Anesthesia Preferences of Needham Orthopedic Surgeons
Dr. Savenor / Dr. Corbett / Dr. Haffenreffer / Dr. Grannat / Dr.McGlowan / Dr. Day/Rozental/Kim / Dr. MulroyBlocks + GA
(avg. 180 + min)
(Does not book appropriately, i.e., Bier, MAC. Block etc)
Bier Block: Anesthesiologist exsanguinates arm, places tourniquet and does the injection
Either single or double tourniquet may be used
( based on arm girth)
Please use ‘Bier block lock’ in the tourniquet apparatus for safety / Requests blocks for
ankle procedures
Prefers GA with blocks
Conside MAC if block is dense / Hip: Prefers spinals, requests 2 to 2.5 litres of intra operative fluids
Total Knee Arthroplasty:
Wants femoral catheters*
Please leave catheter in for 48 hours.
TKR pain protocol in pipeline
* If there are staffing/time/other limitations, please consider pre op single shot femoral block and post op catheter placement in PACU / Blocks for shoulders
Blocks for ACL / TKR: Femoral Catheter
Plan for Spinal / Dr. Day
Trigger Finger – MAC, no block
If any case is booked for GA- Please recheck with surgeon regarding accuracy.
( all prefer regional/ MAC over GA) / Blocks for Shoulder
All patients with Peripheral nerve catheters need a progress note written every day by the anesthesiologist. Medication orders need to be renewed q 24 hours
Please email Anu to update or any other new discoveries and concerns.