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19th Session
Annual interactive debate on the rights of persons with disabilities
Theme: participation in political and public life
Statement by H.E. Victor Moraru,Ambassador, Permanent Representative
(Geneva, 1 March 2012)
Madam President,
My delegation welcomes the organization of this important thematic discussion. Participation is a key human rights principle.
We are delighted to see on the podium today so many distinguished panellists, who have come from near and far to share with us their personal expertise and experiences.
We are confident that this interactive debate, which comesas a follow-up to the last year’sPanel on the rights of persons with disabilities,will provide another opportunity to raise global awareness on the rights of persons with disabilities.
Achieving better standards for the social inclusion of persons with disabilities should clearly be a priority of the national strategies or programmes on disability in order to enforce, inter alia, the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).
To this end, the Republic of Moldova has adopted aStrategy for social inclusion of people with disabilities (2010-2013), launching thus a full-fledged reform in this area. The reform reflects anew vision of treatment of persons with disabilities, as set out under the Convention.
The Draft Law on social inclusion of persons with disabilities approved by the Government and recently examined by the Moldovan Parliament provides the necessary framework for the participation of persons with disabilities in political and public life. In this regard, the Draft Law guarantees, among others:
-the political rights and the opportunity to benefit of them, on equal basis with others;
-the right to vote and the opportunity to stand for elections;
-the right to adequate voting procedures and materials, accessible and easy to understand and use (including implementation of alternative methods of voting).
Madam President,
According to the Moldovan legislation in force, persons with disabilities are entitled to join public associations in order to be represented at local, national and international level. The State also recognizes their advisory role in decision-making and promoting policies. The ratification of CRPD by the Republic of Moldova represents one the most relevant examples when NGOs (63) and the persons with disabilities were considerably involved in moving forward the ratification process.
Currently, national and territorial agencies for employment coordinate various measures for encouraging the employment of persons with disabilities, by tracking and collecting data on those unemployed, offering information and counseling services, organizing specialized courses of professional formation, as well as involving them in the activities of the local public authorities.
An inter-Ministerial Working Group was also convened to consider the modalities for replacing the substituted decision-making with the new system of assisted decision-making for persons with psycho-social disorders.
Another relevant initiative has been undertaken recently in order to introduce anew methodology and criteria for determining the degree of disabilities of children and adults, in accordance with the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), approved by the World Health Organization.
As a member of the Council of Europe, the Republic of Moldovais currently implementing the recommendations contained in action line No.1 of the Council of Europe Action Plan to promote the rights and full participation of people with disabilities in society: improving the quality of life of people with disabilities in Europe 2006-2015.
We believe Mme Presidentthat these and other measures undertaken by my Government shall contribute to the effective enjoyment of the right of persons with disabilities in Moldova, including their full participation in political and public life.
In conclusion, Mme President, I would like to welcome the release of the Thematic study by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on participation in political and public life by persons with disabilities and invite the distinguished panelists to elaborate on some of the main challenges highlighted in the afore mentioned study.
Thank youMadam President.