Animal Foster Application

Today’s Date:______Name of Animal You Wish to Foster?______

Thank you for your interest in becoming a foster parent. As such, you will be providing a temporary home for kittens, puppies, dogs, cats or other animals in need as specified in your application. The devotion and care given during this time allows the animal a second chance to be adopted by a loving family. The rewards of being a foster are many. They include offering an animal a second chance and the added benefit of receiving the love and attention right back from the animal you nurture.

Personal Information


Address: ______City: ______State:____Zip:______

Home Phone: ______Work Phone: ______

Cell Phone: ______Email: ______

How many members are in your household? ______

How many are children? ______

What are their ages? ______

Do they support your participation in the Foster Program? Yes ____ No ____

Are any members of your household allergic to animals? Yes ____ No ____ If yes, please explain:



Are any members of your household afraid of animals? Yes ____ No ____ If yes, please explain:



Please describe your volunteer experience. ______



Why do you want to be involved in the Foster Program? ______



Residence Information

Will the animal be living at the above address? Yes ____ No ____ If no, please explain and provide address where foster will be living: ______



Please list all animals currently living at the foster location.





Please list all current vaccinations and any health issues for each animals currently living at the foster location. ______



Please describe the area of your household where the foster animal(s) will be kept: ______



Where will be foster animal(s) be kept during the day? ______

Where will be foster animal(s) be kept at night? ______

Do you have an area where the foster animal(s) can be isolated from your own pets if necessary?

Yes ____ No ____ If yes, please describe the isolation area:



Is there someone home during the day (Note: not a requirement)? Yes ____ No ____

Do you have access to a car for transportation of the foster animal to and from the shelter?

Yes ____ No ____

Foster Information

Please indicate which animal(s) you would be most interested in fostering.

____ Mildly sick or injured animals; need recuperation time in a less stressful environment

____ Nursing mother cat and kittens

____ Nursing mother dog and puppies

____ Orphaned kittens

____ Orphaned puppies

____ Healthy animals

Please indicate the amount of time you can commit to fostering animal(s).

____ two weeks

____ four weeks

____ six weeks

____ More than six weeks

____ Will foster on regular basis, especially as needed during the busy season (spring and summer)

____ Interested in fostering on a long term basis

Animal Fostering Policy

All foster applications require approval from PAAC and may include a home inspection.

Foster animals shall be examined prior to placement in the foster home.

PAAC retains ownership of the foster animal at all times.

PAAC is not responsible for any damage to foster home.

The foster parent shall be given a list of supplies if needed prior to taking the animal(s) home and given specific instructions for the care of the animal.

All costs incurred in the feeding and housing of the animal(s) during the fostering period shall be the responsibility of the foster parent, unless arrangements have been made with PAAC in advance.

I certify that the facts set for in this foster application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any false statement, omission or misrepresentation in my application or placement interview may result in the rejection of my application.
Signature of Applicant Date

By sending this application back via email, fax or hand delivery, I understand that I will be taking responsibility of the animal(s), which is the property and responsibility of P.A.A.C. I also understand that it is the sole intention of P.A.A.C. to find the right permanent home for the animal(s). In the event that the right home is found, I agree to bring the animal(s) back to P.A.A.C. without delay. While in my custody, I promise to take care of the animal(s), which includes providing food, water, proper bedding and shelter. The animal(s) will not be left unattended or unsupervised for long periods of time. I will report any changes in behavior or health and seek the proper treatment.

This agreement shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the State of Texas. The parties agree that venue for any litigation between the parties regarding the performance and/or nonperformance of any obligation arising under this Fostering Agreement shall lie in the courts of Nueces County, Texas. The parties agree to consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of courts in the State of Texas. The parties agree that this contract shall be performed in Nueces County, Texas and payment shall be deemed made in Nueces County, Texas.

P.A.A.C. considers applicants for fostering without regard to sex, race, age, religion, national origin, veteran or marital status, or any other legally protected status.

5804 Ayers; Corpus Christi, TX 78415

Phone/Text: (361) 248-2009 Email:
