/ The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Perth and Perthshire Branch

Perth &Perthshire

Membership secretary

R. Purcell

85 David Douglas Avenue

July 2018

Dear Member,

Annual Subscription – 2017/2018

I would be delighted to receive renewal of your Annual Membership Subscription of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society – Perth and Perthshire Branch for the year 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018 which is now due. Details are shown on the payment slip over.

Please complete the payment slip and send it with your cheque (made payable to RSCDS Perth & Perthshire Branch) to me at the above address or give it to any committee member.

I should be grateful if payment could be sent as soon as possible.

Edinburgh headquarters has recently updated the main web site and this now allows members on line access for ordering items at a discount from the shop. In order to get into the members section of the web site you will first have to register with the site and obtain a password. Please contact HQ directly if you have any problems logging into their site.

As all members have received a lifelong membership card, from now on cards will only be issued to new members.A tear off receipt will be returned to you as proof of membership when your subscription has been paid.

  • Donations to the Branch from Life Members are appreciated.
  • The cost of postage has increased significantly over recent years and we have been able to absorb this by distributing Highland Gateway to many members electronically. If you have an e-mail address and are happy to receive Highland Gatewayas an e-mail attachment, please indicate on your Membership Form.
  • Members that do not have e-mail will continue to receive the news letter by post.

Yours sincerely

Rhoda Purcell

Membership Secretary

Perth and Perthshire RSCDS Branch Subscription / Membership Form2017/18


Address (including postcode):

E-mail address:

I am happy to receive my copy of Highland Gateway as an e-mail attachment. Yes / No


Membership Number

Membership Category (please tick one box)

Cheques should be made payable to: RSCDS Perth & Perthshire Branch

Category / HQ Subscription / Branch Subscription / Total Subscription / Tick One Only
Adult (25+) / £20.00 / £6.00 / £26.00
Adult joint(both 25+) / £32.00 / £12.00 / £44.00
Youth(12 -17) / £10.00 / Nil / £10.00
Young Adult (18 – 24) / £16.00 / £6.00 / £22.00
Adult Single (Half year)** / £10.00 / £6.00 / £16.00
*** Branchmembership only / £6.00 / £6.00

Membership cards will only be issued to new members.One copy of the RSCDS magazine and one copy of Highland Gateway, the Branch newsletter will be sent to each household.

** Available to new members only joining from January 2018

*** Full membership must be through another branch or HQ or you must be a Life Member.

If applying for this category please name the other RSCDS branch or state Life Member.

I am a full member of …………………………………………………Branch.

Return to:RSCDS Perth & Perthshire Branch, Membership Secretary

R. Purcell, 85 David Douglas Avenue, Scone, Perth,PH2 6QQ

For official use only

Perth and Perthshire RSCDS Branch Subscription 2017/18 Membership No.

Cheque/ Cash Received from:



Registered as a Charity in Scotland No. SC024464