Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
A congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
… We Are God’s People and the Sheep of God’s Pasture …
Psalm 100: 3
Pastor Amy Larson
A Reconciling In Christ Congregation

All are welcome at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. God makes no exceptions. In the spirit of Jesus Christ, we offer trust and respect to all, including those who may experience alienation, distrust, or rejection. We rely on the healing, unconditional love of God to shape our community in the name of the Good Shepherd. In keeping with our welcome, Good Shepherd is a Reconciling In Christ congregation, affirming our welcome to gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender persons to participate fully in the life of our congregation.
Welcome Guests. Good Shepherd members welcome you to coffee and conversation following worship in our Fellowship Hall (down the east hallway.)
Holy Communion is by intinction. All are welcome to come forward to receive the body and blood of Christ in the bread and wine. The bread is gluten-free. Receive the bread with open hands, then dip it into either the chalice of wine or the glass goblet containing grape juice. If you have an allergy to eggs you may request a wafer. If you prefer a blessing, place your arms in front of your chest. You are also welcome to remain in the pew and offer prayers. Ushers will direct the congregation to two Communion stations in front of the altar. If you wish to have the Pastor serve Communion in the pew, please inform one of the ushers before the service begins.
Thank you for bringing children to worship today. It is hard work to worship with kids, but it is such important work that helps them and the whole church. The sound of a child in worship is the sound of a new Christian being formed. The presence, energy, and noise of children are most welcome here. A nursery attendant also is available to be with children in the nursery, where activity bags are available.
WORSHIP LEADERS AND MINISTRY TEAM PARTICIPANTS ACOLYTE - Maggie Norris; ADVENT WREATH-Norris Family; ASSISTING MINISTER - Judy Schoel; CANTOR - Kate Narveson; ALTAR GUILD - Ann Naslund; GREETERS/USHERS - Dick Wuest, Ed and Joyce Epperly; NURSERY - GlendaluWuest; FELLOWSHIP SERVERS - Jane Borelli, Glenn Nelson, Glendalu and Dick Wuest, JoAnn and Jerry Aulwes.
, 563-382-3963
PRAYER LIST - Good Shepherd Family: Shirley Casebere, Janet Gall, Ed Kaschins, Judy Mikkelsen, Catherine Moeller serving in Mexico, Don Pilgrim, Anthony Ruiz, Mickey Slind, Carrie Solberg, Nathan Wicks at Wartburg Seminary and our members at Aase Haugen, Eastern Star, and Wellington Place. Relatives and Friends: Marion Beatty, Nathan Berg, Family of MarlieBishman, Jim Cascio, Mike Dikelsky, Gary Koenig, Jody Kruegel, Josh Martin, Lisa Quenan, Pat Plude, Victor & Maria Sistepaz, AdeleSlind, Lyle & Walter Steele, John Tapscott, Don Willians, All Residents & Staff of Aase Haugen, Eastern Star, and Wellington Place; Mary Beth & BayoOyebade and the Mashiah Clinic in Jos, Nigeria; our Companion Congregation in Tsumeb, Namibia, and all suffering from famine, fires and other natural disasters.
ADVENT PRAYER CALENDAR- Join your congregation in praying with a "Word of the Day" and a scripture passage for each day of Advent. Use the Word to center your thoughts and open yourself to God's presence as you move through your day. Watch for where you see the Word at work in your day.
ADULT FORUM TODAY - The January Ministry Team and all new members of Good Shepherd are invited to a chat with Pr. Amy about what you appreciate about Good Shepherd and your hopes and dreams for the future of our church. A new member orientation will follow the chat.
UPCOMING DECEMBER ADULT FORUMS: Dec. 13- Prayer Practices for Advent and All Year with Professor Emeritus Brad Hanson; Dec. 20- Learn more about how you can support our upcoming Certified Nurse Aide training class at Good Shepherd with Liza Hicken and Julie Jevne.
ALTAR GUILD WELCOMES CONTRIBUTIONS OF POINSETTIAS-Poinsettia plants will be added to the altar area beginning on the Second Sunday, December 6 with a full display in place for our Christmas Eve and Day services.Contributions may be made in honor or memory of relatives and friends and delivered to the Narthex Table for placement by Altar Guild throughout the month.Contact Jeri Laursenor Elizabeth Kaschins with questions. Thanks from the Altar Guild.
CHRISTMAS STORYTELLING- Sunday, December 6, at 10:45am, LiseKildegaard will share the Christmas story before the kids prepare to share the story in the Christmas program on December 20. All are welcome for this special event.
MAYAWORKS HERE TODAY - Martha Lionberger, a volunteer for MayaWorks, joins us today with hand-crafted textiles and beaded jewelry for sale. MayaWorks is a fair trade nonprofit group that is helping Mayan women in Guatemala support their families through the sale of their weavings and beadwork in this country. Come and enjoy shopping for unique gifts for everyone on your Christmas list and help Mayan families in Guatemala at the same time. / ORDER OF WORSHIP
From Evangelical Lutheran Worship(red book in pew)
page numbers in front, hymn numbers in back
Gathering Music:Meditation on "Ex Sion species decorisejus" - B. Joyce
prayer BELL/Welcome/Announcements
GATHERING SONG: #239 Hark, the Glad Sound
LIGHTING OF ADVENT WREATH: #257 O Come, O Come Emmanuel vs. 5
Prayer of the Day…Amen.
children’s message
First Reading:Baruch 5:1-9
Word of God, word of life. Thanks be to God.
CANTICLE: Luke 1:68-79
68Blessed are you, Lord, the | God of Israel,
you have come to your people and | set them free.
69You have raised up for us a | mighty Savior,
born of the house of your | servant David.
70Through your holy prophets, you promised of old to save us | from our enemies,
71from the hands of | all who hate us,
72to show mercy | to our forebears,
and to remember your | holy covenant.
73This was the oath you swore to our | father Abraham:
74to set us free from the hands of our | enemies,
free to worship you | without fear,
75holy and righteous before you, all the days | of our life.
76And you, child, shall be called the prophet of | the Most High,
for you will go before the Lord to pre- | pare the way,
77to give God’s people knowledge | of salvation
by the forgiveness | of their sins.
78In the tender compassion | of our God
the dawn from on high shall | break upon us,
79to shine on those who dwell in darkness and in the shad- |ow of death,
and to guide our feet into the | way of peace.
SECOND READING:Philippians 1:3-11
Word of God, word of life. Thanks be to God.
gospel ACCLAMATIONpg. 102
GOSPEL:Luke 3:1-6
The holy gospel according to Luke. Glory to you, O Lord.
The gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, O Christ.
HYMN OF THE DAY: #249 On Jordan's Bank the Baptist's Cry vs. 1, 2, 4
Hear us, O God. Your mercy is great.
The peace of Christ be with you always. And also with you.
OFFERTORY Look East - Besonçon
OFFERING SONG: #248 People Look East vs. 1, 4
LORD’S PRAYERpg.112 Our Father, Who Art in Heaven…
COMMUNION HYMNS: Lamb of God pg. 112, #256 Comfort, Comfort Now My People, #264 Prepare the Royal Highway
SENDING SONG: # 266 All Earth is Hopeful
Go in peace. Christ is with you. Thanks be to God.
POSTULDE Freudichsehr - Paul Manz
Copyright © 2015 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License.


