Symptom/Effect / Test/Lab / Clinical Reason
Fatigue / SpectraCell FIA 5000* / Energy metabolism cofactors
GI Panel: DiagnosTechs / Intestinal factors increasing fatigue
Amino acids – plasma / Proteins for repair
RBC (intracellular) minerals / Minerals for repair
Great Smokies (Medicare)
Adrenal cortisol daily rhythm (DiagnosTechs) / Day time deficiency, nighttime excess which disrupts sleep
FT3, fT4, TSH, TPO
Aching / RBC membrane essential fatty acids / Pro-inflammatory lipid balance
GI Panel DiagnosTechs / Factors increasing inflammation
Food Intolerance Testing / Delayed immune food responses
eg ELISA ACT, Biotechnologies / Increasing inflammation
SigA – GI Panel, DiagnosTechs
Detoxification / SpectraCell FIA 5000* / Neural sensitization inhibition
Antioxidant levels, status
Amino Acid Plasma / Glycine, taurine, glutamine
Detoxification Panel, Great Smokies / Challenge testing of detox pathways
ALT, AST, GGT / Recent liver cell death
Serum Sulfate, Metametrix / Essential for detoxification
Estrogen Dominance / Pre or Post Menopausal / Reduce abnormal bleeding
Female Hormone Panel, DiagnosTechs / Fibroids, insomnia, cancer risk
Testosterone Deficiency / Male or Female Hormone Panel, DiagnosTechs / Libido, skeletal/cardiac muscle weakness
ION Panel / Metametrix / Multiple tests at low pre-pay price. Get with RBC (not plasma) fatty acids.
Labs listed are all CLIA-certified and high quality. All provide good scientific and medical support/help to doctors for understanding results and how to correct them. Dr. Ziem has no economic relation with any laboratory.*
Laboratory Listing
Great Smokies800-522-4762
* SpectraCell has a unique technology. It tests lymphocytes, a cell with more chemical exposure in lymph fluid. It
measures (for each nutrient separately) the ability of patient lymphocytes to divide to form new cells, the most
demanding cell function.
The neural protocol over time helps reduce most damage.
Hormone changes – bring into lower normal range so the body repair still stimulates normal hormone levels (except autoimmune, certain other exceptions).
Nutrients – bring to ample, above average range to assist in repair (avoid above average iron – can act with free radical effect). Most brands are poorly bio-available. Use in bio-available form – Thorne 800-228-1966. Metagenics 5-methyltetrahydrofolate: 800-692-9400 – reduced patient price.
Parasites: common in chemical injury due to low Secretory IgA. Avoid herbal treatment – can induce migration to other organs. DiagnosTechs Lab scientists can assist with effective regimens tolerated in chemical injury.
Yeast/candida: Assess for adequate pancreatic enzymes (GI Panel): supplement with meals. Human strain pro-biotics (eg., Interplexus: 800-875-0511). Candida diet, low glycemic carbohydrates with above, (see Dietary Tips) Nystatin/Rx usually not needed for GI candida.
Food Intolerance (not IgE)
Avoid food/read labels.
May be able to re-introduce 6-12 months after neural protocol. Test for food antibodies after reintroduction.
Symptoms delayed hours to 1-2 days – eg aching, fatigue, maybe GI. Symptom delay leads to missing food-antigen connection.
Omega 3 deficiency
Very common: damaged by chemical free radicals.
Repletion – store airtight, dark refrigerated: fishy taste means oxidized (damaged, not healthy).
Best brands include:
Carlson 888-234-5656 cod liver oil/Very Finest Fish Oil
Metagenics 800-692-9400: arrange reduced patient price
Nordic Naturals 800-662-2544.
Dry skin/hair – Likely omega 3 deficiency. Increases thirst from body moisture loss. Greatly reduce skin soap use.
Adrenal Healing (will also help Secretory IgA)
Reduce exacerbating exposures: see Environmental Controls
Reduce inflammation with Neural Protocol, adequate omega 3 levels
Reduce food intolerances, parasites, candida
Gentle activity/walking in nontoxic area – do not walk in pain
Avoid pace, duration that is followed by increased fatigue, work up gradually, then duration
Low glycemic carbohydrates (see Dietary Tips).
DIETARY TIPS:Focus on diet to maintain nutrients
“Organic”/free range has higher nutrient levels (nutrient richer soil/food).
More fresh – try juicing – commercial processing reduces nutrients, increases additives.
Best to rotate: reduces food intolerances, improves nutrient completeness
Low glycemic carbohydrates/dietary balance
Stabilizes blood sugar, helps adrenal healing, reduces candida
eg Blood Sugar Blues Dr. Rockwell 206-547-1814;
Non-vegetarian often needed due to low protein
Digestive enzymes with meal if low chymotrypsin on GI panel
Chew food until liquid before swallowing to improve digestion
MC Linder, Nutritional Biochemistry and Metabolism

Clinical Nutrition: A Functional Approach

B Levin, Environmental Nutrition
JA Bally and RS Lord, Laboratory Evaluation in Molecular Medicine