REPORT PERIOD Jan. 1, 2007 – Dec. 31, 2007


NameRankFull or Part-Time



C. Professional Preparation


CollegeUniversityDate Awarded

  1. If above degree is not a terminal one, semester hours completed beyond this degree ______
  1. If working toward a degree, what degree? ______
  1. Amount of work completed since previous report ______

D.Service to the University

  1. Department committees
  1. College committees
  1. University committees
  1. Administrative responsibilities
  1. Graduate student committees served on:
  1. Examination committee ______
  2. Thesis committee ______
  1. Number of masters theses supervised ______
  1. Number of graduate advisees ______

8. Undergraduate advisor___ Yes ___ No ____ # of advisees

  1. Proposals prepared for outside funding.
  1. Curriculum development
  1. Other

E.Service to the profession

  1. Membership in professional associations
  1. Professional meetings attended
  1. Offices held in professional associations
  1. Committees of professional associations
  1. Editorial Board and/or reviewer


F.Service to the community

  1. Continuing education
  2. Correspondence courses taught
  1. Extension courses taught (list courses and where)
  1. Workshops (state whether director or participant)
  1. Courses for CEU
  1. Other
  1. Service as a consultant
  1. Professionally related leadership roles in community organizations
  1. Association with professional groups in business, education, government, industry and trade.
  1. Other.
  1. Other alliances for practice, service or scholarship.
  1. Scholarly and/or Creative Activities
  1. Scholarship: Completed in the 2007 calendar year.

Grants: Any external funding to the department for research, training, and contracted services during the report period.

Journal Articles: Any article published in peer reviewed or non-peer reviewed journals during the report period.

a)Peer reviewed

b)Non-peer reviewed


Books: Any book published during the report period.

Chapters: Any published chapters in a book during the report period.

Presentations: Any local, state, or national presentation during the report period.

Other: Any other completed scholarship during the report period, including, but not limited to, abstract, edited issue of a journal, magazine article, monograph, newsletter article, technical or research report, dissertations, book reviews, electronic media, audiovisual media.

  1. Scholarship: Submitted (not published or presented this report year)

Follow the APA format guidelines indicated above for scholarship during the report period.


Journal Articles

a)Peer Reviewed




b)Non-peer reviewed



a)Peer Reviewed

b)Non-peer reviewed



a)Peer Reviewed

(1)Data Analysis Skills to Measure Occupational Performance

(2)Use of Learning Styles to Teach Occupation-Based Practice

(3)Design and Evaluation of Small Group Assignments



  1. Scholarship: Planned Submissions and Scholarship in Progress

Indicate below scholarship in progress, outcomes toward which you are working.

There is no specified format. (DO NOT duplicate any previously listed work)

  1. Continuing Education Workshops/Conferences/Home Study Courses:



Follow the APA format guidelines shown after each category.

Grants: Any external funding to the Department for research, training, and contracted services during report period.

Format: project title; agency; name of project Director or Principal Investigator;

Name(s) of Project Co-Director or Co-Investigator; funding amount over grant; funding amount to EKU occupational therapy department over grant.

Journal Articles: Any article published in peer reviewed or non-peer reviewed journals during the report period.

Format example from APA: Author, B.B., & Author, C.C. (2001). Title of article.

Title of Periodical, volume, start page number-end page number.

Books: Any book published during the report period.

Format example from APA: Author, A.A. & Author, B.B. (2001). Title of Chapter In A. Editor, B. Editor, & C. Editor (Eds.), Title of book (pp. xxx-xxx).

Location: Publisher.

Presentations: Any local, state, regional, or national presentation during the report period.

Format example: Presenter, A., presenter, B.B., & Presenter, C.C. (2001, month).

Title of presentation. Paper presented at name of organization/association, City, State.