Annual Country Report of AnGR in Serbia and Montenegro

Uppsala 2005

Prepared by Srdjan Stojanovic

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management

Department for Genetic Resources

Serbiaand Montenegrooccupies total area of 102.173 m2 and true the last census has8.066.000 people. Livestock production is realized mostly on farms in private ownership.The most significant livestock products in Serbia and Montenegro are: milk and dairy products, pork, beef and beef products, poultry meat, eggs, lamb, liquid manure, wool, skin, giblets and manufactured products. Even in relation to economical importance of these products, the order is identical.

Table 1. The No of animals in Serbia and Montenegro

Species / Number
Bovines / 1.276.000
Horses / 30.000
Sheep / 1.838.000
Goats / 350.000
Pigs / 3.634.000
Poultry / 17.677.000

Table2. The livestock production in Serbia and Montenegro

Meat / 481.000 t
Milk (cattle) / 1.792 mil t
Milk (sheep) / 20 mil t
Wool / 2.647 t
Eggs / 1.529 mil

Organisation network on conservation and management of AnGR in Serbia and Montenegro.

  1. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Republic of Serbia – Department for Genetic Resources
  2. Ministry of Agriculture – Republic of Montenegro
  3. Public service – Extension service
  4. Agriculture faculties (Zemun, Novi Sad)
  5. Livestock institute – Zemun
  6. NGO‘S

Status of in situ conservation

Table 3. Autochthonous breeds in Serbia and Montenegro, size of population and status of conservation

Species / Breeds / Size of population / Status of insituconservation
Cattle / Busha / 1000 (estimate) / yes
Podolian cattle / 130 / yes
Buffalo / Domestic buffalo / 5000 (estimate) / no
Horses / Domestic mountain pony / 20 / yes
Nonius / 40 / yes
Donkeys / Balkan donkey / no information / no
Pigs / Mangalitsa / 250 / yes
Moravka / 200 (estimate) / yes
Resavka / 100 (estimate) / no
Sheep / Zackel / data are different depending on strain
Svrljig sheep / 10.000 / no
Pirotska sheep / 300 / yes
Sjenicka sheep / 100 (estimate) / no
Krivovirska sheep / 300 / yes
Bardoka / 30 / yes
Vlashko-vitoroga sheep / 50 (estimate) / yes
Lipska sheep / 200 (estimate) / yes
Tsigai-Chokan / 550 / yes
Other type of Tsigai / 10.000 / no
Goats / Domestic Balkan goat / 1000 (estimate) / yes
Poultry / Nacked Nack / 200 / yes
Somborska kaporka / 300 / yes
Svrljig black / 300 / yes

The following aspects of AnGR conservation will be specially emphasized in the future:

  1. Production systems in the areas of limited agricultural production and conservation of animal genetic resources for food production
  2. Conservation of animal genetic resources serving to biodiversity conservation
  3. Conservation of animal genetic resources and protection of regional diversity
  4. Protection and improvement of menagement of forestry and waters in the light of for food production.
  5. Conservation of animal genetic resources serving to environment protection
  6. Cultural heritage and conservation of animal genetic resources
  7. Maintaining traditional knowledge and technologies in food production
  8. Conservation of animal genetic resources as a support to diversification of rural economy

In 2004. year several projects was supported by the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Managementin Republic of Serbia.

  1. Monitoring, identification and conservation program of autochthonous poultry breeds in Voivodina.
  2. Interactive farm – concept of promotion of autochthonous breeds.
  3. Gathering, selecting and identification of Moravka and Resavka pig breeds and work on their conservation.
  4. Defining of breeding program for Busha cattle, as like sustainable genetic resources.
  5. Breeding goals and programs for small population of autochthonous sheep breeds and strains in conditions of sustainable livestock production.
  6. Breeding program and education of new young agriculture producers whit aim breeding of Podolian cattle.
  7. Description and system of description of Podolian cattle.
  8. Education of stakeholders domestic mountainpony in Bosilegrad municipality.
  9. Conservation of Lipska sheep and education of stakeholders.
  10. Conservation and sustainable use autochthonous breeds in protected natural area Selevenjske pustare.
  11. Organic farm for Mangalitsa breeding.

In cooperation with Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management – Department for Genetic Resources and NGO`s “Natura Balkanika” and SAVE it was organized Second “Regional Fair of Balkan Agrobiodiversity and Rural Heritage”withWorkshop: "Rare Breeds of the Balkan", DIMITROVGRAD, SERBIA, 24-25 SEPTEMBER 2004.