Name ______Date ______
Anne Frank Study Guide
Response to Quotes: Explain the following quotations from Anne’s diary. Be prepared to tell me who said the quote and what he/she meant.
1. “Surely the time will come when we are people again, and not just Jews” (Frank, 207).
2. “I don’t want to be cross, love cannot be forced” (Frank, 77).
3. “You feel wronged and deserted; no, Anne, you have done us a great injustice!” (Frank, 226).
4. “I wander from one room to another, downstairs and up again, feeling like a songbird whose wings have been clipped and who is hurling himself in utter darkness against the bars of his cage” (Frank, 113).
5. “I want to go on living even after my death” (Frank, 197).
6. “Everyone is angry with everyone else. Nice atmosphere, isn’t it?”(Frank, 78).
7. “If I just think of how we live here, I usually come to the conclusion that it is a paradise…” (Frank, 79).
8. “now the battle is over. I have won!” (Frank, 225).
9. “the end of the war is so terribly far away, so unreal, like a fairy tale” (Frank, 196).
10. “In the twenty-one months that we’ve spent here, we have been through a good many ‘food cycles’”
(Frank, 195).
Characterization: Describe the following people in one or two short sentences.
11. Anne Frank
12. Peter Van Daan
13. Fritz Pfeffer (Dussel)
14. Margot Frank
15. Mrs. Van Daan
16. Adolf Hitler
17. Edith Frank
18. Pim
19. Kitty
20. Kraler
21. Miep
22. Elli
Short Answer: Write a brief response to each question in the blank provided.
23. What did Anne call their hiding place?
24. Who got a dentist’s instrument stuck in her tooth?
25. In what city was the Frank’s hiding place?
26. Name three hobbies of Anne’s.
27. How did Anne feel about the Germans?
28. What did Anne do one night that hurt her mother’s feelings so much?
29. What is the “communal task of the day”?
30. How has Anne’s attitude about life changed toward the end of her diary?
31. Why didn’t the greengrocer call the police when he realized there had been a burglary?
32. What did Margot write in the letter to Anne that she couldn’t say in front of her?
33. Why did the Frank family move to the Netherlands instead of Switzerland?
Essay: Be prepared to write a five paragraph essay on one of the following topics. You will be required to give text evidence to prove your points. You will be able to use your book on the essay portion only.
1. Do you feel that Anne believes she is going to survive the war? Why or why not?
2. Anne writes in her diary about her love for nature, and she tries to look out the attic window as much as she can. How does the reality of what she sees outside of the annex affect her?
3. Last nine weeks, you learned about internal and external conflicts. Explain some of the internal and external conflicts that Anne experienced while in the Secret Annex.