Shared Equipment For Children With Special Needs

Changing Children’s Services Fund



2. SUMMARY......


3.1Grampian Joint Integrated Equipment Service

3.1.1Grampian Joint Integrated Equipment Service – Equipment Event

3.1.2Grampian Joint Integrated Equipment Service - Bid for Bridging Funding

3.1.3Grampian Joint Integrated Equipment Service - Local Action Plans

3.1.4Grampian Joint Integrated Equipment Service - Staffing Lists




3.4.1Aberdeen City Council Website

3.4.2NHS Grampian

3.4.3Joint Shared Equipment for Children with Special Needs Website

3.5Asset Tagging




3.10Equipment Procedure

3.11Equipment Demonstration




This project quarter has again been very busy with numerous aspects of Phase 2 being taken forward simultaneously. Many challenges have been encountered and overcome with positive results.

The following report details the work undertaken during the period October 2004 to December 2004. This is presented as a summary followed by a more detailed account of the progress made to date.

A financial account for the period is included along with a summary of plans for the period January – March 2005.


  • The Integrated Care Group supports the bid for Bridging Funding for a Grampian Equipment Service Project Team and purchase of IT Equipment Management System. Funding has been secured.
  • Grampian Equipment Event took place on 16th December 2004. Over 100 delegates attended the day with 13 equipment reps sponsoring the event and demonstrating their equipment at the exhibition.
  • Staffing Lists compiled for Grampian Equipment Steering Group in an effort to provide figures on time spent dealing with equipment.
  • Audit Report has been drafted and meeting scheduled in January to discuss conclusion and action plan.
  • Shared Equipment for Children with Special Needs Project information now live on the NHS Grampian Internet. Development of Children’s Equipment Service (CES) website ongoing.
  • Asset Tagging of children’s equipment at Raeden Centre is complete. Tagging is ongoing at other sites.
  • Undertook clear out of Jill’s Barn at Raeden Centre.
  • Clean equipment is now being stored at Argyll House (Old Royal Aberdeen Children’s Hospital, Physiotherapy Gym). The additional space at Unicorn is almost ready to accept clean equipment.
  • An Equipment Procedure has been drafted to provide guidance to staff involved in issuing and returning equipment.
  • Cleaning/decontamination and repairs are continuing to be carried out at the Decontamination Unit at Inverurie and a small amount of equipment has been cleaned by the social work store at Crombie Road, Torry.
  • NHS Grampian Transport Department has agreed to deliver equipment from storage areas to required destination.
  • Organised demonstration at Raeden Centre of Jenx Seating and Sleep System for relevant staff throughout Grampian.


3.1Grampian Joint Integrated Equipment Service

Equipment Co-ordinators continue to be involved in wider equipment issues.

3.1.1Grampian Joint Integrated Equipment Service – Equipment Event

On 16th December 2004 the above event was held at the Thistle Hotel, Dyce. Thirteen equipment providers sponsored the event. The aim of the event was to look at ways of ‘enabling’:

  • A strategic approach to planning services, involving all stakeholders
  • Better co-ordination between services
  • Improvements in efficiency and effectiveness covering information, assessment and supply

All stakeholders were asked to give a presentation on the developments made in relation to a joint equipment service within their own service. Presentations were given by Aberdeenshire Council, Aberdeen City Council, Moray Council and Children’s Services.

Service Users were involved in the day and presentations were also given on the topic of re-cycling/Disposal of Equipment, Audit Scotland Report and Joint Futures and Greater Glasgow Integrated Loan Equipment Store (GGILES).

Discussions on “How to Implement a Grampian Integrated Equipment Service” took place within breakout groups.

3.1.2Grampian Joint Integrated Equipment Service - Bid for Bridging Funding

The Integrated Care Group has approved £45k for an Equipment IT system subject to each organisation being able to raise a proportion of the initial £30k for the system. The £45k is for implementing the system i.e. training staff and inputting data etc.

Issues regarding the initial £30K from each organisation are still outstanding however it is hoped that these can be resolved shortly.

IT personnel from all organisations have met to discuss technical issues for the new IT Equipment Management System. Members of the e.care project are also involved and no issues have been identified to prevent this system being implemented.

