Continuous Course Enhancement for Academic Year 2017/18

Collaborative Provision(UK and International)

Course pro forma

For UK Partnership: To be uploaded to SharePoint by Tuesday 23rd October 2018

For International Partners: To be submitted electronically to AQaSU () byTuesday 23rd October 2018

This report should be completed by the Partner Institution Course Team.

Reports should be succinct, reflective and evaluative, with a focus on enhancing the delivery of the overall course. This report should be informed by the following formal pieces of information previous year’s annual monitoring report, any course approval/interim review/PCR report for your course, course statistics, SSLC minutes, NSS, External Examiner reports , collaborative visit reports, as well as any information gained by a more informal mechanism.

Name of Partner Institution
Title of Course(s)
(List all applicable target awards)
Course Leader’s Name

1.Previous Year Action Plans and Response to Recommendations

a)Progress on achieving actions/outcomes identified in previous year’s report.

Insert last year’s updated action plan, detailing how you have achieved the actions, or if actions are still ongoing

b)If this is the FIRST year of operation, or if your course has undergone interim review or periodic course review, you must respond to any recommendations set by the Panel.

c)If this is the FINAL year of operation, please comment on how the student experience has been managed.

2.Course Team Collaboration (please provide a brief outline of how the course team has collaborated to produce this report)

Note:In sections 3-10, please identify both strengths and areas for improvement. Actions taken/planned should be identified also on the attached action grid

3.Teaching, Learning and Assessment Approaches

Please comment on how the course team approach and deliver learning and teaching in relation to the following areas. Outline any enhancements/actions required.

Pedagogy (comment on how programme teaching approaches engage students)

Learning Environment (comment on how the course team utilises physical learning resources and digital learning spaces to enhance student engagement)

Accessibility and Inclusion (comment on how the course team pro-actively considers accessibility for all of our students and delivers an inclusive curriculum)

Assessment strategy (including formative assessment) (comment on how the course team have considered the assessment strategy at programme level, including the provision of feedback/forward)

Curriculum (comment on how(if appropriate ) the curriculum has been developed so that it remains relevant, challenging and engaging)

Employability and Enterprise (comment on how the programme develops graduate attributes such as employability, further study or enterprise pathways for students)

Please outline any further enhancements planned in the above areas.

4.Course Statistics

For UK Partnership: course statistics can be located on your Quality Partner Institution SharePoint site.

Access the relevant Partner Institution from the top tabs and then select ‘statistical information’ from the left hand navigation bar

For International Partnership: course statistics will have been sent to the named contact for the institution by the agreed deadlines.

Referring to the statistical data provided, please comment on trends in progression, completion and attainment rates , particularly commenting on interventions that have resulted in improvements or circumstances that have resulted in downward trends.

Please refer to the further breakdown of this data by student characteristic (ethnicity, age gender etc) and comment on trends and actions that may need to be taken by the course team or others

Enhancements made:


5. Student Voice and Course Team Responses:

a)Feedback via programme/ module review, SSLC’s and other informal mechanisms:

Please provide a commentary on the issues raised by students within SSLC’s, mid and end of module review, and any other informal feedback processes utilized and how these have been responded to. Please outline any good practice in collating student feedback


Please provide a commentary on the results of the 2018 NSS survey, identifying good practice that is leading to positive feedback and areas that need further focus

NSS 2018

Teaching on my course
Learning Opportunities
Assessment and Feedback
Academic support
Organisation and Management
Learning Resources
Learning Community
Student Voice
Overall Satisfaction


6.External Examiners' Comments/Reports:

What comments were made by External Examiners? What action was taken or not taken in response? Reasons should be given for any action not taken.Provide a response to all recommendations (Essential/ Advisable/ Desirable) given by the External Examiner Where students are being assessed for ‘fitness to practise’, please comment on any issues raised.

Enhancements made:


7.Learning resources:

  1. Please comment on physical and digital resources e.g. library, IT, teaching accommodation, specialist facilities and staffing, including, where relevant, those in placement situations.
  1. Comment on the deployment of staffing to support the student learning.? (comment on what is working well with the team as well as areas that impact on achieving threshold standards)

Enhancements made:


  1. Minimum Presence on eLearn space (Blackboard or equivalent):

Please provide confirmation that all modules contributing to the courses are consistent and comply with the Minimum Presence on eLearn space Policy. Where issues are identified, you should state the module and issue below and inform your School Quality Lead.

8.Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies

Have any significant visits / accreditations / issues or exempltions been sought / awarded this year?

9.Commendations / Practice that has led to significant enhancements in the areas identified in question 3

Please detail any aspects of commendations / impactful practice within your course

10.Commentary on Partnership Liaison

How effective has liaison been with the University?

Enhancements made:


Please provide a list of all visits made either to UCLan or from UCLan colleagues. These may include staff development events, network meetings or meetings by UCLan colleagues with Partner colleagues or students.

11.Any other information: (eg external reviews, commendations/innovative practice, student achievements, employer/professional body liaison and opinion, placement, staff development, alumni feedback)

12.UK Partners only:

In order to meet the guidance of the QAA Code of Practice (Part B, Chapter 10: Managing Higher Education Provision with others) with respect to the monitoring of publicity materials, Partners are required to submit all course level publicity materials alongside this reportfor consideration by the University.

Please tick the box to confirm that these have been submitted alongside the report (or weblinks detailed below). If materials are not submitted then please explain why, and how these will be submitted to the University:

For INTERNATIONAL Partners only: The International Office will have sent a separate request for information

Report completed by: / Date:


(following review of course operation in 2017/18)

(NB: Actions listed below should be in line with those identified in the body of the report. More than 6 issues may be identified)

Issue / Activity / Activity Lead
(eg Course Leader /
Head of School) / Target / Date Target to be achieved / Update
(as actions are completed)