Starting with an Internet Search

·  One Job Descriptions Using the Internet; find two different job descriptions for your first career choice and print out your first choice.

·  Note; just one job description that includes the following:

o  Should include the duties and responsibilities.

o  Knowledge, Skills, & Abilities (KSAs).

o  Salaries (pay).

·  Career Choices Paper

In the MLA Format, you are required to type a document on your career choice.

What is your first career choice and what will it take to achieve that goal?

o  1st paragraph should include your reasons for selecting this career as your first choice. Select two other backup careers and explain why they were chosen.

o  2nd paragraph should include place of employment, include the duties and responsibilities required for the position, the benefits, and the salary of for this position.

o  3rd paragraph should include the education required for your career (what type of degree or training). List the name of the college or training, the tuition cost, and educational financing options.

NOTE: The following are items to include in your paper:

§  What skills and aptitude should I have?
§  What education and training would I need?
§  What would be the approximate cost for the education?
§  What would my work environment, or surroundings, be like?
§  What hours would I spend on the job?
§  What kinds of work would I do? / §  What responsibilities would I have?
§  Would I be able to move ahead, career advancement opportunities?
§  What will this career be like when I’m ready to join the work force?
§  What does this career pay?
§  What other rewards would this career provide?
§  What are other tangent job (similar job) opportunities with this career?

·  Weekly Grocery Budget (Print out info)

o  Includes a formatted weekly meal and snacks schedule.

o  A grocery list with a total weekly cost of your food expenses.

·  Create a Project Grading Table Cover Sheet

(Is the project Table of Content and grading sheet)

·  Apartment Information (Print out info from the Internet)

o  Two bedroom apartment in the Folsom area.

o  Include the terms of the lease.

o  Information should include security deposits and monthly rent.

o  Include the monthly utilities expenses (if any).

·  Vehicle Selection (Print out info from the Internet)

o  Vehicle of your choice, with in your financial means.

o  Terms: 10% down, State Sale tax at 8.5%, finance for 60 months at 6.25%

o  Calculate monthly vehicle payment.

o  Optional (vehicle insurance cost).

·  Budget Print outs (Print out info from the Internet)

o  Your budget will be completed in class as a group assignment using an Internet site.

o  Web site:

o  Copy and paste into a WORD document, full name in a header (align right).

Revised 2/28/14