China: Fujian Fishing Ports Project

Fujian Ocean Technical School

Environmental Code of Practices


Fujian Provincial Department of Ocean and Fisheries

Fujian Ocean Technology School

Fujian Provincial Academy of Environmental Science



1.  Introduction

The Fujian Marine Fishery Training Center Project (Project) is Component 3 under the China: Fujian Fishing Ports Project, which includes construction of a training building, a dormitory building and providing training facilities as well as training 3,000 persons every year.

The proposed training center is located in the campus of Fujian Ocean Technology School (School) in outskirts of Fuzhou City, Fujian Province. The site is now composed of breeding pond and wasteland of School with no environment-sensitive receptor around and no land acquisition & resettlement. The main construction activities involve pond backfill, land leveling and buildings construction.

The Project is classified as Category B based on the World Bank’s OP/BP4.01 EA. Accordingly, the ECOPs is prepared for advancing mitigation measures to the project-related environmental and social impacts. The ECOPs follows requirements of national laws, regulation and technical guidelines, as well as World Bank safeguards policies, including the World Bank Group Environment, Health and Safety Guidelines (EHS Guidelines).

This ECOPs is only applicable to Fujian Marine Fishery Training Center Project, which is one of the components under the China: Fujian Fishing Port Construction Project. The training center is undertaken by the Fujian Ocean Technology School.

2.  Project Description

The proposed training center is located in the new campus constructed for Fujian Ocean Technology School in Rongqiao Village, Shangjie Town, Minhou County, Fujian Province, as shown in the Figure 1.

The land area and total building area of the training center is 7,553.7m2 and 11,643m2 respectively, the building height is no more than 24m. The total investment is RMB40.558 million yuan, including works cost of RMB40.096 million yuan. The number for simultaneous training and fishing crew trained annually is 250 persons and 3,000 persons respectively.

The construction items and functional layout of proposed project are shown in the Table 1 and the plane layout of project is shown in the Figure 2.

Table 1 Construction Items and Functional Layout of Proposed Project

Items / Location / Storey / Height (m) / Area (m2) / Function
Training Building / North / 3 / 14.15 / 3239.3 / Including four ordinary classrooms, one multimedia classroom, one lecture theatre with the capacity of 250 persons, one room for ship handling simulation equipment (main ship), two marine simulation training room (auxiliary ship), one navigation radar simulation room, one training room for electronic navigation instruments and navigational instruments, one simulation room for global maritime distress and safety system, one training room for basic maritime safety, one training room for shipboard medical care and first-aid, one workroom for sea chart, one training room for sailors' process and teacher’s office etc.
Trainees Dormitory Building / Northwest / 5 / 18.55 / 7617.96 / On the first floor, an empty space is considered for parking at the southwest and the southeast is built as dining room and kitchen
The second floor is built as dormitory and the rooms for activity and exercise as well as management
The third floor and the above are built as trainees dormitory.
Turbine training building / East / - / - / 692 / One room for turbine training equipment (equipment disassembling and assembling), one room for turbine simulation equipment and supporting changing room for diving training pool.
Fire-drill room / North / 2 / 5.0 / 24 / Fire-drill
Electric welding room / North / 1 / 3.6 / 69.93 / Used for electric welding equipments
Diving training pool for crew / East / - / - / 620 / Used for crew’s marine survival training
Sewage disposal facility / 27.9 / Treated centrally in municipal sewage plant of University Town, Fuzhou City after being pretreated


Figure1 Geographical Location of Project


Figure 2 Plane Layout of Project

3.  Environmental and Social Baseline

According to the Overall Planning for Fuzhou City (2009-2020), the project location belongs to the “Land for education and scientific study purposes”, which is located in the Fuzhou University Town.

The Fujian Ocean Technology School has gained the license of land for construction purposes, the World Bank financed Fujian Marine Fishery Training Center Project is located in the campus, which is now composed of breeding pond and wasteland of School with no environment-sensitive receptor around and no land acquisition & resettlement.

The nearest environment-sensitive receptor is the Rongqiao village, 18m to the south with 12 households, the receptor is generally insensitive in the project-located area. Please refer to the Figure 3 for the current environmental situation of project.

