American Association of Grant Professionals

Board Meeting – Boston, MA

November 13, 2004

Board Members Present: Phyl Renninger, Joani Sarkiss, Bernard Turner, Jerry Dillehay, Maryn Boess, Mary Hale Meyer, Pauline Annarino, Michael Wells, Cynthia Oda, and Deanna Nurnberg (minutes).

Others Present: Gail Vertz, Executive Director; Chuck Howard, Director-Elect, and Susan Linn, Director-Elect

  1. Call to Order: Meeting called to order at12:10 p.m. EST by President Phyl Renninger.
  2. Old Business:

Approval of Minutes from November 10, 2004 meeting. Motion to approve the minutes of November 10, 2004 (Pauline/Joani). Motion carried.

III. New Business:

A.Board of Directors Election: Five members elected to board were: Phyl Renninger, Cynthia Oda, Chuck Howard, Susan Linn, and Karen Stinson. New board members were sworn in during this morning’s awards breakfast.

The ED has been asked to clarify length of term of new members, one board member was elected to a one-year term: Cynthia Oda. The remaining members were elected to three-year terms. From this point out, board members will be elected to three year terms unless they are filling vacant slots.

Motion: AAGP destroy the ballots from the election (Mary Hale/Bernard). Motion carried unanimously.

B.Executive Director Conference Summary:Executive Director Gail Vertz reported the final counts for the conference; 371 individuals were registered for all or part of the conference. Final income/expenditures will be available later. She will send compilations of the overall evaluations out to board members for use in future planning. Approximately 10 new members joined during the conference and another 20 were planning to do it after their return to the office.

C. Review November through January Process for Transition: New board is seated as of January 1st. The president-elect will appoint new committee chairs by the end of November to allow for transition to a new chair. President Renninger also asked the board to consider committees and whether there are two committees that can be combined into one during the January workshop.

D. January Board Workshops/Face-to-Face Meeting:

Motion: To hold a January meeting (Bernard/Cynthia). Motion carried unanimously.


  • It would be important to hold a full board meeting as part of the meeting; to establish an ad hoc committee (before January) to start working on the preliminary business plan and to do additional work to present to and undertake at the January meeting.
  • The conference committee needs the assistance and input of the board on conference policies establishment and would like time on the workshop schedule.
  • The bylaws changes proposed by the nominating committee have not yet been brought before the Board; he would like them to be brought before the board so that they can be effective by the next annual meeting.
  • Marketing committee is going to establish a policy for chapter-related websites. Shall this be on the agenda as part of a broader discussion about how we support committee decision-making and yet remain informed.
  • The board needs to approve a 2005 budget.
  • The board should examine its officer-election process.
  1. Setting Future Meetings: President Renninger will set future Board Meetings (for 2005) electronically. One option for the January meeting will be to hold it in Scottsdale, so that the local conference committee can attend. Gail will contact the hotel to see what kind of deals we might get in Scottsdale; but Jerry noted that January is high-season. A second option is Las Vegas, because it’s lower-cost and should have hotel availability.

Motion: To hold a second board meeting this spring at a time or place to be determined. (Deanna/Bernard). Motion carried unanimously.

  1. Election of 2005 Officers. President Renninger temporarily stepped down from chairing the meeting; Vice President Boess chaired the election of officers.
  2. President. Michael Wells nominated Phyl Renninger for the position of President. President elected unanimously.
  3. Vice President. Deanna Nurnberg nominated Pauline Annarino for the position of Vice President. Vice President elected unanimously.
  4. Secretary.Joani Sarkiss nominated Deanna Nurnberg for the position of Secretary. Secretary elected unanimously.
  5. Treasurer. Michael Wells nominated Bernard Turner for the position of Treasurer. Treasurer elected unanimously.
  6. New Business, announcements, or comments.
  • The GPCI Board started to meet this morning and will continue their meeting immediately after this meeting.
  • Cynthia announced she has 10 members on the Ethics committee now.
  • Mary Hale noted that James Kopp deserves special recognition of the work he has done for AAGP – as the photographer/historian at the conference and as a member of the marketing committee.
  • Maryn Boess acknowledged her appreciation to the board for her work with them and her plans to continue to be involved with AAGP.
  • Bernard asked what the orientation plans are for the three new members. Phyl will set up a December orientation conference call.
  • Jerry noted he’s going to be extremely involved with us over the next year as he continues to lead the effort to prepare for the Scottsdale conference.
  • It has been proposed that we seek feedback from presenters; also that we start a no-show list of presenters.
  • Joani requested that we, as a board, uphold our commitments that we are in the conference city during the time allotted for on-site meetings.
  • Deanna requested that we discuss the dates and times for board meetings during the Scottsdale conference at the next meeting; Phyl requested the input via e-mail prior to when we set the travel dates.

IV. Items remaining from the November 10, 2004 meeting.

A. Tentative 2005 Budget: Finance Chair Bernard Turner passed out the tentative budget for 2005, which will be reviewed and approved at the next meeting; he would like any comments/changes to be submitted to him before a new finance chair assumes this responsibility on January 1st.

B. The Research & Authority Committee’s Proposal. The board will have a further discussion with the new chair of this committee to provide additional details about the costs and issues associated with the proposal.

V. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 1:07 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Deanna Nurnberg, Secretary.

November 13, 2004