Annex1: EHRI Fellowship Application Form2016-2018
Full Name:
Title of Research Proposal:
Personal Data
O Prof. O Dr. O Mr. O Ms. (Please highlight your choice.)
Gender: O Male O Female (Please highlight your choice.)
Last name:First name:
Country of Birth:
Date of Birth:
Country of Citizenship:
Passport Number:
Home Address
Street: / Number:
Postal Code: / City:
State / Country:
Telephone: / Fax:
E-mail Address:
Professional Data
Name of Institutional Affiliation:Current Position:
Address of Affiliate:
Educational History / Academic Credentials (include PhD program information if applicable)
Degree: / Discipline:
Date: / Institution:
Degree: / Discipline:
Date: / Institution
Degree: / Discipline:
Date: / Institution:
Ph.D. Thesis Title (if Applicable):
Previous Fellowships (if Applicable)
Most Recent Publications (if any, max. 3):
Languages: Please list languages and state level by number: 1. Fair 2. Well 3. Very Well 4. Fluent, and Read/Lecture/Converse
Language: / Level: / Read/Lecture/Converse:
EHRI Fellowship
Title of Fellowship Research Project:Which EHRI Partner institution or institutions do you wish to apply to for an EHRI fellowship?
(Please highlight your preference / preferences.)
O NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
OCentre for Historical Research and Documentation on War and Contemporary Society (CEGESOMA), Brussels, Belgium
OJewish Museum in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic
OCenter for Holocaust Studies at the Institute for Contemporary History in Munich, Munich, Germany
OKing's College London, Department of Digital Humanities, London, United Kingdom [EHRI Fellowships at KCL’s Department of Digital Humanities are limited to researchers who wish to explore the application of digital tools and methods to Holocaust-related datasets. Access is provided to the Department’s unique methodological expertise in regard to digital scholarship.]
OYad Vashem – The Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority, Jerusalem, Israel
[For EHRI Fellowships at YV, preference is given to archivists, conservation and preservation specialists, museum curators and the like wishing to engage in methodological access.]
OUnited States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM), Washington (D.C.), United States of America
[EHRI Fellowships at the USHMM are restricted to collections infrastructure specialists, such as archivists, cataloguers, collection managers, conservators, curators, film and oral history specialists, librarians, digital curators, and others wishing to expand their knowledge and gain expertise in museum practices, collections access, and infrastructure development. Duration of fellowships should be between 4–6 weeks. For USHMM fellowships designed for scholars to support significant research and writing about the Holocaust, please see:
OBundesarchiv, Berlin / Ludwigsburg / Freiburg / Koblenz / Bayreuth, Germany
OThe Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust & Genocide, London, United Kingdom
OInternational Tracing Service (ITS), Bad Arolsen, Germany
OEmanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute / Żydowski Instytut Historyczny im. Emanuela Ringelbluma (ŻIH), Warsaw, Poland
OThe Shoah Memorial – Museum, Center for Contemporary Jewish Documentation, Paris, France
OWiener Wiesenthal Institut für Holocaust-Studien / Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI), Vienna, Austria
OElie Wiesel National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania, Bucharest, Romania: 3 weeks
OFoundation Jewish Contemporary Documentation Center / Fondazione Centro di Documentazione Ebraica Contemporanea (CDEC), Milan, Italy
How many weeks of Transnational Access are you applying for (if you are applying for a combined stay at more than one institution, please specify the duration for each institution and indicate your preferred order of stays)?
Have you applied for or do you expect to receive other scholarships or fellowship support during your research period at the institution? (Please highlight your choice.)
O Yes
O No
If yes, please specify the anticipated sources:Letter of recommendation by:
For further reference, EHRI may also contact:
Preferred Fellowship Period. Please give three possible start dates in 2016 based on preference. The respective EHRI partner institute may either select one of these suggested periods or choose to negotiate different dates with the recipient.
By handing in this application, I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the information provided above is accurate and complete.I agree to the EC conditionsfor transnational access. In addition, I vouch to commit myself to carry out the research within the framework stipulated by EHRI for the duration of the fellowship and mention funding from the EC commission in any resulting publications (which I will indicate to EHRI).