Site Status (Breeding pond belonging to School) / Site Status (Wasteland)
Rongqiao village, 18m to the south of Project
Figure 3 Current Situation of Surrounding Environment

4.  Institutional Arrangement

The Fujian Provincial Department of Ocean and Fisheries will take the overall responsibility for the management and coordination of project implementation. Its readily-established Project Management Office (FPMO) handles the day-to-day management and coordination of project implementation. It will oversee the implementation of the Project and fulfil the requirements of World Bank.

Fujian Ocean Technical School, which is under the jurisdiction of FDOF, will implement the training centre construction, including the procurement, construction management, safeguards implementation and compliance, as well as the monitoring, reporting tasks under the Project.

The environmental supervision engineer is responsible for inspecting, supervising, and auditing all construction works and other activities undertaken by the Contractor(s), and for ensuring compliance with the environmental protection requirements and contractual requirements.

Contractor(s) is hired by the FOTS to undertake the detailed design and the construction activities for the Project, and responsible for implementing the construction mitigation measures.

5.  Public Consultation

During preparation of the ECOPs, public consultation was carried out during Oct 5-6 in field through questionaire survey, interviews and public meetings at Rongqiao Villager and University Town Management Committee. Full draft ECOPs was disclosed in the website of Fujian Environmental Science Institute. Hardcopies were disclosed at Fujian Ocean Technical School, University Town Management Committee and Rongqiao Villager Committee, thus publicly available to the public. Public consulted overall supports the project. Public opinions have been incorporated into the project design and this ECOPs.


6.  Environmental Impact and Mitigation Measures

The main construction activities of project involve pond backfill, foundation treatment, upper structure construction, internal decoration. The potential environmental problems in construction are shown in the Table 2. The construction lasts 12 months, the environmental impacts during construction period will disappear with the construction completion.

The LNG power is applied during the operation period and results in the living sewage of 55.3m3/d, which is incorporated into treatment in municipal sewage plant of University Town, Fuzhou City, having little environmental impacts during the operation period.

Table 2 Potential Environmental Problems in Construction

Activities / Potential impacts/problems
Pond backfill / 1. The breeding pond will be replaced by land for construction purposes, resulting in changes in land function;
2. Dust and noise impacts from packing transportation on villagers along the line;
3. Water & soil erosion.
Foundation treatment / 1. Noise impacts from pile foundation construction
Buildings construction / 1. Problems of noise, dust and solid waste produced in main building construction will affect the surrounding environment
Internal decoration / 1. Possible problems of noise, waste gas, solid waste produced in decoration will affect the surrounding environment

The main environmental problems for World Bank financed Fujian Marine Fishery Training Center exist in the construction period, accordingly, the mitigation plan in the ECOPs focuses on construction period, the proposed mitigation plan and monitoring plan taken is respectively shown in the Table 3 and 4.