A decision on the other part of the bid for funding to form a project team was not approved due to a lack of funding. The Integrated Care Group support this bid but cannot supply any further funding at the moment. A bid is to be made to the Scottish Executive from the “Efficient Government Fund” and this bid will be for IT, staff and accommodation for the project across Grampian.

3.1.3Grampian Joint Integrated Equipment Service - Local Action Plans

Local Action Plans for Aberdeenshire, AberdeenCity and Moray have now been finalised. Children’s Services are included within these local plans. Anyone wishing to read these plans can get in touch with Susan McPherson, Project Manager at or Tel 01224 557767.

3.1.4Grampian Joint Integrated Equipment Service - Staffing Lists

An information gathering exercise is currently underway across NHS Grampian and Aberdeen City Council in an effort to find out how many people are involved in equipment and how much time is spent dealing with equipment to provide figures on total time spent dealing with equipment.


The audit report has been drafted and a meeting to discuss the conclusion and action plan is scheduled for January 2005. Once completed this document will be distributed and posted on the Shared Equipment for Children with Special Needs website within the NHS Grampian internet site on link to Hospital Services.


Both current and condemned equipment databases continue to be updated on an on going basis.

The database of current equipment now includes details of when a piece of equipment has been cleaned and repaired. By including this information in the database it improves record keeping and starts to build a history for equipment in use. Both these factors were included as recommendations in the End of Phase 1 Report.

The database also provides all the information required for the on-line equipment catalogue on the ces-grampian website.


3.4.1Aberdeen City Council Website

No further progress has been made with regards to posting CCSF information on the Aberdeen City Council Website. It is hoped that progress will be made in the coming months.

3.4.2NHS Grampian

The Shared Equipment for Children with Special Needs Project now have live pages on the NHS Grampian internet site at click on Hospital Services. Further information to be included on the website are project reports, project plan and audit report.

3.4.3Joint Shared Equipment for Children with Special Needs Website

The ces-grampian website is under construction. Work is ongoing into developing the on-line pictorial equipment catalogue and on-line instruction manuals. It is hoped that test pages will be ready in the New Year.

3.5Asset Tagging

Asset tagging is making good progress. Raeden Centre is now complete and work is continuing at Royal Aberdeen Children’s Hospital. A total of 444 pieces of equipment have been checked, tagged, photographed and details input into the database. Asset tagging will commence in the New Year at Woodlands and also other schools and GP surgeries.

Due to problems with the asset tags peeling off some of the equipment a new asset tagging machine and tape has been purchased. These tags will be monitored to assess suitability and durability.


Clean equipment is now being stored at Argyll House (Old Royal Aberdeen Children’s Hospital, Physiotherapy Gym). This store accommodates larger pieces of equipment like specialist seating systems, activity tables and specialist toileting systems.

Storage space at Unicorn, on Gt Western Road is almost ready to store clean equipment. The area has been painted and metal shelving is in place. Costings for cleaning of the store has been received and funding has been sourced from Combined Child Health budget. Once the store is clean pick-up/drop-off areas will be marked off with tape. It is hoped that this store will be ready for equipment very soon. Unicorn will be used to store smaller, lightweight equipment as storage space is on the first floor with no lift access.

Personnel access to both stores will initially be restricted to the Equipment Project Co-ordinators. This will allow more control of the equipment.

An Equipment Procedure has been drafted and once agreed this document will provide guidance to staff on how to request a piece of equipment from storage.

Representatives from Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Nursing assisted the Equipment Co-ordinators with a clear out of Jill’s Barn at Raeden Centre and a number of pieces of equipment have been condemned. A prioritised list of replacement equipment has been submitted to the Service Manager, Combined Child Health and Social Work, Aberdeen City Council.


Although the situation remains that the available decontamination units at InverurieHospital (NHS Grampian) and Torry (Aberdeen City Council) are working to capacity a number of pieces of children’s equipment have been decontaminated and repaired. This has enabled the store at Argyll House and the Unicorn store to hold clean equipment.

Problems have been encountered with some equipment being damaged by the process used to decontaminate equipment and also with the inexperience of the maintenance staff not having the relevant knowledge or training to deal with some of the more specialised children’s equipment. Systems have been put in place to overcome some of these problems and any remaining problems will be worked on to rectify these. This may include solutions like providing further training for the maintenance staff and introducing a system of standard checks for equipment.

