PROGRAM FACULTY: Kristi Maruska, Roberta Moorhouse, Shayne Narjes, Sara Wilfahrt
College Mission:
South Central College provides accessible higher education to promote student growth and regional economic development.
Institutional Goals (Supported):Institutional Core Competencies Supported:
1.Appreciative Inquiry Culture1.Civic knowledge and engagement
2.Quality Education2.Intercultural knowledge and competence
3.Partnerships & Collaboration3.Ethical reasoning and action
4.Marketing & Branding4.Foundations and skills for lifelong learning
5.Holistic Learner Services5.Teamwork and problem-solving
6.Analysis and inquiry
7.Critical and creative thinking
8.Written and oral communication
Our mission is to foster the success of our marketing students and their communities through innovative, flexible learning opportunities for people of all ages, backgrounds, and aspirations resulting in self-fulfillment and competitiveness in an increasingly global society. Marketing is a vast, dynamic field where we train people for a multitude of professions.
Learning Outcomes / Means of Assessment / Criteria for Success / Assessment Results / Use of Results1.Students will manage human resources effectively / Faculty developed Internship Assessment rubric / 80% of students will score at least 4.0 (“good”) on a 1-5 likert scale / What are the findings (data here) / How will interpretations of the data (from your bi-annual discussions) be used to change pedagogy, course mapping, curriculum, etc.
2. Students will apply business related technology / Retail Merchandising NOCTI standardized exam / 80% of students will receive 85% or higher on portions of the NOCTI exam relevant to this outcome
3. Students will develop and deliver professional presentations / Retail Merchandising NOCTI standardized exam / 80% of students will receive 85% or higher on portions of the NOCTI exam relevant to this outcome
4. (SCC Outcome) Written and Oral Communication: Communicate effectively in a range of social, academic, and professional contexts using a variety of means, including written, oral, numeric/quantitative, graphic, and visual modes of communication.
5. Operational Goals
Persistence: Maintain student persistence at or above the college desired targets.
Graduate Placement: Maintain graduate placement at or above college target levels.
Student Satisfaction Level: Maintain student, employer, and graduate satisfaction at appropriate levels.
Collegiate Core Competencies: Support SCC Core Competencies through pedagogy and curriculum. / 5a. Review annual program student persistence
5b. Review Graduate Placement rates
5c.Review results of annual college-wide surveys
5d.Review summary of course instructor evaluations (average of all course instructor evaluations – not individual results) – will be available for FY15.
5e. Review employer survey of graduates and/or internships.
5f. Review alumni survey results. Data for this metric will begin to be collected for programs during program review in FY15.
5g. Review and identify areas where SCC core competencies are supported within the program.
5h. Review program/course supported engagement in campus and external community initiatives and activities and survey of students attending events (e.g. diversity initiatives, global conference/global committee activities, special conferences, campus speakers, classroom guest speakers, etc.). / 5a. Persistence at or above 66.2%.
5b. 87.9% of graduates will be employed in their field of study within twelve months of graduation.
5c. Student satisfaction with will average 5.5 or higher on SSI scales ‘Instructional Effectiveness’ and ‘Concern for the Individual’. CCSSE benchmark scores for ‘Active/Collaborative Learning (AL)’, ‘Student Effort (SE)’, ‘Academic Challenge (AC)’, and ‘Student-Faculty Interaction (SFI)’ will be greater than 50.
5d. Student evaluation will rate average course organization and management, and average instructor performance as 5 or greater. Not available until FY15.
5e. Employer response to overall satisfaction will average at least a 2.5 on a 1 to 3 Likert scale.
5f. Graduate scores for ‘Overall my education prepared me for employment in my field’ will average at least a 2.5 on a 1 to 3 Likert scale.
5g. 100% of SCC core competencies are supported through pedagogy and/or curriculum within the program.
5h. xx% of students attending program/course supported engagement initiatives indicate value/benefit gained through attendance of the event/activity/speaker/ conference/etc. / 5a. Goal met. Persistence rate for Fall 2012 cohort was 75% and 100% for full and part-time students, respectively.
5b. Goal not met. Placement rate for FY13 graduates was 81%
5c. Goal partially met. 2012 Student satisfaction for SSI IE and CI was 5.43 and 5.62, respectively. 2011 CCSSE scores for AL, SE, AC and SFI were 55.3, 46.8, 44.4, and 69.2, respectively.
5d. Tabled for FY15 report.
5e. Goal not met. Employer satisfaction is 2.24 (2004).
5f. Tabled for FY15 report.
5g. Institutional core competencies are assessed across the college on a rotation. The current Marketing Management degree curriculum supports 100% of SCC core competencies.
5h. / Note: Employer satisfaction data is 10 years old. Updated data will be available when the program next has a formal Program Review
Initiatives for next cycle with budgetary implications:
Item / Cost ($) / Justification (you may copy/past from the “Use of Results Column” above)Total Assessment Request / See Annual Program Assessment & Effectiveness Report
Note: Attach all standardized testing reports, if applicable, to this document.
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