Annual Institutional Effectiveness Form
Preamble: The term institutional effectiveness first appeared in 1984 when adopted as part of the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACSCOC) revision of their institutional accreditation requirements. SACSCOC used this term because they thought the previously used term “assessment” was too contentious after the publication of A Nation at Risk, also in 1984. Baton Rouge Community College (BRCC) adopts SACSCOC philosophy on institutional effectiveness. Thus, institutional effectiveness is not merely an assessment or self-study of the institution, but a set of ongoing and systematic, institutional processes and practices that include:
- planning
- the evaluation of programs and services (including administration and student services)
- the identification and measurement of outcomes across all institutional units (including learning and program outcomes in instructional programs), and
- the use of data and assessment results to inform decision-making (culture of evidence)
This form addressesthe evaluation of programs and services. Thus program managers completing this form should fill out and document efforts created because of identified challenges arising from the results. This form should highlight activities accomplished with the purpose of improving programs and services and increasing student success and institutional quality. Programs classified Administrative support services(e.g. Public safety, student services) are expected to complete the following form annually. This is in compliance with SACSCOC principle [The institution identifies expected outcomes, assesses the extent to which it achieves these outcomes, and provides evidence of improvement based on analysis of the results in administrative support services. (Institutional effectiveness - administrative support services)]. The reports created should be in alignment with BRCC’s mission and vision.
“Institutional effectiveness is the systematic, explicit, and documented process of measuring performance against mission in all aspects of an institution. … A commitment to continuous improvement is at the heart of an ongoing planning and evaluation process. It is a continuous, cyclical process that is participative, flexible, relevant, and responsive. SACSCOC, Resource Manual for the Principles of Accreditation (2005), p. 9
Baton Rouge Community CollegeInstitutional Effectiveness Form
Division/Unit Name: / Division/Unit Head:
PLAN / Institutional Goal
(Please highlight the goal that your division goal ties into – do not delete goals) /
- Enhance Curriculum/Expand Instructional Delivery
- Increase Enrollment/Enhance Student Development
- Enhance Organizational Infrastructure and Use of Technology
- Enhance Institutional Research, Planning and Assessment
- Implement Sound/Effective Resource Management
- Enhance Responsiveness to Workforce and Community Needs
- Enhance Facilities and Technology Infrastructure
Indicator of Institutional Effectiveness
Division Goal
Unit / Individual Objectives
(Current Status)
IMPLEMENTATION / Performance Standards (Expected Outcomes)
Data Sources
Supporting Offices
Baton Rouge Community College
Institutional Effectiveness Form
Analysis of Previous Year’s Goals/Plans
*Note: This portion of the Institutional Effectiveness Form should address the analysis of the previous year’s goals and associated plan(s). If you did not submit any goals or plan last year, leave this portion blank with the statement “first year completing report or no goals/plan submitted in year ___ due to ___.
Division/Unit Name: Academic Affairs / Division/Unit Head:
EVALUATE AND IMPROVE / Assessment Method
Analysis, Results and Use of Results
Baton Rouge Community College
Institutional Effectiveness Form
Division/Unit Name: / Division/Unit Head:
Support documents should include material that provide evidence of the cyclical nature of the complete Division / Unit review
Baton Rouge Community College
Institutional Effectiveness Form
Division/Unit Name: / Division/Unit Head:
1Revised 12/2016