Table 3 Mitigation Plan

Issue / Mitigating Measure / Responsibility Party / Start Date / End Date
Materials Supply (Gravel, Concrete etc.) / Use existing quarries and materials (cement, sand, wall board, steel beams, etc) supply companies with valid operating licenses
All delivery trucks carrying dust generating materials must be covered or water sprayed to prevent dust generation during transport
Delivery trucks that do not close properly and/or are loaded with materials that exceed the limits specified by Chinese/Fuzhou regulations which result in spillage en route to the project site will be denied access to the project site
Material should be delivered at off-peak hours in accordance with traffic management plan
(see below)
On-site material storage close to the work area will be identified in due course, It should be covered and/or water sprayed, off-site material should be stored in buildings near the construction site
See also, Annex E below
·  Building Material Supervision in Fuzhou Municipality
·  Fuzhou Municipality on Civilized Construction Decree
/ Constructor / Construction start / Materials supply completed
Noise / Conduct activities during normal working hours
If activities must be conducted in the evening and/or weekend, provide local affected groups (Rongqiao village) with at least one week notice of start and completion times
Any construction equipment deemed too noisy by Fujian/Fuzhou environmental authorities shall be replaced
See also, Annex E below Fuzhou Municipality on Civilized Construction / Constructor / Construction start / Construction end
Dust / Keep construction area and access roads sprinkled with water, particularly during dry, windy conditions
See also, Annex E below Fuzhou Municipality on Civilized Construction / Constructor / Construction start / Construction end
Management of Solid Wastes (Non-Hazardous) / Waste materials (including scrap and packaging) that cannot be recycled or reused are to be disposed at sites/locations officially designated by the government
Scrap materials that can be recycled are only to be provided to operators officially licensed to conduct recycling/recovery
Components that have remaining useful life are to be stored and/or used at other construction sites as the need arises.
See also Annex E below:
·  PRC “Urban Construction Garbage Decree No. 139”
·  Fuzhou Municipality on Civilized Construction Decree
/ Constructor / Construction/ Replacement Program starts / Construction/ Replacement Program ends
Management of Hazardous Wastes (spent lubricants, paints, adhesives, solvents) / Hazardous wastes stored at temporary facilities on-site that are well ventilated with impervious floors and locked when not in use. Wastes are then removed on a regular basis by a firm licensed to receive such materials / Constructor / Construction / Replacement Program starts / Construction / Replacement Program ends
Emissions from Construction Equipment / Any construction equipment deemed by Fujian/Fuzhou environmental authorities to be discharging emissions that have excessive smoke or foul odors shall be replaced / Constructor / Construction starts / Construction ends
Wastewater Management (Construction) / Construction wastewaters are to be collected, pretreated and discharged into the municipal drainage system, or sent to temporary on-site storage facilities to be collected by companies licensed to receive and manage construction wastewaters
See also Annex E below:
·  Urban Drainage License Decree No. 152
·  Fuzhou Municipality on Civilized Construction Decree
Worker Health and Safety / Follow WB/IFC EHS Guidelines (
Sections 2 (Occupational Health and Safety) and 4.2
As presented in Annex D
See also Annex E below:
·  PRC Labor Law Order of the President, No. 28
·  PRC Regulations on Labor and Social Security Supervision No. 423
·  PRC Production Safety Law
·  PRC Regulations on License to Work Safety Order No.397
·  PRC Regulations on Safety in Production of Construction Projects
·  PRC Construction Law
·  Fuzhou Municipality on Civilized Construction Decree
·  (Administrative Provisions)
·  Regulations of Fuzhou Municipality on Work Safety Supervision and Administration Measures of Fuzhou Municipality for Construction Safety of Construction Engineering
·  Municipal Government Decree, No. 29. Work-related Injury Insurance / Constructor
Safety Officer / Construction starts / Construction ends
Traffic Management
(Equipment, materials deliveries, waste materials removal) / Traffic Management Plan prepared to minimize disruption to normal traffic patterns, consistent with overall project implementation schedule
Implement Traffic Management Plan / TAL (based upon Constructor inputs)
Constructor / Before any construction starts
Construction start / Construction ends
Construction ends
Land preparation / Remove any vegetative cover by manual or mechanical means, no pesticide use
Dispose of vegetative cover to government approved site or composting farm
Any excavated topsoil either utilized on site or stockpiled for future use at government approved sites / Constructor / Construction starts / Construction ends
Chance Find / If there is an accidental discovery of any item of cultural, religious or social significance, all construction activities are to be stopped. The area secured and authorities responsible for cultural heritage notified.
No physical work is to be conducted until the authorities provide their written approval
Any worker removing such artifacts for personal use or gain, shall be dismissed and subjected to legal action / Constructor / Construction starts / Construction ends
Worker camps / Worker camps will be sited at least:
·  Where possible, the construction camp shall be located in areas of existing land disturbance, rather than an undeveloped area.
·  Water for the camps will be provided from local water-supply sources.
·  Bio toilets will be used in worker camps. Wastes of the toilets and waste waters will be collected in special cesspits and pumped out as they are filled and then removed with special transport to the nearest sewerage system or sewage tanks or wastewater will be connected to existing sewage collector system
Upon completion, campsite will be restored and revegetated to as close to the original condition as possible
See also Annex E below:
Fuzhou Municipality on Civilized Construction
(Administrative Provisions) Article 21 / Constructor / Construction starts / Construction ends
Site Specific 1
Site Specific 2
Site Specific 3
Site Specific 4
Site Specific etc.

Table 4 Monitoring Plan