Response Form forNPRM 1321OS –
Amendments to CAO 29.6 - Helicopter External Sling Loads and CAO 29.11- Helicopter Winching and Rappelling Operations
and return it by one of the following means:
Post (no stamp required in Australia)
CASA’s Standards Development and Quality Assurance Branch
Reply Paid 2005, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia
E-mail (use the response format in this NPRM)
Please provide relevant information below and indicate your acceptance or otherwise of the options presented in this NPRM by selecting the appropriate boxes.
Your details
Your name: / ARN* (if known):Organisation: / ARN* (if known):
* Aviation Reference Number, usually your CASA-issued licence or certificate number
Your telephone number#:
# optional, to enable the Project Manager to contact you if necessary
Do you consent to having your name published as a respondent to this NPRM? / YES ☐ NO ☐
Key change proposals
(Complete this section in response to the proposed amendments to CAO 29.6 and CAO 29.11).
CASA invites you to advise your comments on the subject matter in this NPRM by indicating your preference by selecting the appropriate box and commenting below:
Key Proposal 1:Amend CAO 29.6 to require a risk assessment and, where required, appropriate risk mitigation to be used to reduce the risk to an acceptable level, prior to the performance of external load operations.
☐proposal is acceptable without change
☐changes would make it acceptable (please provide details below)
☐not acceptable under any circumstances
Comments or suggested changes (including an estimate of additional costs/impacts, if applicable):
Key Proposal 2: Amend CAO 29.6 to require the establishment of an AWZ and approval of an AWZ by CASA, if the external load operations are conducted over a populous area. This includes a requirement for the aircraft to meet performance requirements particular to the operation and operating area.
☐proposal is acceptable without change
☐changes would make it acceptable (please provide details below)
☐not acceptable under any circumstances
Comments or suggested changes (including an estimate of additional costs/impacts, if applicable):
Key Proposal 3:Amend CAO 29.6 to permit human external load operations, with standard requirements for such operations.
☐proposal is acceptable without change
☐changes would make it acceptable (please provide details below)
☐not acceptable under any circumstances
Comments or suggested changes (including an estimate of additional costs/impacts, if applicable):
Key Proposal 4: Amend CAO 29.11 to require, a pre-flight risk assessment prior to helicopter winching or rappelling operations, with the requirement that this pre-flight risk assessment is reassessed inflight to take account of any change in considerations.
☐proposal is acceptable without change
☐changes would make it acceptable (please provide details below)
☐not acceptable under any circumstances
Comments or suggested changes (including an estimate of additional costs/impacts, if applicable):
Response to the draft Amendments to CAO 29.6 and CAO 29.11
Having read the draft amendments, are there specific issues that you wish to see addressed? Please indicate by specifying the relevant draft regulation number, suggested change to that regulation that you believe will add value to the draft, and a short explanation of your reason for proposing the change.
Regulation number / Suggested changes / ExplanationAdditional comments
Any additional commentsThank you
Your response ensures balanced consideration by CASA of the interests of the aviation community and consumers.
NPRM 1321OSPage A1