Annual Summary of MotionsPage 1


ANNUAL SUMMARY OF MOTIONS: September 2005 – August 2006

Article 4.2.1(i) of the Bylaws

Meeting of September 16, 2005

That Education Council create the Education Policy Committee using the Terms of Reference amended today.

That Education Council create the Cultural Knowledge in Practice Advisory Committee with Terms of Reference.

Education Council recommends to the President, the creation of a Cross Sectorial, Regional Committee on Student Life and Access and report to Education Council.

If a member of Education Council is absent from three meetings of Education Council without just cause, then Education Council membership may be revoked and the position filled through a bi-election supervised by the Registrar’s office.

That Education Council strike a task force to review the Education Council by-laws.

On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of FNAR 100, Shop Safety Basics, prerequisites of admission to the program and minimum age of 16 years, effective September 2005.
On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of FNAR 101, First Nations Art of the Pacific Northwest, prerequisite of admission to the program, effective September 2005.
On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of FNAR 102, Two Dimensional Design I, prerequisites of admission to the program, effective September 2005.
On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of FNAR 103, Two Dimensional Design II, prerequisite of FNAR 102, effective September 2005.
ON behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of FNAR 104, Tool Making I, prerequisite of FNAR 100, effective September 2005.
On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of FNAR 105, Tool Making II, prerequisite of FNAR 104, effective September 2005.
On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of FNAR 106, Wood Carving I, prerequisite of FNAR 100, effective September 2005.
On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of FNAR 107, Wood Carving II, prerequisite of FNAR 106, effective September 2005.

On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of FNAR 108,Introduction to Small Business for Artists, prerequisites of acceptance to the program, effective September 2005.
On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of the First Nations Artist in Residence Program consisting of the following admission requirements and courses, effective September 2005:
Admission Requirements: First Nations Descent (self-declared),Principles, Applications or Essentials of Math 10, or MATH 0301/0302 and English 10 or ENGL 030 or GED or successful completion of the CAT III Assessment Test, Demonstrated interest in First Nations woodcarving (recommended only)

FNAR 100 / Shop Safety Basics / Admission to Program and 16 years of age
FNAR 101 / First Nations Art of the Pacific Northwest / Admission to Program
FNAR 102 / Two Dimensional Design I / Admission to Program
FNAR 103 / Two Dimensional Design II / FNAR 102
FNAR 104 / Tool Making I / FNAR 100
FNAR 105 / Tool Making II / FNAR 104
FNAR 106 / Wood Carving I / FNAR 100
FNAR 107 / Wood Carving II / FNAR 106
FNAR 108 / Introduction to Small Business for Artists / Admission to Program

On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of the following name changes, effective September 2005:

Current Name / New Name
BTEC 286 / Keyboarding Speed Level II / Keyboarding II
BTEC 171 / Human Relations for Career Success / Human Relations
BTEC 181 / Filing Systems and Management / Records Management
BTEC 273 / Electronic Spreadsheets / Spreadsheets I
BTEC 274 / Advanced Electronic Spreadsheets / Spreadsheets II

On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of the name change and learning outcome change of BTEC 101 from E-Learner Success to Online Learner Success, effective September 2005.
On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of the evaluation changes to BTEC 151, BTEC 251 and BTEC 281, effective September 2005.
On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of the evaluation and name of BTEC 166 from Introduction to Presentations to Presentations Software, effective September 2005.

Meeting of October 21, 2005

That Education Council receive the Annual Summary of Motions.

That Education Council strike an Academic Proficiency Task Force.

That Education Council recommend that the Board of Governors approve the issuance of Education Council Student Representatives stipend on a meeting per meeting basis.

That Education Council appoints Randy Chalifoux and Sandi Lavallie as the Education Council representatives on the Academic Appeals Committee with Ken Hawkins and Ian Hamilton as alternates.

On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of MARK 254-3, Consumer Behaviour, prerequisites MARK 150, effective September 2005.

On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of the addition of MARK 254-3, Consumer Behaviour to the list of approved electives for the Business Administration Program, effective September 2005.

