unit before change / 11 / 11-21
National code of the unit after change / 11 / 22-32
Month of change / 2 / 33-34
Day of change / 2 / 35-36
National Code of affected NUTS III unit 1 / 7 / 37-43
Label of affected NUTS III unit 1 / 60 / 44-103
National Code of affected LAU level 1 unit 1 / 7 / 37-43
Label of affected LAU level 1 unit 1 / 60 / 44-103
Surface area in hectares of transferred area / 7 / 86-92
Population of transferred area / 7 / 93-99
1Relates to code and label of the receiving NUTS region. Should only be filled in if the NUTS III or LAU 1 structure is affected by the change of LAU 2.
Examples of utilisation of 'CONC' and 'MODA' files, using hypothetical Luxembourg case-studies.
The communes of LUXEMBOURG (11001) and NIEDERANVEN (11005) have been merged to form LUXEMBOURG (1100A) with a new code.
The modifications in the file MODA are as follows:
country / MODA / year / national code / month / day / 'D'/ 'A'/ 'M' / label / NUTS3code / NUTS3
national code / NUTS3
LU / MODA / 1992 / 11001 / 10 / 28 / D / LUXEMBOURG
LU / MODA / 1992 / 1100A / 10 / 28 / A / LUXEMBOURG
LU / MODA / 1992 / 11005 / 10 / 28 / D / NIEDERANVEN
In the second file CONC, the changes of the communes have to be described respectively as follows:
country / CONC / year / national codebefore change / national code
after change / month / day / NUTS3
code / NUTS3
label / Area
(ha) / Pop.
LU / CONC / 1992 / 11001 / 1100A / 10 / 28 / 5146 / 77000
LU / CONC / 1992 / 11005 / 1100A / 10 / 28 / 4136 / 6000
Explanation of the CONC file in the 'merge' case: The lines 'CONC' indicate the history of successor and predecessor of the territorial units. In this example the "new" commune of LUXEMBOURG (successor having a new code) is made up of the "old" communes of LUXEMBOURG and NIEDERANVEN (predecessors).
N.Bno information is required on the NUTS III/IV variables, as it is assumed to be unchanged.
The commune of LUXEMBOURG (11001) is divided into LUXEMBOURG (1100A) and KIRCHBERG (11415); for the latter a new code is assigned.
The modifications in the file MODA are as follows:
country / MODA / year / national code / month / day / 'D'/ 'A'/ 'M' / label / NUTS3code / NUTS3
national code / NUTS3
LU / MODA / 1992 / 11001 / 10 / 28 / D / LUXEMBOURG
LU / MODA / 1992 / 1100A / 10 / 28 / A / LUXEMBOURG
LU / MODA / 1992 / 11415 / 10 / 28 / A / KIRCHBERG
In the second file CONC, the changes of the communes have to be described respectively as follows:
country / CONC / year / national code before change / national code after change / month / day / NUTS3code / NUTS3
label / Area
(ha) / Pop.
LU / CONC / 1992 / 11001 / 1100A / 10 / 28 / 4146 / 67000
LU / CONC / 1992 / 11001 / 11415 / 10 / 28 / 1000 / 10000
N.Bno information is required on the NUTS III/IV variables, as it is assumed to be unchanged.
Explanation of the CONC file in the 'split' case: The lines 'CONC' indicate the history of successor and predecessor of the territorial units. In this example the commune of LUXEMBOURG remains with a new code. The second line indicates that a part of the commune of LUXEMBOURG (predecessor) moved to the new commune of KIRCHBERG (successor).
Redefinition of structure (Split and Merge):
The communes of LUXEMBOURG and NIEDERANVEN are split into three new communes:
-LUXEMBOURG changed national code and keeps its name;
-One part of LUXEMBOURG and one part of NIEDERANVEN make a new commune KIRCH-DEL (11420);
-NIEDERANVEN changed national code and keeps its name.
The modifications in the file MODA are as follows:
country / MODA / year / national code / month / day / 'D'/ 'A'/ 'M' / label / NUTS3code / NUTS3
national code / NUTS3
LU / MODA / 1992 / 11001 / 10 / 28 / D / LUXEMBOURG
LU / MODA / 1992 / 1100A / 10 / 28 / A / LUXEMBOURG
LU / MODA / 1992 / 11005 / 10 / 28 / D / NIEDERANVEN
LU / MODA / 1992 / 1100B / 10 / 28 / A / NIEDERANVEN
LU / MODA / 1992 / 11420 / 10 / 28 / A / KIRCH-DEL
In the second file CONC, the changes of the communes have to be described respectively as follows:
country / CONC / year / national code before change / national code after change / month / day / NUTS3code / NUTS3
label / Area
(ha) / Pop.
LU / CONC / 1992 / 11001 / 1100A / 10 / 28 / 4146 / 67000
LU / CONC / 1992 / 11001 / 11420 / 10 / 28 / 1000 / 10000
LU / CONC / 1992 / 11005 / 11420 / 10 / 28 / 500 / 1000
LU / CONC / 1992 / 11005 / 1100B / 10 / 28 / 3636 / 5000 information is required on the NUTS III/IV variables, as it is assumed to be unchanged.
