Rotary Club of Portland
Article I. Election of Officers and Directors
Section 1. Nomination of Club Officers. On or before November 1 of each year a nominating committee of five members consisting of the immediate Past President as chairman and at least one other Past President shall be appointed by the President. Suggestions for nomination may be made to the nominating committee. The nominating committee shall publish in "Spokes" its report on nominations prior to the meeting on the second Tuesday in December and on said day the nominating committee shall make its report. The Nominating Committee shall nominate the Vice-President for the Office of President. Any additional nominations for such officers may be made at the meeting at which the nominating committee reports. Each of said officers shall have served as a Director of this Club for at least one year prior to assuming office.
Section 2. Election of Club Officers. The annual election of the President, Vice-President and Treasurer of the club shall be held on the third Tuesday of December each year.
The President, Vice-President and Treasurer so chosen shall serve as members of the Board of Directors.
Section 3. Nominations of Directors. At the regular meeting of the club held on the first Tuesday in January nominations shall be called for by the chairman for candidates for the Board of Directors (hereinafter referred to as the Board) and at the regular meeting held on the second Tuesday in January additional nominations for candidates for the Board shall be called for by the chairman.
It is highly recommended, but not mandatory, that there be at least twice as many nominees as there are positions to be filled.
(NOTE: This change allows the board to nominate only the number of directors to fill the board seats if they choose to avoid anyone “losing” the election)
Section 4. Election of Directors.
(a) At the regular meeting of the Club held on the fourth Tuesday in January each year, there shall be conducted an election of directors.
(b) Except as otherwise provided herein, the term of office of directors shall be two years. The number of directors to be elected each year shall be that number required to bring the total number of the board of directors to twelve including the three officers, the Immediate Past President and those directors who will not have completed their terms at the close of the current Rotary year. If the directors whose terms are not expiring number less than four, the four newly-elected members receiving the highest votes among the candidates shall be declared elected for two-year terms, and the remaining vacancies shall be filled by the candidates receiving the next highest votes, who shall serve for one-year terms.
(c) No member shall be eligible to be elected to the Board unless he will have been a member of this club for at least three two years prior to assuming office.
(NOTE: Currently, the Trust Board may elect members who have been in the Club for two years. This change would allow the Club Board to do the same)
(d) This form only shall be employed in making nominations for officers and directors:
Rotarian _______________________places in nomination
Rotarian _______________________________ for the office of _______________.
Section 5. The officers and directors elect shall be installed at the time of the annual meeting, specified in Article 1V, Section 2, of these By-Laws.
Section 6. The terms of office for officers and directors shall be the Rotary year which commences July 1 in the calendar year in which they are elected and shall continue to and including June 30 in the calendar year in which their respective terms expire.
Section 7. At the first or second meeting of the Board after the installation of officers, the Board shall appoint a secretary.
Section 8. The Board shall elect from the membership of the club as delegates and alternates to the International Convention such members as it deems best, not exceeding the number authorized by International Rotary. Provisions shall be made by the Board for the transportation and expenses of the President-Elect and Executive Director while in attendance at the convention, the same to be paid from the club treasury.
Section 9. A vacancy in the Board or any office shall be filled by the remaining members of the Board and the director or officer so elected to fill a vacancy shall hold office until the close of the current Rotary year. At such annual election the director receiving the lowest vote of those elected shall be declared elected for the short term.
Article V. Fees and Dues
Section l. Admission Fee. The admission fee shall be established by the Board of Directors and is to be paid before the applicant can qualify as a member.
Section 2. Dues. All membership dues will be increased annually based on the current Consumer Price Index.
(NOTE: This is not a current practice of the Club)
(a) Dues for Active Members shall be established by the Board of Directors.
(b) Dues for Senior Active and Past Service members who have attained the age of sixty-five (65) years shall be established by the Board of Directors.
(c) Dues for Senior Active and Past Service members who have been members of the Rotary Club of Portland for twenty-five (25) years or more and who have attained the age of seventy-five (75) may, upon request to the Board, pay a reduced annual dues of an amount established by the Board of Directors.
(d) Any Senior Active Member in good standing who becomes physically or mentally disabled to such extent that he is not able to attend to his business affairs or enjoy the privileges of the Rotary Club of Portland shall pay as membership dues only the costs of the International and District dues and the subscriptions to the Rotarian and Spokes for the period of continuance of such disability upon proof of the fact of such disability satisfactory to the Board of Directors in form and content.
