Team A—Chanel, Diane, Debbie, and Nancy:
First of all, allow me to congratulate you on successfully accomplishing what is arguably the most difficult part of this assignment—the construction of hypothesis statements that are actually testable. On that effort, your results are outstanding!
What is missing from that section, however, is addressing the second part of the assignment, which is to advance several relevant questions deriving from those hypotheses so as to develop data gathering strategies. Perhaps this missing component is why your paper was a page-and-a-half shorter than it needed to be.
There are also several questions/challenges that I made in the introduction section—please address these.
Next, there are numerous grammatical errors in the paper—please address these.
Lastly—and I am quite weary of pointing this out—your reference list is NOT in compliance with APA Publication Manual guidelines. Please…fix them.
Dr. Dayton
GM599 Unit 3 – Hypothesis Statement Paper (Team Activity)Areas to be evaluated / Points Earned / Possible Points
Title Page / 2 / 2
· Set the stage – what is the purpose of this paper?
· What is a hypothesis and how will it assist in the research process of understanding the organizational problem? / 7 / 9
The Hypothesis Statement
· Briefly restate the problem statement from Unit 1
· Articulate 2 or 3 hypotheses
· Advance several relevant questions to each hypothesis that could be used to collect research data
· Identify potential sources of data to each question / 17 / 20
· What was discovered?
· How will this type learning activity enhance the research process? / 8 / 8
Reference Page / 3.5 / 5
Paper Length
· Write 5 pages, double spaced, not including the title page and reference page / 2 / 3
Appearance, Spelling, Grammar, Organization
· APA 6th Edition Format Style / 2 / 3
LATE Paper Deduction / 0 / -X
Total Points Earned / 41.5 / 50
Grade/Percentage Earned / 83% / 100%
McDonalds Hypothesis Statement
Team A- Chanel Bailey, Diane Jarosz, Debbie Jenkins, Nancy Sepulveda,
Kaplan University
GM599: Applied Research Project
Professor: DanDayton, PhD
October 1, 2013
McDonalds Hypothesis Statement
A hypothesis is a methodology extended to explicitly examine the critical assumptions underlying the issue. It also helps identify opportunities for investment and executive support systems. The hypothesis is also known as a strategic data model and is used to help coordinate practices whichpractices, which will also enhance the validity of the planning effort to reduce turnover. The potential use of the assumptions to reassess and reexamine the data will put an actual planning engagement in use so that the strategy is planned to address means, which are goal achievement and justified achievement (Henderson, Rockart, & Sifonis, 1987).
This paper underlines a hypothesis based on the scope and problem statements developed in part 1 and part 2 of the paper. The paper based on the research conducted on McDonalds would restate the problem statement and develop hypothesis whichhypothesis that would assist us in directing the research within various quadrants. Most of the research studies primarily begin with research questions and hypothesis. The hypothesis is considered as posits the relationship between two or more variables suggesting an answer to the research question. It is a declarative statement during the initial process of research whichresearch that predicts an expected outcome of the research (Pearce, 1999). Hypothesis also provides a direction for collection, analysis as well as interpretation of data.
Problem Statement
The core objectives of McDonald’s restaurant restaurants are to optimize profit making, offer their employees fair pay, and to ensure that employees achieve job satisfaction. However, the restaurant faces a myriad ofmyriad obstacles that make it significantly difficult to achieve the core objectives. Some of the challenges faced by the restaurant include a poor rewards scheme, a very low wage rate, and poor employee to employeeemployee-to-employee relationships (Nawaz, 2011). These obstacles result in poor employee motivation. The organization’s inability to realize its core objectives can be directly attributed to poor employee motivation.
Purpose of Hypothesis Statement
A hHypothesis statements statement’s main purpose is for developing a thinking process. This paper will help us create a testable theoryproposition, which will allow us to gain information and explore our organizational issue, understand the scope, and set discipline whichdiscipline, which will avoid us from steering away from our goals and requirements. The data collected should evolve into expected results of the study being conducted. It also allows foris a prediction on of how two or more constructs variables interrelate. The hypothesis sets the stage for questions that can be tested for future research. It is important because it helps guide the research and allows development of the investigation by helping the researcher collect the right kind of data needed (Leedy and Ormrod, 2001). There isn’tis not a right or wrong hypothesis because it is never proved or disproved. A hypothesis can only be supported or rejected.
