Anno scolastico 2012/2013 Istituto Tecnico Statale "Pietro Verri"

Programma Consuntivo CLASSE 1D

Testi scolastici :Success 1 Gold Edition,students’book, workbook, vocabulary builder; Longman

UNIT / Grammar / Vocabulary / SKILLS / Train Your Brain / FUNCTIONS / Vocabulary Builder
00 Making contact / to be – affirmative, negative and questions
Subject pronounsIndefinite articles a/an
Possessive adjectivesPlural nouns
Prepositions of placePossessive ‘s / Family members
Countries and nationalities / Readinga personal letter
Listeningto a description of a family photo
Speakingon the telephone
Writingpersonal information / Writing skills
capital letters / Talking on the phone / Family4
01Look alike / have gotObject pronouns
this/that/these/thoseAdjective word order
Imperative / Personal possessions
Appearance and personality / Readinga website article
Listeningto descriptions of people
Speakingdescribing dogs and owners
Writinga personal email / Writing skills
linking words: and, so,
but, because / Describing people / Parts of the body6
02 Home sweet home / there is/there are
Prepositions of place
can / Rooms
Furniture and objects
Towns and villages / Readinga story
Listeningto directions
Speakinggiving directions
Writinga short text about your dream house / Writing skills
avoiding repetition / Directions / House and home8
03 A day in the
life … / Present simple – affirmative, negative and questions
Prepositions of time
tolike /love etc. + -ing / Verbs of routine
Time and dates
Ordinal numbers / Readingabout Australian lifestyle
Listeningto descriptions of special days
Speakingdescribing a day you like
Writinga short text about your country / Reading skills
the main ideas / Telling the time / Time/Hobbies10
and leisure
04 Around the world / Present simple with wh- questions
Adverbs of frequency
How often … ? / Climate and location
Geography / Readingabout an Irish town
Listeningto descriptions of towns
Speakingdeciding where to go
Writinga short text about a town you know / Listening skills
making predictions / Inviting / Weather12
05 Eat to live … / Countable and uncountable nouns; some/any
how much/many; a lot (of) / a little / a few;
not many/much
would like (offers, requests); can/could / Food and drink
Money and measurements / Readinga newspaper article
Listeningto offers and requests
Speakingtalking about fortune cookies
Writingan invitation to a party / Writing skills
invitations / Buying food
and drink / Food and drink14
06 Following fashion / Present continuous
Present simple vs. Present continuous
too / (not) enough / Clothes / Readinga magazine article
Listeningto a conversation in a shop
Speakingdiscussing shopping preferences
Writinga short text about a market / Reading skills
finding specific information / Expressing preference / Clothes and16
  1. Culture Shock : They speak English

Approfondimenti grammaticali e Abilità Linguistiche:

-Verbi Irregolari

-Reading short stories

-Creative writing

-Using a dictionary

-Presenting documents

-Speaking abilities

Lavoro Estivo

Choose a DVD for class presentation:

Subject, plot, main characters’ description, setting, favourite scene and comment.

Debito o studio estivo:

Esercizi dal work book delle prime 6 unità

Verbi irregolari

Prof. Giovanni Melis