Explanation of the CONC file in the "redefinition" case: The lines 'CONC' indicate the history of successor and predecessor of the territorial units. In this example, the communes of LUXEMBOURG (line one) and NIEDERANVEN (line four) remain with a new code. The lines two and three indicate that a part of the commune of LUXEMBOURG (predecessor) moved to the new commune of KIRCH-DEL (successor) (line two) and as well a move of territory from NIEDERANVEN to KIRCH-DEL (line three).
Modification of name:
The modifications in the file MODA are as follows:
country / 'MODA' / year / national code / month / day / 'D'/ 'A'/ 'M' / label / NUTS3code / NUTS3
national code / NUTS3
LU / MODA / 1992 / 11001 / 10 / 28 / M / CAPITALE
No CONC file is necessary since the territory and the code remain the same.
Modification of national code:
LUXEMBOURG changed its national code from 11001 to 1100A.
The modifications in the file MODA are as follows:
country / 'MODA' / year / national code / month / day / 'D'/ 'A'/ 'M' / label / NUTS3code / NUTS3
national code / NUTS3
LU / MODA / 1992 / 11001 / 10 / 28 / M / CAPITALE
In the second file CONC, the changes of the communes have to be described respectively as follows:
country / CONC / Year / national code before change / national code after change / month / day / NUTS3code / NUTS3
label / Area
(ha) / Pop.
LU / CONC / 1992 / 11001 / 1100A / 10 / 28 / 5146 / 77000
N.Bno information is required on the NUTS III/IV variables, as it is assumed to be unchanged.
Small territorial transfer where upper levels are affected:
A minor exchange of territory between LUXEMBOURG (11001) and STRASSEN (12001) has taken place, LUXEMBOURG and STRASSEN being parts of different LAU 1 regions. Two different plots of land were transferred in opposite directions across the LAU 1 boundary.
The modifications in the file MODA are as follows:
country / 'MODA' / year / national code / month / day / 'D'/ 'A'/ 'M' / labelLU / MODA / 1992 / 11001 / 10 / 28 / D / LUXEMBOURG
LU / MODA / 1992 / 40001 / 10 / 28 / A / LUXEMBOURG
LU / MODA / 1992 / 12001 / 10 / 28 / D / STRASSEN
LU / MODA / 1992 / 41001 / 10 / 28 / A / STRASSEN
NUTS3 code / national code of NUTS III or IV / label of NUTS III or IV
LU00011 / 11 / LUXEMBOURG
LU00012 / 12 / STRASSEN
Explanation of the MODA file: The additional columns for the NUTS III/IV regions indicate those regions where a change in the territorial boundary and area has taken place. In detail, line one and three show that the predecessor regions, LUXEMBOURG and STRASSEN have changed. They were opened or assigned with new codes but identical name (line two and four). New NUTS codes are assigned by EUROSTAT and are not known by the NSI in the MemberState!
In the second file CONC, the changes of the communes have to be described respectively as follows:
country / CONC / year / national code before change / national code after change / month / day / national code of NUTS III or IV / label of NUTS III or IV / Area(ha) / Pop.
LU / CONC / 1992 / 11001 / 40001 / 10 / 28 / 40 / LUXEMBOURG / 5100 / 76900
LU / CONC / 1992 / 11001 / 41001 / 10 / 28 / 41 / STRASSEN / 46 / 100
LU / CONC / 1992 / 12001 / 41001 / 10 / 28 / 41 / STRASSEN / 4800 / 5000
LU / CONC / 1992 / 12001 / 40001 / 10 / 28 / 40 / LUXEMBOURG / 120 / 900
Explanation of the CONC file: The lines 'CONC' indicate the history of successor and predecessor of the territorial units. In this example the communes of LUXEMBOURG (line one) and STRASSEN (line three) remain with a new code. Lines two and four indicate that a part of the commune of LUXEMBOURG (predecessor) moved to the commune of STRASSEN (successor) (line two), while a move of territory took place from STRASSEN to LUXEMBOURG (line four). The additional columns for the NUTS III/IV changes reflect the affected regions with their new codes and/or names.
Here we assume that national codes change after the transfer of territory. It is probably more normal in member states NOT to change codes after small transfers. The NUTS codes, however, should always change whenever the territory has changed. Small transfers should always be reported, not only when upper levels in the hierarchy are affected.
ANNEX 3 Description of Merger and Splitting procedures
The examples below describe the procedures applied when territorial units change. The procedures are an example of the way our current software system treats these changes. They illustrate the procedure in the current change management system.