On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend that an Administrative Studies Diploma be issued on completion of the Office Assistant Certificate, Business Technology Specialty Certificate and the following Business Administration courses, effective September 2005:

ACCT 150-3 / Financial Accounting I
MGMT 150-3 / Introduction to Management
MARK 150-3 / Introduction to Marketing
BCPT 150-3 / Business Computers
MATH 150-3 / Mathematics of Financial
ECON 151-3 / Macroeconomics
BENG 150-3 / Business Communications
Elective / Unrestricted Business Administration Elective
Elective / Unrestricted Business Administration Elective
Elective / Unrestricted Business Administration Elective

On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of the prefix change of IHS to SSW, effective September 2005.

IHS 109-3 / Computers in Human Services I / SSW 109-3
IHS 110-3 / Computers in Human Services II / SSW 110-3
IHS 112-3 / Interpersonal Communication / SSW 112-3
IHS 113-3 / Helping Skills / SSW 113-3
IHS 191-3 / Introduction to Social Service Agencies / SSW 191-3
IHS 192-3 / Introduction to Social Service Practice / SSW 192-3
HIS 195-3 / Introduction to Social Services / SSW 195-3
IHS 196-3 / Social Policies / SSW 196-3
IHS 197-3 / Social Service Worker Practicum I / SSW 197-3
IHS 213-3 / Group Work / SSW 213-3
IHS 290-3 / Community Development / SSW 290-3
IHS 298-3 / Social Service Worker Practicum II / SSW 298-3

On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of the following prerequisite changes effective September 2005.

IHS 110-3 / Computers in Human Services II / SSW 109
IHS 113-3 / Helping Skills / SSW 112
IHS 192-3 / Introduction to Social Service Practice / Successful completion of all course work from the fall semester of the Social Service Worker Certificate Option – ENGL 101, SSW 109, SSW 112, SSW 191, PSYC 101, SOCI 101, with a minimum GPA of 2.0
IHS 196-3 / Social Policies / SSW 195
IHS 197-3 / Social Service Worker Practicum I / Successful completion of all course work from winter semester of the Social Service Worker Certificate Option – ANTH 112, SSW 113, SSW 110, SSW 192, PSYC 102, SOCI 102 with a minimum GPA of 2.0. Students must be registered as full time students in the Social Service Worker Program or be completing the Social Service Worker Program in the current academic year.
IHS 213 / Group Work / Successful completion of a certificate in SSW Program or related certificate with completion of SSW 112 and 113.
IHS 290 / Community Development / Successful completion of a certificate in SSW program or related certificate with completion of SSW 213.
IHS 298 / Social Service Worker Practicum II / SSW 290, SSW 213, ENGL 151 SSW 195, SSW 196, SOCI 205, SOCI 206, PSYC 201, PSYC 202.

On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of the name change of the Integrated Human Social Service Worker Program to the Social Service Worker Program, effective September 2005.

Meeting of November 16, 2005

That Education Council create a Task Force to review the program approval process and make recommendations as to the “approval in principle” concept.
That Education Council accepts the Letter of Intent between Qingdao Vocational and Technical College of China and NorthwestCommunity College as presented and to recommend negotiation of a Letter of Agreement.

That Education Council is in support of the Memorandum of Understanding signed with School District 50 (Haida Gwaii / Queen Charlotte).

On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of TOUR 114-4, First Nations Heritage Interpretation, prerequisites ENGL 10 or ENGL 030, MATH 10 or Essentials of Math 10 or Principles of Math 10 or 0302, Social Studies 10 or SOSC 030, effective November 2005.
On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of the change in the course prefix of CECO 110 to TOUR 115-4, Guide Client Relations, prerequisites ENGL 10 or ENGL 030, MATH 10 or Essentials of Math 10 or Principles of Math 10 or 0302, Social Studies 10 or SOSC 030, effective November 2005.
On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of the change in the hours to a maximum of 120 hours and that the practicum hours for WST 107-6, may or may not take place during regular instructional hours.

On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of the change in requirements of the CIRM Diploma Program to:
Any 5 of the following courses: BIOL 201, BIOL 202, BIOL 203, BIOL 204, OCGY
208, OCGY 209, OCGY 210, BIOL 211, BIOL 235 and BIOL 270
effective September 2005.
On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of the change in certificate requirements of ACE 152 and ACE 154 to ACE 152 or ACE 154, effective September 2005.
Successful completion of the following 12 courses.

