Third Grade Newsletter

Metcalfe County Intermediate Center

February 5-February 7

-Please have your child at school at 7:45
-The Winter Super Saturday program is held from 12:00 to 2:30 the four Saturdays in February. Super Saturdays' classes are planned for students in grades 1 – 8 who are of high ability or have high interest in a topic to pursue their passions outside the regular classroom. Classes and the application are posted at

Mrs. Betty Branstetter
VIL: Lanydon Johnson
ü  We are learning area & perimeter.
ü  Multiplying by 8’s test will be at a later date.

Mrs. Cynthia Shive
VIL: Ashlynn Jaggers
ü  I can compare and contrast the most important points and key details in two texts. (Target #1)
ü  I can use text features and search tools to locate information. (Target #2)
ü  I can use information from the illustrations and the words to understand a text. (Target #3)
ü  I can answer questions about a text. (Target #4)
ü  I can use words and phrases accurately. (Target #5)
ü  I can use spelling patterns and rules to spell words. (Target #6)
ü  Test Thursday, February 6th.

School Mall Kick off Today. Please read info your child brings home.

Please read below the 3rd Grade homework procedure for losing/not turning in homework starting second semester.
ü  Homework for the week will be handed out each Monday and will be due Friday of that week. (Note: Absent students may turn in assignments the next day he/she is present, with no penalty.)
ü  Only one additional copy of homework will be given out, if the original copy is lost. However, on that second copy of homework 15 points will be deducted from their grade.
ü  If a third copy of homework is needed, the student will sit in recess that Friday to complete the missing assignment. He/she will sit in recess until the missing assignment is completed.
ü  This semester student’s will be graded on their homework based on correctness not just on completion.
This homework policy is to help students learn responsibility, as well as to help maintain good grades. We are hoping this will increase grades and student responsibility.
As always if you have any questions or concerns, please call us at our planning: 9:40- 10:30 or after 3:00 at 432-205
Mrs. Marissa Everett
VIL: Alex Sanchez
J Last Thursday & Friday we started our US Symbols unit. This week we will continue learning about United States symbols, Famous Americans, Patriotic Holidays and Historical Monuments.
JHomework this week: Complete a Patriotism Poem. This is an Acrostic Poem, and needs to explain how you can show patriotism, by saying the pledge, celebrating patriotic holidays and other ways. This poem is due Friday!!
Pennies for patients kick off Thursday, February 6th.
Wednesday, February 12th Beta Dance 3:45

Thursday, February 17th: Midterm ends. Check your child’s grade on Infinite Campus.