Annual Review & Moving on Plan

1. Not all boxes will be completed for all students. Please put N/A in those sections that are not relevant.

2. Please ensure that the data protection/sharing and storage of my data and information page, at the end of this document, is completed.

Section 1. Education & Community – About Me

School/Current Learning: / Date of Review/Transition Meeting:
Previous School: / Date of Last Annual Review/Transition Meeting:
Date of Pupil’s Admission: / Statutory Leaving Date:
Pupil/Student Name: / Date of Birth:
Pupil’s Address:
Telephone Number:
Mobile Number:
E-mail address: / Year Group:
Unique Pupil Number:
National Health Service Number:
First/Home Language:
Looked after Child Y/N:
Parent/Carer/Guardian with Parental Responsibility (1) (Full name): / Parent/Carer/Guardian with Parental Responsibility (2) (Full name):
Are they in the Armed Forces? Y/N / Are they in the Armed Forces? Y/N
Contact Address:
Home Telephone Number:
Mobile Number:
E-mail address: / Contact Address (2):
Home Telephone Number:
Mobile Number:
E-mail address:
Percentage Attendance this year: / Percentage Attendance last year: / Number of Fixed Term Exclusions in past year: / Total number of days excluded:
SEN STATUS: / Statement Y/N / School Action Plus Y/N / School Action Y/N
Current Funding Band/Supported Hours:

Section 2. Learning Difficulty Assessment (LDA)

The Learning Difficulty Assessment (LDA) is the statutory and legal document conducted under Section 139A of the Learning and Skills Act 2000. The purpose of the LDA is to identify the young person's needs and suitable Post 16 provision to meet those needs.

LDA Part a – Identifying needs and the support required to meet those needs

My Difficulties and Disabilities – (Please ☒all that apply and indicate the primary difficulty)
☐Medical and Health
☐Mental Health
☐Personal Care and Hygiene
☐Personal and Social Relationships / ☐ Personal Safety and Vulnerability
☐ Physical Difficulty/Disability
☐ Sensory Impairment
☐ Other (for example a young carer)
If other, please specify below:
Recommended additional or specialist support required to meet identified needs and access the curriculum.
(Please ☒all that apply)
☐Additional Tuition
☐In Class Support (1 to 1)
☐In Class Support (Shared)
☐Personal care support
☐Transition Mentor / ☐Independence training
☐Therapy and/or counselling
☐Ability to travel independently
☐Health/medical support
☐Speech and Language therapy
☐Social skills/behaviour management
☐Transitions Social Worker
☐Other (please specify below):
Please give any specific details of the support provision needed. For example the number of hours of 1-1 support or particular areas of the curriculum it is needed, the type and frequency of therapy, and the type of equipment (mobility, communication etc.)
Agencies that I am working with – please indicate the lead professional if applicable:
Current Report attached (within last 2 years) / Current Report attached (within last 2 years)
☐ Behaviour support worker
☐ Educational psychologists
☐ Education Welfare Service
☐ Health Professionals
☐ Learning mentor
☐ Looked After Children Service
☐ Mental Health Specialists / Yes

☐ / No

☐ / ☐ Physiotherapy service
☐ Sensory impairment service
☐ Social Services
☐ Speech and language therapy
☐ Youth Engagement Team
☐ Youth Offending Team
☐Other - if other, please specify below: / Yes

☐ / No

LDA Part b – Identifying the type of learning programme, type of additional support and the type of provider to meet the needs identified in part 1.

Description of the type of learning programme required that will enable me to work towards achieving my goals, progress towards greater independence and meet my personal and individual needs (learning, health, social care, vocational). Include short and long term goals:
Type of provision identified as the most appropriate to meet my personal and individual needs (name of the Provider and the Learning Programme); including reasons why, where my needs cannot be met locally (include what local provision has been considered): Please note that this is a recommendation and does not constitute an agreement that placement will be made at the identified provision. Placement is subject to agreement by the Local Authority and in consultation with the appropriate provisions who will advise if they can meet the young person’s needs.
Student / Parent/Carer / School
Continue education at the current school in post 16 provision
Continue education at a different school in post 16 provision
Continue education at a local Further Education College (FE College)
Continue Education at an Alternative Learning Provider
Apprenticeship or other training
Continuing in education at a specialist day or residential specialist college (ISP)
Has a provision been secured?
☐Yes ☐ No
If NO, what action needs to be taken and who is responsible for this action?

