Student Venture Proof of Idea Application

The American IncubatorTM

Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Innovation (SEI) Initiative

The American Incubator provides accepted student ventures with mentors, networking opportunities, educational opportunities, access to resources and space to guide them through the early stages of product/service and business development. With experienced professionals and faculty support, American Entrepreneurs can build a sustainable business with limited overhead. From the idea stage to investor pitches, the American Incubator offers the tools student ventures need to launch a business.

Who may apply to the American Incubator?

American University undergraduate or graduate students with an idea or business model who are looking to turn it into a reality may apply. AU student teams may have a reasonable number of non-AU students as team members. Students admitted to the American Incubator prior to graduation may continue to use the incubator for a reasonable period of time after graduation.

Number of Student Ventures in the American Incubator

A highly selective process will be used to ensure that student ventures selected for the American Incubator have a viable idea that has the potential to scale. For the 2014-15 academic year, the target goal is a seven active ventures in the Incubator during the Fall 2014 and up to ten ventures in the Spring 2015 semester. Our application schedule is continuous, so students can apply at any time during the year.

Applying to Become an American Entrepreneur

The application process involves the following:

1.Schedule an informational meeting with one of our two co-directors: Professor Bill Bellows () or Professor Tommy White ( ).

2.Complete the Proof of Idea as detailed on the following pages.

3. If your idea is a potential fit, you will be asked to prepare and present a 10 minute presentation on your idea.

4.You will be notified of a decision within two weeks.

The American Incubator

Proof of Idea

/ Part 1: DATA
What is the name or working name of your venture?
How is your venture set up now or will it be set as a for-profit business, a benefit corporation or a non-profit/social venture?
For each Founder provide: Name, email, cell phone #, LinkedIn link, student status, and school/graduation year. Please provide 2 page maximum CV on each founder as an annex.
Who is the primary point of contact?
Please confirm that at least one member of our team is a student or graduate of American University holding 20% or more ownership of the venture.
Describe your product or service offering.
Describe your target customer or users.
What do you consider to be your customer’s problem or unmet need?
How are the potential customers addressing this today? Why are current solutions insufficient?
What is the potential scope or scale of your market? Can you cite independent research to validate the market opportunity?
What are the key challenges you see in starting your venture?
Is there anyone else who worked on the concept but is not involved in the venture going forward?
What else would you like us to know?

Annex: Include CVs of Founders (2 page maximum each)

Please email your application and CVs to