Bosham Parish Council
Tel: 01243 576464 5th February 2015
Date and time of meeting: / Wednesday 11th February 2015 at 6.45pmVenue: / The Bosham Centre, Recreation Ground, Walton Lane
Members of the
Planning Committee: / Mr A Johnstone [Chairman], Mr A Chapman, Mrs J Copsey, Mr J Holloway, Mrs G Powell and Mr C Whitmore Jones
Members are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE
to transact the business detailed below:-
Members of the Public and Press are welcome and encouraged to attend
1. To receive apologies for absence.
2. To receive declarations of interest by Councillors on any of the agenda items below.
3. To confirm and sign the Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held 14th January 2015 (previously issued)
4. To consider matters arising from previous Minutes not covered elsewhere on the agenda
5. To consider responses to Planning Applications which have been submitted to Chichester District Council and to delegate to the Parish Clerk to respond to each application in accordance with the Parish Council’s resolution.
Note: Before the Committee considers individual applications; the Chairman of the Planning Committee may invite Members of the Public present at the meeting if they wish to address the Committee with their views on any of the applications listed on the agenda.
5.1 / 14/04280/FUL Mr & Mrs T Martell, Five Elms Stumps Lane Bosham West SussexDemolition of 2 dwellings and the construction of 2 replacement dwellings.
5.2 / 15/00020/DOM Mrs S Waring, Greengate Bosham Lane Bosham Chichester - Proposed replacement garage.
5.3 / 15/00047/TPA Mr Chris Hitching, Burneside Westbrook Field Bosham Chichester - Re-pollard back to old wound points at 5m on 26 no. Poplar trees (1-7, 9-13 and 15 - 28). Crown lift off the garage to give a 1m clearance on 1 no. Monterey Cypress tree (8). All trees within Group, G1 subject to BO/89/00062/TPO and Group, G1 subject to BO/08/00168/TPO
5.4 / 15/00058/TPA Mr Chris McRae - Water Willow Westbrook Field Bosham Chichester
Crown reduce by 2m (all round) and crown lift by up to 3m (above ground level) on 1no. Oak tree (T2). Crown reduce by 3m (all round) and crown lift by up to 3m (above ground level) on 1no. Oak tree (T3). Both subject to BO/73/00047/TPO.
5.5 / 14/04309/FUL Mr David W Langmead, Ham Farm Main Road Bosham West Sussex - Erection of poly-tunnels for horticultural crops.
5.6 / 15/00067/DOM Mr & Mrs H Seaborn, 4 Tuffs Hard Bosham Hoe Bosham Chichester - Single storey rear extension. Enlargement of existing garage.
5.7 / 15/00068/DOM Mr & Mrs M Bromeley-Martin, 3 Tuffs Hard Bosham Hoe Bosham Chichester - First floor extension to existing single storey extension. New ground floor rear extension.
5.8 / 15/00130/DOM Mr A Medina, Brooklyn Cottage Moreton Road Bosham Chichester - Alterations and extension to ancillary building.
5.9 / 14/04066/FUL Trustees Of The Hamblin Trust, The Hamblin Vision, Bosham House Main Road Bosham Chichester - Erection of 6 no. holiday retreat lodges.
5.10 / 15/00195/TCA Mr Andrew Lawford, Plovers 3 Church Meadow Bosham Chichester - Notification of intention to crown reduce by 2m on 1 no. Oak tree (T1) and by 3m on 1 no. Birch tree (T2)
5.11 / 15/00226/FUL Mrs S Dickens, Old Smugglers Smugglers Lane Bosham West Sussex - Replacement dwelling.
5.12 / 15/00280/DOM Mr William Mathers, 3 Adelaide Terrace Bosham Lane Bosham West Sussex - Demolition of existing garages & boat store. Replacement garage & boat store.
5.13 / 15/00284/TPA Mrs Henrietta Curry, Watersmeet Smugglers Lane Bosham Chichester - Reduce limbs on south sector (overhanging building) by 2m on 1 no. Pine tree (T1). Reduce by 3m (large lower limbs all round) on 1 no. Pine tree (T2). Both subject to BO/91/00069/TPO. Fell 1 no. Oak tree (T3) subject to BO/81/00058/TPO.
6. To note decisions confirmed by Chichester District Council
6.1 / 14/01911/FUL Mr Alan Chapman, Land To The North Of Bosham Station Ratham Lane Bosham West Sussex - New 4-bed detached two storey house with attached single garage.REFUSE
6.2 / 14/03624/FUL Mr And Mrs N Andrews, Tara Smugglers Lane Bosham Chichester West Sussex PO18 8QW - Replacement house and garage/garden store as previously approved.
6.3 / 14/03850/DOM Mr Michael Young, Strange Hall South Walton Lane Bosham Chichester West Sussex PO18 8QB - Erection of a professionally built summerhouse in garden.
6.4 / 14/03907/DOM Mr & Mrs S Williams, Sardell Delling Lane Bosham Chichester West Sussex PO18 8NR - Single storey full width extension.
6.5 / 14/04010/FUL JC And TC Hewitt, Fletchers Barn Old Park Lane Bosham Chichester West Sussex PO18 8EY - Variation of conditions 5,6 and 11, relating to BO/12/03032/COU.
6.6 / 14/03890/DOM Mrs Maria Sandeman, Manor Lodge Bosham Lane Bosham Chichester PO18 8HP - Demolition of previous side extension and garage. Construction of new contemporary 2 storey extension and garden annex.
6.7 / 14/04103/DOM Mr Alan Hall, Whitebeams Sunnyway Bosham Chichester West Sussex PO18 8HQ - Proposed replacement garage with store over.
6.8 / 14/04258/TCA Mr Andrew Lanford, Plovers 3 Church Meadow Bosham Chichester West Sussex PO18 8HW - Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Monterey Pine tree.
6.9 / 14/04268/TPA Mr Andrew Lanford, Plovers 3 Church Meadow Bosham Chichester West Sussex PO18 8HW - Fell 1 no. Sycamore tree (T1) subject to BO/95/00077/TPO.
7. Enforcement Action/Appeals
8. Affordable/Social housing Committee
9. Major Local Development
10. To note the date of the next planning meeting
Signed: Lisa Roberts
Lisa Roberts - Clerk to the Council
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Bosham Parish Council, The Bosham Centre, Recreation Ground, Walton Lane, Bosham, PO18 8QF
Tel: 01243 576464 E-mail: