Camp Waskowitz – Region 10 Spring Rendezvous

Pre-Workshop: CIG Agenda (instructor’s draft only)

April 9, 10, 11, & 12

Day 1: Sunday, April 9

8:00 AM What To Expect (Paula Cline-Jones)


Instructor introductions

Classroom logistics:

Start times

Facility locations


Materials (checklist)

Ground rules

Student introductions (ice-breaker)

Personal Goals

Workshop Objectives and Requirements

9:00 BREAK

9:15 Who Are Interpretive Guides/History of Interpretation

Interpretation as a Profession

History of NAI

10:00 BREAK

10:15 Principles of Interpretation (Ian Sampson)

Interpretation Defined

Tilden’s 6

Cable & Beck’s 15

“What It All Boils Down To” (inside ‘Program Development’ section)

12:00 LUNCH

1:00 Meanings and Relevance (Sharon M. & Paula C-J)

Portals to Stewardship (Social Marketing inside ‘Program Development’ section) (Paula)

Tangibles/Intangibles (inside ‘Program Development’ section) (Sharon)

NPS Interpretive Equation (inside ‘Program Development’ section) (Sharon)

Interpretive Opportunities (Sharon)

The Interpretive Approach, A First Look (inside ‘Program Development’ section) (Paula)

2:00 BREAK

2:15 Know Your Resource (Paula C-J)

Know Your Material

Balanced Information

Giving Credit

Design Research Plan

3:00 BREAK

3:15 Outside Activity (Ian Sampson)

4:00 Work on Written Exam (Sharon, Ian, Paula present for guidance)

Students form study groups (if class size warrants small groups)

5:00 Adjourn for the day

Instructors will meet in the evening (time TBA) to discuss the day and make adjustments as needed in the agenda.

Day 2: Monday, April 10

8:00AM Program Development (Paula C-J)

Interpretive Approach (POETRY) (inside ‘Program Development’ section)

Themes (inside ‘Program Development’ section)

Goals and Objectives (inside ‘Program Development’ section)

9:00 BREAK

9:15 Creative People (Paula C-J) (inside ‘Program Development’ section)

10:00 BREAK

10:15 Know Your Audience (p. 15–20, and 23 new workbook) (Ian Sampson)

Audience Motivation

Maslow’s Hierarchy

How People Process Information

Learning Styles

12:00 LUNCH

1:00 Interpretation is Organized (Sharon Morse) (p.45 – 50)

Introductions, Body, Conclusions (inside ‘Program Development’ section)

Instructions for the Presentation Outline (inside ‘Program Development’ section)

Presentation Outline (inside ‘Program Development’ section)

2:00 Issues For Interpreters (Sharon Morse)

Audience Evaluation (inside ‘Knowing Your Audience’ p. 21-22)

Interpreganda, Interpretainment, Interpretorture

“What’s Hot, What’s Not”

“Guest Bill of Rights”

3:00 BREAK

3:15 Outside Activity (Sharon Morse)

4:00 Work on Written Exam and Outline

5:00 Adjourn for the day

Instructor’s meeting (time TBA)

Day 3: Tuesday, April 11

8:00AM Program Delivery

Questioning/Response Strategies (Sharon Morse)

Informal Interpretation (Sharon Morse)

9:00 BREAK

9:15 Gimmicks/ Gadgets (Ian Sampson)

Overcoming Fear (Ian Sampson)

10:00 BREAK

10:15 Outside Activity/Icebreaker (Pat Barry)

12:00 LUNCH

1:00 Individual counseling to go over presentation outlines (All )

(Students will be working on written exam and/or presentation outline if not in counseling session)

3:00 BREAK

3:15 Your Voice (Pat Barry)

Non-Verbal Communication (Pat Barry)

4:00 FREE TIME (to buff up outlines and turn them in, finish written test, whatever is left to do to prepare for presentations tomorrow.)

5:00 Adjourn for the day

Instructor Meeting if needed, time TBA

Day 4: Wednesday, April 12

8:00 Last minute prep for presentations

Turn in written exams and outlines

9:00 Presentations

When Presentations are completed --Networking, and Fond Farewells!