LDA Part C – Predicted Level of Support needed by me at my Post16/19 Placement

Please indicate☒the predicted level of support needed by this Young Person in Post-16 provision:
Level One: this Young Person requires additional support >£5K and <£19K that will be funded from the Additional Learning Support available to Post 16/19 placements (further education college or work related learning placement) as part of their allocation from the Education Funding Agency (EFA) / ☐
Level Two: this Young person requires a higher level of support >£19K, with the additional costs above £19K, negotiated on their behalf with a Post 16/19 placement (further education college or work related learning placement) and funded by the Learner’s with Learning Difficulties or Disabilities (LLDD) Specialist Placement Budget from the EFA. / ☐
Level Three: this Young Person requires a Specialist Placement with both programme of learning and support negotiated on their behalf and funded as part of the LLDD Specialist Placement budget from the EFA, which includes provision at Independent Specialist Providers (ISPs) where this Young Person’s needs cannot be met locally. / ☐

Section 3. Summary of My Support Needs through transition and Post 16 Provision.

Transition Support Required due to the following reasons (please☒as appropriate or put N/A in those sections that are not relevant)

Describe any particular strategies that have been successful up till now.
Complex Needs: Y/N
☐Behavioural Difficulty / ☐Carer / ☐Sensory Impairment / ☐Medical/Physical Difficulties
☐Learning Difficulty (MLD or SpLD or other).
Please specify: / ☐Considered Vulnerable – (CAF/TAC) / ☐Mental Health Difficulties / ☐Social Communication/ Interaction Difficulties
☐Attention /Concentration Difficulties / ☐Child in Care/Care Leaver / ☐YOT/YES Involvement / ☐Other criteria (please specify):
Which Services/Teams have you used in the past 5 years: / Current / Continuing
Disabled Children’s Team / ☐ / ☐
Targeted Mental Health Service – Tier 2 / ☐ / ☐
Core CAMHS (Marlborough House) – Tier 3 / ☐ / ☐
Learning Disability CAMHS / ☐ / ☐
What Access to Exam Arrangements have been in place. (Please attach Form 8 or relevant Access Arrangements Report)
☐Additional time (%age) / ☐Word Processor / ☐Separate Room
☐Reader / ☐Prompt / Other (please specify)
☐Scribe / ☐Modified Papers
Support Need / Future Provision
Description of support that I may need in the future to achieve my goals:
Support needed to keep me fit and healthy
Support needed to help me communicate clearly and appropriately to others
Support needed to help me keep safe and be in the right place at the right time
Support needed to help me when I am using money
Support needed to help me when I move around or use different types of transport
Are current travel arrangements appropriate? Yes/No
If No, please state what the difficulties are: / ☐Yes ☐ No
Support needed to help me when I need to make decisions
Special Equipment and support needed so that I can access all appropriate opportunities
Support that I will need next year, throughout my transition and at my next placement.
Support needed to help me with everyday things like washing, dressing, eating, shopping, cooking, domestic skills etc.
Mental Capacity Act 2005
Am I aged 16 or over and do I have a condition that affects my mental capacity to make particular decisions for myself?
After an assessment of my mental capacity, it was agreed that I do not yet have the capacity to make the following decisions which will be made on my behalf in my best interests (please list and attach evidence of capacity assessment and best interests decision-making):
When and how will my capacity assessments be reviewed?
Has anyone been appointed to make decisions on my behalf under the Mental Capacity Act or should this be considered?
By Me (if I am over 18)
Lasting Power of Attorney for Property and Financial Affairs
Lasting Power of Attorney for Health and Welfare / ☐Yes ☐ No ☐To be arranged
☐Yes ☐ No ☐To be arranged
By the Court of Protection
Court of Protection Deputy for Property and Financial Affairs
Court of Protection Deputy for Personal Welfare / ☐Yes ☐ No ☐To be arranged
☐Yes ☐ No ☐To be arranged
Do I need the support of an Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA) / ☐Yes ☐ No ☐To be arranged
If you think you will need support from Adult Services after you are 18, please fill in this section.
Finding things to do in the day – what plans do you have and what do you think you will need support with?
Getting a paid job / ☐
Getting a paid job with training / ☐
Volunteering/work experience / ☐
Social & Leisure activities / ☐
Short breaks (respite) / ☐
Other (please state) / ☐
What plans do have about where you will live after you are 18?
For up to 3 years
(18-21) / For up to 5 years
(18-23) / Over 5 years
Live with my family / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
Live with others:
e.g. shared house, flat in supported complex / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
Live on my own:
e.g. rented house or flat, shared ownership / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
Other (please state)
e.g. Shared Lives Scheme, residential care / ☐ / ☐ / ☐

Section 4. Annual Review and Moving On Plan

My Meeting in more detail.