ACE 100 / Outdoor Safety and Certification / 4 / 60 / Co-requisite: One course in the ACE Program
ACE 102 / Traditional Ecological Knowledge / 2 / 30 / English 10 or ENGL 030
ACE 130 / Shellfish ID and Enumeration / 1 / 15 / English 10 or ENGL 030 and Principles of Math 10 or MATH 0301/0302
ACE 132 / ID of Groundfish and Other Non-salmonid Fishes of the Northwest Pacific / 1 / 15 / English 10 or ENGL 030 and Principles of Math 10 or MATH 0301/0302
ACE 134 / Salmon ID, Life Cycles, Newest Research & Hatchery Project / 3 / 45 / English 10 or ENGL 030 and Principles of Math 10 or MATH 0301/0302
ACE 140 / Estimating Aquatic Populations / 1.5 / 20 / English 11 or ENGL 040 or 045 and Principles of Math 11 or MATH 0401/0402 or ACE 150
ACE 150 / Applied Technical Math / 3 / 45 / Principles of Math 10 or MATH 0301/0302, co-requisite of Principles of Math 11 or MATH 0401/0402
ACE 152
or / Map and Aerial Photo Interpretation / 2 / 30 / Principles of Math 10 or MATH 0301/0302, co-requisite of Principles of Math 11 or MATH 0401/0402
ACE 154 / Surveying / 2 / 30 / Principles of Math 10 or MATH 0301/0302, co-requisite of Principles of Math 11 or MATH 0401/0402
ACE 170 / Introduction to Mariculture Species and Techniques / 2 / 30 / English 10 or ENGL 030 and Principles of Math 10 or MATH 0301/0302
ACE 172 / Mariculture Project / 2 / 30 / ACE 170
ACE 180 / Stream Habitat Assessment / 3 / 45 / English 11 or ENGL 040 or 045 and Principles of Math 10 or MATH 0301/0302
ACE 181 / Stream Habitat Restoration / 3 / 45 / English 11 or ENGL 040 or 045 and Principles of Math 10 or MATH 0301/0302
TOTALS / 26.5 / 410

Elective Courses: and completion of 270 hours (approx. 18 credits) from the following list:

ACE 104 / Bear Education and Safety / 1 / 15 / English 10 or ENGL 030 and Principles of Math 10 or MATH 0301/0302
ACE 106 / Shorekeepers: Monitoring Intertidal Habitat / 1 / 15 / English 10 or ENGL 030 and Principles of Math 10 or MATH 0301/0302
ACE 120 / Fisheries Management and Regulations / 1 / 15 / English 11 or ENGL 040 or 045
ACE 122 / Marine and Coastal Policy and Planning / 1 / 15 / English 11 or ENGL 040 or 045
ACE 126 / Conflict Resolution / 1 / 15 / English 11 or ENGL 040 or 045
ACE 166 / Sampling Methods / 1 / 15 / English 11 or ENGL 040 or 045 and Biology 11 or BIOL 040
ACE 190 / Temperate Rainforest Ecology / 4 / 60 / English 11 or ENGL 040 or 045 and Biology 11 or BIOL 040
ACE 192 / Environmental Impact Assessment / 4 / 60 / English 11 or ENGL 040 or 045 and Biology 11 or BIOL 040
ANTH 112 / First Nations of British Columbia / 3 / 45 / None
ANTH 212 / Cultural Resource Management / 3 / 45 / ANTH 112
CHEM 101 / Introductory Chemistry I / 3 / 90 / CHEM 11, 040 or 0401/0402 and Principles of Math 11 or MATH 0401/0402. Working knowledge of MATH 12 or MATH 0501/0502 strongly recommended. MATH 101 (Calculus) co-requisite would be an asset.
CHEM 102 / Introductory Chemistry II / 3 / 90 / CHEM 101 or CHEM 121
CHEM 230 / Organic Chemistry I / 3 / 90 / CHEM 101/102 or CHEM 121/122
CHEM 231 / Organic Chemistry II / 3 / 90 / CHEM 230
CIRM 104 / Navigation and Small Boat Navigation / 2 / 30 / None
CIRM 144 / Marine Harvesting Technologies / 1 / 15 / None
CIRM 280 / Seafood Processing Technology / 2 / 30 / English 11 or ENGL 040 or 045 and Principles of Math 10 or MATH 0301/0302
CPSC 141 / Integrated Software Tools / 3 / 60 / ENGL 10 or 030, Principles of Math 11 or Applications of Math 11 or MATH 0401/0402
ENGL 151 / Technical Writing I / 3 / 45 / ENGL 12 or ENGL 050
ENGL 152 / Advanced Technical Writing II / 3 / 45 / ENGL 151
GEOG 160 / Physical Geography II: Geology, Geomorphology and Soils / 3 / 90 / None
PHYS 101 / Introduction to Physics I / 3 / 90 / PHYS 11 and Principles of Math 11 (Principles of Math 12 recommended) or Math 111.
PHYS 102 / Introductory Physics II / 3 / 90 / PHYS 101

and any courses that are accepted in the Business Administration Certificate or Diploma Program.