1. Closure
Close A’s and B’s codcoms
If C exists, close C’s codcom
2. Opening
Create a new codcom for C
3. Links :
Match A’s codcom with C’s new codcom
Match B’s codcom with C’s new codcom
4. Codnat
Match C’s new codcom with its codnat
5. Label
Match C’s new codcom with its label
1. Closure
Close C’s codcom
If A exists, close A’s codcom
If B exists, close B’s codcom
2. Opening
Create a new codcom for A
Create a new codcom for B
3. Links :
Match C’s codcom with A’s new codcom
Match C’s codcom with B’s new codcom
4. Codnat
Match A’s new codcom with its codnat
Match B’s new codcom with its codnat
5. Label
Match A’s new codcom with its label
Match B’s new codcom with its label
Merger and splitting
1. Closure
Close A’s, B’s, C’s and D’s codcom
If X exists, close X’s codcom
2. Opening
Create :
a new codcom for X
a new codcom for C
a new codcom for D
3. Links
A’s codcom with X’s new codcom
B’s codcom with X’s new codcom
C’s codcom with X’s new codcom
D’s codcom with X’s new codcom
C’s codcom with its new codcom
D’s codcom with its new codcom
4. Codnat
X’s new codcom with its codnat
C’s new codcom with its codnat
D’s new codcom with its codnat
5. Label
X’s new codcom with its label
C’s new codcom de C with its label
D’s new codcom with its label
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Doc E4/REG/2003/16 Annex
Annex 4: Overview of data received so far in the SIRE project
The following table shows the files/data received from the Member States as of 31/10/2003. The files which pertain to years earlier than 1995 have been left out. The files which provided data for more than one year are registered for each year associated.
Key:R: Received, r: Received but is not final or is now obsolete, P: Loaded into SIRE, pending approval or completion, A: Approved, NC: MemberState indicates no change.
Grouping / Current NPSStatus / SIRE Data / CONC/MODA
Country / Census / Area / Urban / pre -1995 / 95 / 96 / 97 / 98 / 99 / 00 / 01 / 02 / 03
Status / Date
Belgium / 2002 / 01/10/2001 / R / NC / NC / NC / NC / NC / NC / NC / NC
Denmark / 2002 / 01/01/2001 / R / NC / NC / NC / NC / NC / NC / NC / NC
Germany / 1999 / 31/12/2000 / A / A / r / r / r / r / r / r
Greece / 1997 / R / 18/03/2001 / 1991-1994 / P / P / R / R / R
Spain / 2002 / 01/11/2001 / R / A / A / A / A / A / A / A / A
France / 1999 / P / 08/03/1999 / P / A / A / A / A / A
Ireland / 2002 / 28/04/2002 / A / A / A / A / A / NC / NC / NC
Italy / 2002 / 21/10/2001 / A / A / A / A / A / A / A / A
Luxembourg / 2002 / P / 15/02/2001 / A / A / A / A / A / NC / NC / NC
Netherlands / 2002 / R / 01/01/2001 / A / A / A / A / A / A / A / A / R
Austria / 2002 / R / 15/05/2001 / R / A / A / A / A / A / A / A / A
Portugal / 2001 / P / 12/03/2001 / R / A / A / A / A / A / A / A
Finland / 2002 / P / 31/12/2000 / P / A / A / A / A / A / NC / A / A
Sweden / 2001 / P / 01/01/2001 / P / R / A / A / A / A / A / NC / NC / NC / A
England and Wales / 2002 / 29/04/2001 / A / A / A / A / A / A / P / R / R
Northern Ireland / 1998 / 29/04/2001 / 1992 / NC / NC / NC / A
Scotland / - / 29/04/2001
Iceland / 1998 / 01/01/2003 / A / A / A / A
Norway / 2002 / P / 03/11/2001 / P / A / A / A / A / A / A / A / A / A
Liechtenstein / 1995 / 05/12/2000 / A / NC / NC / NC / NC / NC / NC / NC / NC
Switzerland / 1999 / 05/12/2000 / R / A / A / A / A / A / R / R / R
Candidate countries
Czech Rep. / No entry / 01/03/2001 / R / 1991-1994 / r / r / r / r / r / r / r / r
Estonia / No entry / R / 31/03/2000 / R / 1990-1994 / r / r / r / r / r / r / r / r
Cyprus / No entry / R / 01/10/2001 / R / R
Latvia / No entry / R / 31/03/2000 / 1990-1994 / r / r / r / r / r / r
Lithuania / No entry / R / 06/04/2001 / R (LAU1) / R / 1989-1994 / r / r / r / r / r / r / r
Hungary / No entry / R / 01/02/2001 / R / R / 1990-1994 / r / r / r / r / r / r / r
Malta / No entry / 1995 / R
Poland / No entry / 01/02/2002 / r / r / r
Slovenia / No entry / R / 31/03/2002 / R / 1994 / r / r
Slovakia / No entry / r / 26/05/2001 / 1991-1994 / r / r / r / r / r / r / r / r
Bulgaria / No entry / 01/03/2001 / 1992-1994 / r / r / r / r / r / r / r
Romania / No entry / 19/03/2001 / R / 1993-1994 / r / r / r / r / r / r / r / r
Turkey / No entry / 2000
Croatia / No entry / 31/03/2001
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