CHRISTMAS TREE AND TREE DECORATING PARTY The tree in the sanctuary will help us move toward Christmas together as a congregation. The first Sunday in Advent, 11/29, there was no tree. The second Sunday, 12/6, there will be an empty tree. The third Sunday, 12/13, there will be lights on the tree. The fourth Sunday, 12/20, there will be a tree with lights and ornaments. The Christmas tree in the Sanctuary is a gift from Kris and Jerry Frank. We will decorate the tree on Sunday, December 13 after Sunday School and Fellowship Hour. Please come join in and share in the joy of preparing our sanctuary to celebrate the birth of Christ!

CHRISTMAS PROGRAM The Christmas program will be Sunday, December 20 at 5pm. We will share a simple supper after the program. Those with last names A-M please bring a tray ofcookies. Those with last names N-Z bring a tray of sandwiches.Sunday School children will be preparing for this the next 3 Sundays. Parents please let Krista Holland know if your child won’t be able to be part of the program.

CERTIFIED NURSE AIDE (CNA) TRAINING COURSE AT GOOD SHEPHERD LUTHERAN CHURCH - Northeast Iowa Community College will offer a CNA class to help meet the training requirements to become employed as a nurse aide in nursing facilities. For more information contact Liza Hicken at NICC (5563.562.3263, ext. 222 or 800.728.2256) or before December 15, 2015.Part of our Christmas offering will go to sponsor a student in the class.

THE DECORAH CHORALE will present their 16th annual “Home for Christmas” benefit concert for the Winneshiek County Habitat for Humanity on Saturday, December 12, at 7:00 pm, at Decorah Lutheran Church. A freewill offering will be accepted to benefit Habitat for Humanity.

GOOD SHEPHERD PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY will meet Wednesday, December 16 from 1-3:00 p.m. at the home of Jerrine Jacobsen. New knitters and crocheters are welcome at any time. Join us for a snack and great fellowship as we create shawls, lap robes, and blankets in this ministry. Please call Ruth Bruce at 419-7567 if you have questions or need directions to Jerrine's new home in the Freeport area.

The EVERGREEN WREATH hanging on the west door has been donated by David and Gail Judisch in memory of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Haberkamp and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Judisch.

THE EKKLESIA STRING TRIO FROM LUTHER COLLEGE will give a free concert on Friday, Dec. 11th at 7:30 pm at Good Shepherd. They will perform works by Schubert, Beischer-Matyó, and Reger.

DEAR MEMBERS OF GOOD SHEPHERD, If you have any expenses for which you need reimbursement, please submit them as soon as possible so the expenses can be paid and recorded in 2015. It will help reflect the accuracy of our books. Thank you for your help. Sincerely, Clara Knudson, Treasurer.


Sunday, December 6

8:45 am - Youth Handbell and Choir Rehearsal

9:30am - Worship –Second Sunday of Advent

10:30 am - Fellowship Hour

10:45 am - Christmas Storytelling with LiseKildegaard

10:50 am - Chat with Pastor Amy; Jan Ministry Team and New Members

Tuesday, December 8

2:00 pm – Pastor Amy and Jutta Anderson at Wellington Place

Wednesday, December 9

7:30 am - Men’s Breakfast

2:00 pm - Miriam/Ruth Circle

5:30 pm - Evening Worship

6:15 pm - Simple Supper provided, intergenerational faith conversation

6:15 pm – Budget Committee Meeting- Fellowship Hall

7:00 pm - Choir Rehearsal

8:00 pm - Band Rehearsal

Thursday, December 10

10:00 am - Adult Bible Study

Sunday, December 13

8:45 am – Band warm up

9:30am - Worship –Third Sunday of Advent

10:30 am - Fellowship Hour

10:45 am – Sunday School Christmas Program Practice

10:45 am – Youth Sunday School/Confirmation with Pastor Amy

10:50 am –Adult Forum - Prayer Practices for Advent and All Year

We will share Holy Communion and light the Advent Wreath at all services.