Current Summary of Needs:
People who support me:
People who have contributed to my Annual Review and Moving On Plan. / Invited / Attended / Report attached
Pupil / ☐Yes ☐ No / ☐Yes ☐ No / ☐Yes ☐ No
Parent/Carer(s) / ☐Yes ☐ No / ☐Yes ☐ No / ☐Yes ☐ No
☐Yes ☐ No / ☐Yes ☐ No / ☐Yes ☐ No
☐Yes ☐ No / ☐Yes ☐ No / ☐Yes ☐ No
☐Yes ☐ No / ☐Yes ☐ No / ☐Yes ☐ No
☐Yes ☐ No / ☐Yes ☐ No / ☐Yes ☐ No
List of Professionals/Agencies to receive this form
Only involve Agencies who will be involved in the Transition Process:
Y/N / Comments
Transition Social Work Team (SEQOL) / ☐Yes ☐ No
Educational Psychologist / ☐Yes ☐ No
Youth Engagement Worker/Service / ☐Yes ☐ No
College (specify which College) / ☐Yes ☐ No
Learning Disability Service (LD CAHMS) / ☐Yes ☐ No
☐Yes ☐ No
☐Yes ☐ No
☐Yes ☐ No
More About Me: My Views
What I am good at
What I find difficult
What I am worried about
What is important to me





Progress against Objectives in the Statement of Special Education Needs

Learning Objective / How being met & Targets set / Remaining Difficulties
My Parents’/Carers’ contribution:
My School’s contribution:
Contributions from other Professionals
Summary of Professionals; comments if no report attached:
Any other contributions, information, advice, guidance or significant changes:

My Statement Provision – a review

Is the current provision including National curriculum, or arrangements substituted for it, appropriate to the student’s needs?
School funding (hours/lessons):
LA funding (hours/lessons):
Describe how this has been used – successful/unsuccessful:
Maintain the current Statement Y/N / ☐Yes ☐ No
Review of the wording of the Statement.
An annotated copy of the recommendations to the Statement should be attached.
Any recommendations for significant changes to part 2, 3 or 4 must be evidence based and supported by relevant assessments and/or professional reports.

Review of Current Statement

Statement Review of Section 1: Introduction and General Information:
☐The details on Part 1 are still correct
☐See attached Statement showing the amended details for Part 1
Statement Review of Section 2: Special Education Needs – About Me:
☐The whole of Part 2 is still an accurate and true picture of the student’s needs
☐See attached Statement showing the amended details for Part 2
Statement Review of Section 3A: Provision – Objectives
☐The objectives section is still relevant to the student’s needs as specified in Part 2
☐See attached Statement showing the necessary amendments to the objectives section
Statement Review of Section 3B: Provision should include:
☐The provision section is still relevant to the student’s needs as specified in Part 2
☐See attached Statement showing the necessary amendments to the provision section
Statement Review of Section 3C: Monitoring:
☐The monitoring section is still relevant to the student’s needs
☐See attached Statement showing the necessary amendments to the monitoring section
Statement Review of Section 4: Placement: Is the School placement still appropriate?
☐Yes ☐ No
Reasons why:
Statement Review of Section 5: Non-Educational Needs:
☐Part 5 is still relevant to the student’s needs as specified in Part 2
☐See attached Statement showing the necessary amendments to the non-educational needs section
Statement Review of Section 6: Non-Educational Provision:
☐Part 6 is still relevant to the student’s needs as specified in Part 2
☐See attached Statement showing the necessary amendments to the non-educational provision section
Details of any further actions (This section is relevant for all students):
Agency / Nature of Action / By Whom (provide name of Lead Professional) / When
Health Professionals
Social Services Professionals
Education Professionals
SIGNED: Headteacher/Responsible Teacher:
Returned to: SEN Assessment Team, Sanford House, Sanford Street, Swindon, SN1 1QH / ☐Yes ☐ No

The Protection, Sharing and Storage of My Data and Information.

Please ensure this document is completed to allow sharing of information

Signatures are required to meet legal requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998

I (……………..…….….) and my parents/carers require that all agencies and organisations work together collaboratively and in partnership to support me. This includes the sharing of data and information about me with all agencies and organisations where it is appropriate and in my best interests, even where it has been marked Strictly Confidential.
I (…………………….) and my parents/carers agree that, where these actions are in my best interests, both my data and information about me may be electronically recorded and used by agencies/organisations for all appropriate purposes (including to aid communication, assessment and information sharing) and that this information may be stored and shared in a secure electronic format with appropriate agencies/organisations.
These statements are to remain in force until formally revoked by myself and my parent/carer(s).
Agreed, Confirmed and Dated:……………………………………………………….
Signed Student (where appropriate): …………………………………………………………………………
Signed Person(s) with Parental Responsibility: …………………………………….
Data Protection Act 1998.
The information you provide on this form will be used by Swindon Borough Council and its partners, to help plan and monitor the services it provides.
The information you provide on this form, along with information held by other agencies (even where marked strictly confidential) will be shared with and used with other agencies as service providers, only where appropriate and where in the above named student’s best interests.