Annette School Council MeetingJanuary 18, 2017


Laura Syron

Nancy Keenan

Toula Masellas

Alice Chang

Ivan (Treasurer)

Anne Daley

Joe Costa


Carole Colin Ryan

Jason Richard


2 years ago some students and teachers attended a mental health conference. The students brainstormed an idea of a space in school where they could take some time to themselves to recalibrate. Last year we put that program into place. We developed 3 places in the school. It’s a partitioned off corner with headphone, sensory comforting materials. That’s for grade 6-8. Each classroom has a little card with a logo on it, and they need to take the card and show it to the teacher and go into the space. For the younger students we purchased little folding chairs with sound reducing headphones, a weighted snake they can drape over their shoulders and some sensory things as will. It’s portable and can be moved within the classroom. The space is used consistently everyday, usually 3 or 4 students, for various reasons. Sometimes just to take some space, sometimes they’re upset. Sometimes they have headaches. Sometimes to take a break during conflict to take some time and deal with what’s going on. It’s well used. The materials are used also. The students like it. We added some mandala colouring books. The little seats in the Kindergarten to grade 5 classrooms are apparently well used also. According to the teachers, the students themselves request to use the seats. Soon we’ll have students from the Social Justice Group visit the classrooms and raise awareness about the safe spaces again.

We have protocols in place if students disclose anything that’s harming themselves or other people, or other people are harming them. We have protocols to follow. If we see patterns, such as students who use the space consistently then we would speak with the principle.

The students who tend to be using it more frequently are students who were already on the radar and are using it therapeutically and appropriately.

When discussing conflict resolution in the classroom and asked “what should you do in when in conflict?” The students consistently answer: “go to the space.” I think the one on the second floor is used the most.

Initiative has not caused disruption in the classroom; in fact, Staff feels having the Safe Space has reduced disruptions. Students are not required to disclose why they are going to the space. Some children request to go to the space on the own accord, and sometimes the teacher’s requests that the student go spend time there.

The Social Justice Club meets to brainstorm and discuss ways the Safe Space Initiative can be developed and improved.

Some other schools within TDSB and some other school boards also have initiatives similar to Safe Space. Some schools have meditation rooms. But we need to make sure there is always someone there. You hear about kids now instead of detention doing meditation. There is value in that. But you need someone to support it.

Safe Space annual budget for 2016/2017: $300

There is a strong sense of wanting to support this program so for now there is $300 but also if new needs arise, please communicate them with us.

[Anne Daley will email primary teachers re. potential needs for the Safe Space program]


We are looking at more Wellness techniques in the school. Breathing, stretching and relaxing. Techniques we can use in the classroom. Toula and Alice implemented these techniques. And we will post these on the website as well. And teachers can do them too. It’s important for the staff as well as for the students. Making it part of everyday at school is a big piece. More is happening at the younger level. But we know we need to integrate it with the Intermediate as well.

Toula Masellas has been using quiet space in the classroom for years now. She finds it’s a nice self-regulating space that can also be used for quiet activities like reading. She also implements round, soft chairs where they can sit and feel comforted. She recommends every classroom have a quiet corner.

She also implements breathing awareness and exercises with the children using very simple and straightforward techniques. The children are very keen on it and respond well.

Some parents have inquired regarding implementing Mindfulness meditation.

It is noted that Mindfulness practices are regularly integrated into the school day at Annette, although not rigidly scheduled into the day. Karla notes that she feels Annette has placed value on Mindfulness practices for 18 years now. The Principal and teachers note that they have a teacher who is trained in Mindfulness who trains the other teachers, and many teachers are implementing Mindfulness practices in the classrooms on a daily basis. All feel that the importance and implementation of mindfulness is just becoming more consistent and growing within the school environment.



[some concern is expressed regarding grade 6 boys’ performance on math portion of the EQAs. Efforts have been put forward to address issue re. boys’ test scores in past years and the boys’ performance in reading and writing his improved. It is generally agreed that continued attention should be paid to this issue, and that teachers participate in professional development re. mathematics, and various learning styles. It is mentioned that different personality, communications styles, and learning styles come into play as well, as gender, in the learning and communication of mathematic reasoning. It is also noted that with raising awareness re. gender continuum, we should be careful the way we relate to gender in this matter]

TEACHER’S REPORT [Alice Chang, Toula Masellas]

  • Alice- grade 3s are going to Pioneer Village and grade 1s are going to Aquarium in April.
  • There’s a MAAD fundraiser
  • There’s a QSP cookie dough fundraiser to support the graduation
  • There are the Arctic games
  • Spring concerts will be in April
  • June 3 is confirmed for Fun Fair
  • Graduation is June 27 for Annette and June 28 for High Park
  • March 2 are grad pictures
  • There will likely be a lunchtime yoga club starting for the Seniors



  • There are some order renewals from QSP, although Annette is not implementing the QSP fundraising this year
  • There will potentially be a parent social night
  • Cashless school online payment system is being implemented so that people can pay school fees and make donations online
  • Bag 2 School has happened
  • The Acorn fundraiser is upcoming. This is a favourite fundraiser in which the children do an art activity in class, and then families are given the opportunity to purchase the art printed on greeting cards, a mug, or poster for example. 40% of the proceeds come back to Annette. The process is very easy, the quality is good and prices are reasonable. This will be implemented for primary children, but may also be a good option for seniors as well. It’s a beautiful way to appreciate the children’s art, and it’s something you can truly use.
  • Date for the Fun Fair is June 3, 2017


  • Graduation date is June 27
  • There is a small committee. Anyone who is in grade 8 is welcome to join.
  • $800 from School Council goes toward grad. There is no limit to what the children are allowed to fundraise. Generally we should stick to the $1200, but you can ask people to donate things such as food which helps save expenses.
  • For the grade 8 graduation trip, there are scholarships available to help any family that is having issues with the funding. Annette does not want anyone to miss out on the trip for financial reasons.


  • Annette is planning to offer a workshop on Social Media and our children in 2017