A hypothesis will assist our team in the research process of understanding the organizational problem whichproblem, which, in this case, is high turnover, by allowing us to come up with questions that will allow further research and data collection. Through analyzing pertinent literature and research, the hypothesis statement will help us seek a better understanding and provide clarity on the impacts our findings have on employee commitment and employee turnover.
Hypothesis Statement
This part of the assignment restates the problem statement of the research and articulates hypothesis whichhypothesis that would help in conducting further research for answering the research question. McDonalds is currently facing the issue of low productivity due to underpaid and unskilled workers. The problem statement for conducting the research is factor affecting the motivation level of employees leading to low productivity in McDonalds. The research will research on various factors that are affecting the productivity at the restaurants (O’Byrne, 2009). It would research for the factors like compensation plan of employees, qualification, required training and development, career path of employees and effect of organizational transition.
Hypothesis for Conducting Research
H0: Low salaries and ineffective compensation and benefits plan are the major factor resulting in lower productivity and high attrition at McDonalds.
H1: Unskilled labor and ineffective training and development lead to lower productivity and high attrition at McDonalds.
H2: Organizational transition had a negative impact on employee commitment leading to lower productivity and high attrition at McDonalds.
The three hypotheses listed above help develop a thinking process to our problem statement by setting a direction and linking various variables for our research. The primary focus of this research would be based on three variables i.e., compensation and benefit plan of workers at McDonalds, training and development plans for employees at McDonalds and effect of organizational transition on employee commitment at McDonalds. Conducting research of these three variables would be highly effective to reach a conclusion for the research.
The paper restated the problem statement and developed hypothesis whichhypotheses that would assist us in directing the research within various quadrants. High employee turnover can have a severe impact on businesses, both financially and emotionally (Schlesinger, 1979). As managers, if we suspect that turnover is an issue for McDonald’s, we should take steps to recognize the possible causes of turnover, measure their turnover rate, determine turnover costs, and then address their turnover problems. The hypothesis articulated in the part of the assignment would help us in collection of both primary and secondary data around three variables and then conducting the research analysis part to arrive at conclusion and recommendations.
It has been discovered that high employee turnover rates effect the organization both financially and emotionally. In addition, it has been discovered to remedy employee turnover, McDonalds’ along with other organizations should “start by measuring theirturnoverand benchmarking against industry competitors” (Cascio, 2012, page 1). By measuring employee turnover and benchmarking against industry competitors, McDonalds’ will have the ability to provide a remedy to increase employee productivity, and also reduce their employee turnover rate by providing their organization with vital resources that are required for success.
This type of learning activity will enhance the research process by evaluating the different types of research methodologies that will identify McDonalds’s high employee turnover rate and the correlation between the labor turnover rate and low skilled workers. In addition, this type of learning activity will also enhance the research process by providing the tools and resources that are required to turn around employee turnover.
Cascio, W. F. (2012). RISKS OF EMPLOYEE TURNOVER.HR Magazine,57(4), 40-41.
Henderson, J. C., Rockart, J. F., & Sifonis, J. G. (1987). Integrating Management Support
Systems into Strategic Information Systems Planning. Journal of Management Information Systems, 4(1), 5-24.
Leedy, P. D., & Ormrod, J. E. (2001). Practical research. Pearson education international. MISSING CITY, STATE, AND PUBLISHER
McGoldrick, J. A. (1996). HRM service practices: flexibility, quality and employee strategy. International Journal of Service Industry Management,MISSING VOLUME AND ISSUE NUMBERS, 46-62.
Nawaz, S., M. (2011). Employeemotivation: A study on some selected McDonalds in the
UK. African Journal of Business Management, 5(14), pp. 5541-5550.
O’Byrne, S. F. (2009). Total Compensation Strategy. Journal of Applied Corporate Finance. MISSING VOLUME, ISSUE, AND PAGE NUMBERS Retrieved from http://www.valueadvisors.com/Attachments/OByrne-JACF82.pdf
Pearce, J. L. (1999). Job attitude and motivation differences between volunteers and employees from comparable organizations. Journal of Applied Psychology, MISSING VOLUME AND ISSUE NUMBERS 646-652.
Rivkin, J. W. (2000). Estimating the performance effects of business groups in emerging markets. Strategic Management Journal, MISSING VOLUME AND ISSUE NUMBERS 45-74.
Schlesinger, K. (1979). Organizational Change Model. Journal of Organizational Change Management. MISSING VOLUME, ISSUE, AND PAGE NUMBERS