VOLUME XI Number 19 Sunday, May 16, 2010
Annual Theme: God Gives Us Power
Ephesians 3:20
Please send Deaconess Angela Heath any news or announcements that need to be included in Second Hands. She may be reached at home 301-627-1191 or via the church email:
Sunday, May 16, 2010
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Youth Day
Rev. Nelson B. Dorsey, Jr.,
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
6:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer
Meeting – Youth Ushers in Charge
Friday, May 21, 2010
1:00 p.m. Bible Study &
Prayer Meeting at home of
Helen Harris
Saturday, May 22, 2010
10:00 a.m. Joint Board Meeting
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Penecost Sunday
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
6:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
10:00 a.m. Deacon’s Meeting
Thursday, May 25, 2010
Noon Bible Study &
Prayer Meeting
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Memorial Sunday
Holy Communion
Sunshine Sunday
Monday, May 31, 2010
SBC Office Closed
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Men’s Day
Father’s Day
Verse of the Week
“Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.”
Colossian 3:21
Weekly Bible Reading
“For the word of the LORD is right; and all his works are done in truth.” Psalm 33:4
Monday Exodus 36:1-3
Tuesday Exodus 36:4-6
Wednesday Exodus 36:8-12
Thursday Exodus 36:13-16
Friday Exodus 36:19-21
Saturday Exodus 36:22-26
Our Youth
Welcome Visitors!
Welcome to The Second Baptist Church of Washington founded in 1848. We are pleased that you have chosen to worship with us. It is our prayer that you feel blessed by your worship experience and the Christian fellowship. If you are visiting from another city or church, we wish you a safe and blessed return. If you do not have a church home, we invite you to join us.
Rev. Dr. James E. Terrell, Pastor
Prayer of the Week
Dear Lord,
Today is Youth Day, we can feel your presence in the sunshine, the wind and in our hearts. E know that you are with us, holding our hands, keeping us from falling. We know that you will be with us tomorrow and in each day of our future. On the day we were born you touched us and called us as your children.
We thank you for our families, our parents, for the days of our youth and for Jesus. Amen.
May Birthdays
Charles Barnes / 3-MayAndrew Baskerville / 1-May
LaTarsha Bost / 23-May
Blair Brown / 18-May
Mark Brown / 29-May
Michelle Dunham / 17-May
R. Ersell Id / 1-May
Carrol A. Jackson / 31-May
Mozelle Lyde / 16-May
Janazjia Smith / 31-May
Are Ye Able Said The Master
Are ye able," said the Master, To be crucified with Me? Yea, the sturdy dreamers answered, To the death we follow Thee.
Lord, we are able. Our spirits are Thine. Remold them, make us, like Thee, divine. Thy guiding radiance above us shall be a beacon to God, to love and loyalty.
Our Speaker
Rev. Nelson Dorsey, Jr. returns to us this Sunday with the message of the morning. A graduate of the Washington Baptist Seminary he also holds a degree in law from George Washington University Law School. He is an Associate Minister at Mt. Zion Baptist Church. Today we welcome Rev. and Mrs. Dorsey.
Pentecost Sunday
On Sunday, May 23, many Christian churches will observe Pentecost Sunday. Pentecost is celebrated to recognize the gift of the Holy Spirit, realizing that God’s very life, breath and energy lives in believers.
Get Grounded in the Word
The world is ever changing but God’s word stays the same. There’s no need to be swayed by every wind of doctrine when you can lay a solid biblical foundation. Yes, that right. Get grounded in the word so you are prepared when the Master returns. There is no better place than Sunday School to learn God’s word. Believe it or not the bible is applicable to today’s situations and circumstances. The Sunday School needs you. So come out each Sunday at 10:00 a.m. to spiritually refresh yourself. Our Sunday School has a wonderful future.
Yours In Christ,
Sharon Malone, Superintendent
Check www.usajobs. Gove, the Federal Government’s source for Federal jobs, employment information and provides access to more than 30,0000 job listings daily. Set up account to complete and submit applications to agencies online directly, check status of applications, and receive customized job alerts. Also, access the interactive voice response telephone system at 703.724.1850.
City Wide Revival
The City-Wide Revival
2010 will be held May 19-21,
2010, at Israel Baptist Church. Our Evangelist for this year will be the Rev. Dr. Claybon Lea, Jr., Pastor of Mt. Calvary Baptist Church, Fairfield, CA. He will be preaching nightly at 7:30 p.m. and Wednesday, May 20th, at 12 noon. Each evening at 6:30 p.m. the worship will be preceded by a lecture from Rev. Jimmy C. Baldwin, Pastor of Shiloh Community Church, in Baltimore, MD.
Older Adult Ministries Advocacy Training
Housing Possibilities/Options in the Later Years will held on Saturday, May 22, 1010 at 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon at the DC Baptist Convention at 1628 16th Street, NW Washington, DC 20009. To make reservations call 202-265-1526 or www.dcbaptist.org. Call 202-265-1526 for parking instructions.
Tape Ministry
DVD’s of our services are available. Please see Rev. James S. Terrell for a copy. A donation of $3.00 each is appreciated.
Temporary Location
The church family will continue to worship at Howard University School of Divinity, 1400 Shepherd St NE, until September 2010, while our sanctuary is being repaired.
Pastor’s Office Hours
Tuesday 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Thursdays 10 a.m. – 12 noon
And by appointment
Have a blessed week!
Please send any news or announcements for Second Hands to the church before 10:30 a.m. on the preceding Wednesday.
Church Office: 202.842.0233 * Facsimile: 202.842.4573 * Email: * Website: www.secondbaptistchurchdc.org