Animal Science Syllabus
Instructor: Mrs. Lindsay Wayne
Instructor: Mrs. Lindsay Wayne Email:
Phone: (502)863-2660 Ext. 1178 Planning Period: 8:45-9:45 AM
Course Objective: Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to discuss, analyze, evaluate, and identify advanced concepts in animal science. Students will identify and evaluate various species of livestock in addition to developing health and management skills for the animal industry.
Course Requirements:
1. Students must keep a notebook.
2. It is highly recommended that students join FFA. Student membership in FFA will be enhanced by content that is learned in course curriculum.
3. Students are expected to plan and carry out a Supervised Agriculture Experience Program.
Required Materials:
1. Pencil/Pen
2. Loose Leaf Paper
3. 1 inch 3 ring binder
4. 1 white poster board (not required for the first day of school)
Student Expectations:
Students who enroll in any agriculture class agree to the SCHS Agriculture Department “Class Expectations”
Mrs. Wayne’s Individual Expectations:
- Keep an open mind and positive attitude at all times!
- Do NOT argue! (With me or other students!)
- Must have a desire to be successful and have fun learning!
- Must be in class to pass!
Bathroom Policy
- Students will only be allowed three bathroom passes a semester
- Students that don’t use their bathroom passes may submit them for bonus (5 points added to an assessment grade) at the end of the semester
Grades: Grading Scale:
30% Daily Work/Participation A – 100-92
30% Notebook B – 91- 84
30% Exams and Quizzes C – 83-76
10% Records D – 75-68
F – 67-0
Class Schedule and Units
(not necessarily in this order, some may not be covered)
Unit 1 – Orientation – Course Outline, FFA, Goal Setting, and SAEP Records
Unit 2 – Understanding the Animal Science Industry (Trends, Careers, Animal Rights and Welfare)
Unit 3 – The World Hunger Challenge
Unit 4 – Animal Species Exploration (PORTFOLIO)
Unit 5 – Animal Nutrition/Digestion
Unit 6 – Animal Reproduction/Genetics
Unit 7 – Small Animals
Unit 8 – Beef and Dairy Industries
Unit 9 – Swine
Unit 10 - Sheep, and Goats
Unit 11 – Poultry