Tender Publication Reference:EASA.2013.OP.07

Title of the Contract:Language training and testing services

NAME OF TENDERER: ……………………………

LOT 2: Financial offer for language training and associated services delivered for EASA at external premises

PART I – Core services

For core services, a price shall be indicated for each category and must not amount to zero. Failure to comply with this requirement may lead to outright rejection of the offer.

N / Typology of service / Unit / Price offered
(Without VAT)
1. / Standard language tuition in DE, FR, ES, IT, EN
Regular or intensive tuition
One-to-one lesson / Hourly rate (60 minutes)
2. / Standard language tuition in DE, FR, ES, IT, EN
Regular or intensive tuition
Group size 2-5 / Hourly rate (60 minutes)
3. / Standard language tuition in DE, FR, ES, IT, EN
Regular or intensive tuition
Group size 6-12 / Hourly rate (60 minutes)
4. / Tailored language tuition
in DE, FR, ES, IT,EN
Regular or intensive tuition
Group size 6-12 / Hourly rate (60 minutes)
5. / Individual attendance to public classes offered by the provider in Cologne area (within 10 km from EASA’s premises) / Hourly rate (60 minutes)

PART II - Optional services

Relevant optional services that the tenderer may be able to offer shall be considered as an asset of his technical proposal.

The price list of such optional services shall serve as a reference for the contract implementation, binding on the selected contractor,but will not be taken into consideration for the financial evaluation.

Please add additional rows, and sheets, as necessary.

N / Typology of optional linguistic services / Unit / Price in EUR
(Without VAT)
1. / Price for 1 hour standard tuition at the premises of the provider(60 minutes) in any of the other EU ( for example Dutch)
2. / Individual attendance to a course at the premises of the provider or elsewhere in any of the official EU languages (especially Dutch) or non-European languages (like Chinese, Russian, Arabic, etc ..
3. / E-learning tuition associated to the delivery of regular or intensive courses, blended learning etc..
4. / Price for 1 hour standard tuition in Bonn, Düsseldorf or Brussels in any of the EU languages (especially French, Dutch, German) – [please add additional rows per location or language as necessary]
6. / Any other services [please describe]
.. / …

PART III - List of training material which the tenderer may provide for standard tuition, and corresponding prices

Title of the book / Language and level / Publisher, Year, Edition / Price in EUR (Without VAT)
please add additional rows as necessary


Any prices must be quoted in EURO and include all expenses necessary to perform the contract including any transport costs of trainers/assessors /Language coordinator

Prices for tailored training shall include also cost for training materials

Prices shall be fixed and not subject to revision for the first year of performance of the Contract. From the beginning of the second year of performance of the Contract, prices may be subject to revision. The revision shall be done as stipulated in the annexed draft contract.

Prices must be quoted free of any duties, taxes (such as VAT) and/or other charges, as EASA is exempt from such charges under Articles 3 and 4 of the Protocol on the privileges and immunities of the European Communities.

Costs incurred in preparing and submitting tenders are borne by the tenderer and shall not be reimbursed.

Signed by the tenderer’s authorised representative

Date and Signature