Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Littledean Parish Council held on8thMay 2017at Littledean Community Centre at 7.00pm.
Councillors: H Broughton, J Wozencroft,J Woodward, N Breeden, K Wallis, R Hawkins, D Hawthorne. County Councillor R Boyles, District Councillor B O’Neill. The meeting was chaired by Councillor Broughton. The minutes were taken by the Parish Clerk.
- Apologies
There were no apologies received.
- Election of chair
It was proposed by Ray Hawkins and seconded by Janet Woodward that Henry Boughton be nominated for the position of Chairman. No other nominations were made. Councillor Boughton accepted the nomination and it was resolved that he be appointed Chairman.
- Election of Vice-Chair
It was proposed by Neal Breeden and seconded by Dave Hawthorne that Peter Adams be nominated for the position of Vice-Chairman.
It was proposed by Janet Woodward and seconded by Ray Hawkins that Julie Wozencroft be nominated for the position of Vice-Chairman.
A vote took place by a show of hands upon which it was resolved that Councillor Adams be appointed Vice-Chairman.
- Declarations of Acceptance
The Chairman and Vice-Chairman signed their Declarations of Acceptance of Office in the presence of the Proper Officer to the Council.
- Code of Conduct
It was agreedto adopt the Code of Conduct for Councillors, with no amendments. There were no new Councillors needing to sign forms.
- Standing Orders & Financial Regulations
The Standing Orders and the Financial Regulations were reviewed and it was agreed to accept them with no amendments.
- Committee Arrangements
It was agreed that the current delegation arrangements should remain unchanged.
- Committee Terms of Reference
It was resolved to leave the terms of reference for the committees unchanged.
- Existing Committees
It was resolved to re-appoint members of the committees as they stand.
Committee / MembersSafety & Staffing / Councillors Adams, Wozencroft. Hawkins and Wallis
Burial Board / Councillor Breeden
Allotment Advisory / Councillors Boughton, Breeden, Adams and Hawkins
Highways Sub-Committee / Councillors Boughton, Adams, Beeden and Wallis
- New Committees
It was resolved that no new Committees needed to be formed.
- External bodies
It was resolved that the Council will be represented as follows for 2017/18:
External Body / RepresentativeParish Charities / Councillors Boughton, Adams and Wallis
Littledean Community Association / Councillor Woodward
Forestry Commission / Councillor Wallis
20 is Plenty / Councillor Breeden
Boar Committee Meetings / Councillor Breeden
It was confirmed that Council does not attend any other regular external meetings.
- Asset inventory
It was resolved to accept the inventory of land and assets without change – a copy is attached to the signed minutes. This will be altered next year to reflect the JPAG Guidelines with reference to Community Assets.
- Risk Assessment
The Risk Management control were reviewed and it was resolved to accept them without change.
- Insurance cover
It was noted that insurance cover will be due for review in 2018
- Memberships
No Councillors currently belong to any professional bodies.
- Complaint’s, FOI/DPA and press/media procedures
It was resolved to accept the Council’s complaint procedure with no amendments.
It was resolved to accept the Council’s procedure for handling requests made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Data Protection Act 1998with no amendments,
It was resolved to accept the Council’s proposed procedure for dealing with the press and media.
The meeting closed at 7.25pm
Minute number 1Chairman’s initials signature...... Date:......