On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of the ACE Post Degree Diploma consisting of the following:
Students must have completed B.Sc. that includes: Any first year Chemistry (6 credits)
and first year (6 credits) and second year Biology (6 credits).
Plus completion of a minimum of 375 hours of courses with a prefix of ACE and;
OCGY 208,
OCGY 209,
GEOG 204 and
270 hours of courses from the following elective list;
All other ACE courses
OCGY 210, BIOL 235, ANTH 112, ANTH xxx, GEOG 150, GEOG 160,
effective September 2005.

Meeting of December 9, 2005

On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of MGMT 100-3, Introduction to Business in Global Setting, prerequisites none, effective January 2006.
On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of MATH 149-3, Mathematics of Business, prerequisites Principles of Math 10, Math 10 or MATH 0302, effective January 2006.
On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of the addition of “enrolment in the Pre-Business Administration Program with MATH 149-3 to be taken concurrently”, as prerequisites for BCPT 150-3, Business Computers, effective January 2006.
On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of the Pre-Business Administration Certificate Program consisting of the following courses, effective January 2006:

Course # / Course Name / Prerequisites
MGMT 100-3 / Introduction to Business in Global Setting / None
MATH 149-3 / Mathematics of Business / Principles of Math 10 , Math 10 or MATH 0302
BCPT 150-3 / Business Computers / Engl 12 or ENGL 050, Principles of Math 11, Applications of Math 12 or MATH 0401/0402, or Enrolment in Pre-Business Administration with MATH 149 to be taken concurrently
BTEC 221-2 / Accounting I / Math 10 Essentials of MATH 0301/0302 and English 10 or ENGL 030
BTEC 151-3 / Business English / Math 10 Essentials of MATH 0301/0302 and English 10 or ENGL 030

On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of the amendment of the prerequisites for the following courses, effective January 2006:

ACCT 150-3 / Financial Accounting I / Engl 12 or ENGL 050, Principles of Math 11, Applications of Math 12 or MATH 0401/0402, or satisfactory completion of Pre-Business Administration Certificate Program
BLAW 152-3 / Business Law / Engl 12 or ENGL 050, Principles of Math 11, Applications of Math 12 or MATH 0401/0402, or satisfactory completion of Pre-Business Administration Certificate Program
BENG 150-3 / Business Communications / Engl 12 or ENGL 050, or satisfactory completion of Pre-Business Administration Certificate Program
MATH 150-3 / Mathematics of Finance / Engl 12 or ENGL 050, Principles of Math 11, Applications of Math 12 or MATH 0401/0402, or satisfactory completion of Pre-Business Administration Certificate Program
ECON 150-3 / Micro Economics / Engl 12 or ENGL 050, Principles of Math 11, Applications of Math 12 or MATH 0401/0402, or satisfactory completion of Pre-Business Administration Certificate Program
ECON 151-3 / Macro Economics / Engl 12 or ENGL 050, Principles of Math 11, Applications of Math 12 or MATH 0401/0402, or satisfactory completion of Pre-Business Administration Certificate Program
MARK 150-3 / Introduction to Marketing / Engl 12 or ENGL 050, Principles of Math 11, Applications of Math 12 or MATH 0401/0402, or satisfactory completion of Pre-Business Administration Certificate Program
MGMT 150-3 / Introduction to Management / Engl 12 or ENGL 050, Principles of Math 11, Applications of Math 12 or MATH 0401/0402, or satisfactory completion of Pre-Business Administration Certificate Program

Meeting of January 20, 2006

On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend the approval of the Essential Skills for Work Program consisting of the following courses, effective date of January 2006.