There is no further development with the bid that was made to the Scottish Office for monies to develop existing premises into a decontamination facility. At this time is not know when we will receive a decision on this bid.


As mentioned in previous reports it is apparent that most of the children’s equipment that has been asset tagged requires some degree of maintenance.

In an effort to get these pieces of equipment fit for purpose a toolkit has been purchased and minor repairs are being undertaken, as the equipment is being asset tagged. This has enabled equipment otherwise tagged as “Do not use” to be used.

Some problems have been encountered with both the decontamination units not maintaining some of the equipment to a satisfactory standard. This is mainly because the maintenance staff carrying out the maintenance do not have the relevant knowledge or training to deal with some of the more specialised children’s equipment. Systems have been put in place to overcome some of these problems and any remaining problems will be worked on to rectify these. This may include solutions like providing further training for the maintenance staff and introducing a system of standard checks for equipment. This has however highlighted the need for more specialist technical expertise in children’s equipment and a training need for current maintenance staff.


Current transportation arrangements with both decontamination units are working well. A request form is submitted to the relevant decontamination unit and a suitable collection time is agreed. Once the equipment is cleaned arrangements are made with the co-ordinators to allow transport access to the storage area to return the clean piece of equipment to storage.

In addition to the transportation arrangements already in place with the decontamination units an agreement has been reached with NHS Grampian Transport Department that they will transport clean equipment from the storage areas to the required delivery address.

3.10Equipment Procedure

An Equipment Procedure has been drafted and is out for comment. The purpose of the procedure is to provide guidance to staff involved in issuing and returning equipment. The procedure provides a simple step by step guide on the process to be undertaken. By introducing a procedure staff will be aware of how to request a piece of equipment from storage, the forms that must be completed for accurate recording purposes and also how to arrange an uplift of equipment once it is no longer required.

By following the procedure equipment will be managed in a continuous cycle. This cycle ensures that all transportation needs are met, decontamination/cleaning and maintenance are carried out on the equipment prior to re-issue which ensures that equipment is safe and fit for use and Health and Safety responsibilities are met.

3.11Equipment Demonstration

A demonstration of a recently purchased seating system took place at Raeden Centre and was attended by centre staff who will use this particular seating system. The manufacturer took the liberty of taking along some other pieces of equipment within their range and these were also demonstrated.

This demonstration was the first of this type of event organised within the remit of the project and any future demonstrations will be made available to relevant staff throughout Grampian.


  • Asset numbering of children’s equipment will continue as the main priority for 2005, rolling out to Schools and GP Surgeries.
  • Results of Audit Questionnaire will be produced in a report in the New Year.
  • Shared Equipment for Children with Special Needs information pages on NHS Grampian internet site will be updated and PID, End of Phase 1 Report, Annual Report 2003/2004 and Quarterly Reports will be attached for viewing online.
  • Discussion will take place with Aberdeen City Council web team to ensure that information regarding the project is included on the Aberdeen City Council website.
  • Further progress will be made with CCSF Website.
  • Relevant equipment details will continue to be input into the interim access database with further development of the database to include links to view and download instruction manuals.
  • The Equipment Procedure will be finalised and piloted at Raeden Centre.
  • Re-organisation of current storage space will continue in an effort to free up space within existing equipment storage areas. Stocking of Unicorn store with clean equipment will commence.
  • Equipment will continue to be filtered through the decontamination units in Inverurie and Torry in an effort to raise the standard of cleanliness and state of repair of equipment currently being used. Ongoing work will continue with decontamination units to ensure the standard of cleaning and maintenance is satisfactory. In addition Co-ordinators will continue to undertake minor maintenance/repair on equipment.
  • Ongoing work will continue with manufacturers to encourage them to develop and supply re-issuing instructions for their equipment.
  • Information sessions will be held to update relevant staff on the progress of the project.


(from 01/10/04 to 31/12/04)


Travel Expenses£ 39.08


Label Printer with mains adapter and tape£ 219.47

Ink Cartridges (2 of each)£ 102.99


These figures have not been finalised, as financial reports up to the end of December are not closed off until early January.

Authors: Marlene Walker/Malcolm MckiePage 1 of 1223/12/04