Section 3. Any former active member of this club who has been reapproved in all other respects for membership in the club may rejoin upon payment of a one hundred fifty dollar ($150.00)
reinstatement fee. Such fee shall not be required of an Additional Active member as provided in Article VIII, Section 3 of the Club Constitution.
Article XI. Method of Electing Members
Section 1. Procedure for Electing Members. The name of the newly proposed member, having been proposed by one member in good standing, shall be submitted through the secretary, on a blank form known as the proposal form. The secretary shall then refer it to the membership/classification committee, which shall consider the eligibility of such proposed member from the standpoint of classification and declare the classification filled or unfilled and the proposed classification proper or improper after making due investigation of the character, business, social standing and general eligibility of the person proposed for membership, shall then proceed to vote and if not to exceed one negative vote is cast the name of the proposed member shall be considered eligible. The membership/classification committee shall then report to the Board the action they have taken thereon. The Board shall then review the action of the membership/classification committee and sustain or reject their decisions or refer it back to the membership/classification committee for further consideration and action.
If the membership/classification committee has reported favorably upon the name of the newly proposed member and the Board has sustained the action, the proposer shall be notified by the secretary and the regular form of application blank shall be filled out by the newly proposed member and signed by him. If the membership/classification committee reports adversely and the Board sustains their action, the proposers shall be so notified by the secretary.
After the application has been secured from the proposed new member, the secretary shall notify each member of the club by publishing in the official club publication the name of the proposed candidate, the firm represented and the classification under which he seeks membership. A ten-day period shall then be allowed during which any member objecting to the election of the applicant shall notify the Board in writing, stating reasons for his objections.
After the expiration of the ten-day period, the Board at a regular meeting or a special meeting called for that purpose, shall consider such objections as may have been submitted. They shall then proceed to ballot upon the applicant and if not to exceed two negative votes are cast, the proposed member shall be considered duly elected, but if more than two negative votes are cast the proposed member shall be considered as having been rejected. The applicant and the proposer shall then be notified by the secretary of the applicant's acceptance or rejection.
The name of the newly proposed member, having been proposed by one member in good standing, shall be submitted through the secretary, on a blank form known as the proposal form. The secretary shall then schedule an orientation with the proposed member to learn more about the proposed member and to inform the proposed member about Rotary. The secretary shall then report to the Board on the recommendation of membership from the orientation Leader. The Board shall then review the recommendation and accept or reject the application for membership.
After the application has been approved, the secretary shall notify each member of the club by publishing in the official club publication the name of the proposed candidate and the firm represented. A ten-day period shall then be allowed during which any member objecting to the election of the applicant shall notify the Board in writing, stating reasons for his objections.
After the expiration of the ten-day period, the secretary will notify the Board of any opposition to the proposed member and the Board shall consider such objections as may have been submitted. They shall then proceed to ballot upon the applicant and if not to exceed two negative votes are cast, the proposed member shall be considered duly elected, but if more than two negative votes are cast the proposed member shall be considered as having been rejected. If no objections have been presented, the proposer and proposed member will be notified of acceptance into the Club.
(NOTE: This is a more updated and accurate depiction of how we elect new members into the club)
Section 2. Honorary Members. The names of proposed candidates for honorary membership shall be submitted to the Board in writing and the election shall be in the same form and manner as prescribed for an active member, no signed application being required, provided, however, that such proposal may be considered at any regular or special meeting of the Board and the Board may at its discretion waive any of the steps as set forth in Section 1 of this Article and proceed to ballot on the proposed member. If not to exceed two negative votes are cast by the members of the Board in attendance at the regular or special meeting, the proposed member shall be considered duly elected.
Article XIV. Amendments
These By-Laws may be amended at any regular meeting, a quorum being present, by a two-thirds vote of all members present, provided that notice of such proposed amendment shall have been mailed to each member at least ten days before such meeting. No amendment or addition to these By-Laws can be made which is not in harmony with the club constitution and with the constitution and By-Laws of Rotary International.
Article XV. Novatarians
Section 1. Each new member of the Rotary Club of Portland shall automatically become a Novatarian and shall continue in that status until he has attended four weekly Novatarian meetings or subsequent make-up meetings held on a one to one basis with the Executive Director in the Rotary office.
Section 2. The purpose of the Novatarian program is to foster early acquaintance and personal friendship among new members of the Rotary Club of Portland and to assist in the indoctrination of new Rotarians in the aims, principles and policies of Rotary.
Section 3. Novatarians may have such Articles and By-Laws and such governing board and officers as the Board of Directors of the Rotary Club of Portland may expressly authorize and approve.
(NOTE: This is no longer a practice of this Club)