Course / Name / Hrs / Cr / Prerequisites
EDCP 030 / Intermediate Education and Career Planning / 75 / 4 / ENGL 020 or placement in ENGL 030
CPST 020
CPST 030 / Fundamental Computer Studies / 75 / 4 / Placement at fundamental level. Co-requisite: ENGL 020
Intermediate Computer Studies / 75 / 4 / CPST 020 or placement at the Intermediate Level
WEXP 070 / Work Experience / 90 / 3 / None

That all faculty are required to submit course outlines to the Registrar’s office electronically and by hard copy, by the second week of classes using the NWCC Course Outline template

That Education Council requires the submission of all course outlines for display on the college website.

Meeting of February 20, 2006

On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of ACCT 149-3, Accounting Essentials, prerequisites English 10 or ENGL 030, effective February 2006.

On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of BENG 149-3, Intro to Business Communication, prerequisites English 10 or ENGL 030, effective February 2006.

On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of BADM 100-1, Student Success, prerequisites none, effective February 2006.

On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of the amended Pre-Business Administration Certificate Program, with the following courses, effective February 2006.

Course / Name / Hrs / Cr / Prerequisites
BCPT 150 / Business Computers / 45 / 3 / English 12 or ENGL 050, Principles of Math 11, Applications of Math 12 or MATH 0401/0402, or Enrolment in Pre-Business Administration with MATH 149 to be taken concurrently
MATH 149 / Mathematics of Business / 45 / 3 / Principles of Math 10, Math 10 or MATH 0302
MGMT 100 / Introduction to Business in Global Setting / 45 / 3 / None
ACCT 149 / Accounting Essentials / 45 / 3 / English 10 or ENGL 030
BENG 149 / Intro to Business Communication / 45 / 3 / English 10 or ENGL 030
BADM 100 / Student Success / 15 / 1 / None

On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of the Essential Skills for Work Fundamental Certificate Program consisting of the following courses, effective January 2006:

Course / Name / Hrs / Cr / Prerequisites
EDCP 020 / Education and Career Planning / 75 / 4 / Assess at English 020
CPST 020 / Fundamental Computer Studies / 75 / 4 / Placement at the fundamental level. Co-requisite ENGL 020
WEXP 070 / Work Experience / 90 / 3 / None
EMOP 070 / Employment Options / 20 / 1 / None
CREX 070 / Career Explorations / 20 / 1 / None
INAS 070 / Individual Assessment / 20 / 1 / None

On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of the Essential Skills for Work Intermediate Certificate Program consisting of the following courses, effective January 2006:

Course / Name / Hrs / Cr / Prerequisites
EDCP 030 / Intermediate Education and Career Planning / 75 / 4 / ENGL 020 or placement in ENGL 030 or placement at the Intermediate Level
CPST 030 / Intermediate Computer Studies / 75 / 4 / CPST 020 or placement at the Intermediate Level
WEXP 070 / Work Experience / 90 / 3 / None
EMOP 070 / Employment Options / 20 / 1 / None
CREX 070 / Career Explorations / 20 / 1 / None
INAS 070 / Individual Assessment / 20 / 1 / None

On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of the numbering change of BCPT 154-3, Computerized Accounting Systems, to BCPT 254-3 effective September 2006.

On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of ANTH 211-3, Understanding Theory in Anthropology, prerequisites ANTH 101 or ANTH 102, effective February 2006.
On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of GEOG 221-3, Social Geography (Space & Society), prerequisites 3 credits first year Geography or 30 UC credits, effective February 2006.

Meeting of March 17, 2006

That Education Council recommends mandatory assessments and is seeking a plan for the implementation of the same by the next meeting of Council.

On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of SOSC 035-2.5, Intermediate Social Science – Tourism, prerequisites ENGL 020 and CPST 020, effective March 2006.
On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of ENGL 100-3, Language Skills, prerequisites none, effective March 2006.
On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of PSYC 215-3, Research Methods in Social Sciences I, prerequisites PSYC 101 and PSYC 102, effective March 2006.
On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of PSYC 216-3, Research Methods in Social Sciences II, prerequisites PSYC 101 and PSYC 102, effective March 2006.
On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of CPSC 113-3, Computer Programming with Lego Robot, prerequisites Principles of Math 11 or MATH 0401/0402, Info Tech 12 or CPSC 111, effective March 2006.
On behalf of the Articulation and Curriculum Committee, I recommend approval of WMST 203-3, Women’s Health Issues in Canada, prerequisites any one of WMST 101, WMST 102, ANTH 102, SOCI 101 or SOCI 102, effective March 2006.