Andy Docos 3-Way Call Script
Hi ______this is ______you remember the business I was telling you about, well I have Andy Docos on the phone. (Stop Talking) (now Andy takes the call)
Hi ______, I guess ______was telling you a little bit about a business venture I’m expanding into the area. (Caller may say yeah but he didn’t tell me... much) That’s great that’s why we’re calling you just to give you a little overview. You see I’m in the product brokerage and internet marketing business, and what we do is we train people how to own an internet based franchise that they can manage from home, and develop a significant secondary income along side what their currently doing. I have to tell you we’re working on a major expansion into the ______market, and looking for the right people to help organize it. And after talking to ______and telling him a little about what we were looking for, your name came up, and he/she wanted to give you one of first opportunities to meet me over the phone. ______spoke very highly of you and we’d like to figure out a time we can show you what’s going on, as it stands to be an incredibly lucrative project. I can guarantee you won’t be disappointed, in fact I think you will be quite pleased that ______kept you in mind. Actually, we will be getting together on ____ at ______‘s home, and going over the business strategy and what it involves. We would like to invite you as our personal guest. That way, you will get all of the information and you can see if it is a fit for you, and we will take it from there. Again, I will guarantee you wont be disappointed, in fact I think you will be thrilled that ______kept you in mind.
****Keep your voice low and calm. Don’t try to sound too smooth or talk too fast.
Make sure you have your schedule handy, so you can book the call into an UBP or HBP, or what your availability is for a 2 on 1.
How to answer common questions the caller may have:
Q- How much does it cost?
A- Were not looking for investors. We are looking for people to assist in this expansion, where it stands to be very beneficial to them.
Q - What do you sell?
A- We broker for a huge diversity of manufactures, and move their products and services on a mass scale using internet technology.
Q - Is it like Amway or Is it MLM?
A - It is a unique concept that has never been done before in the internet based franchising world.
Q - What’s the name of your company?
A - Docos Marketing. I avoid saying anything else for fear they will Google information and try showing this to themselves.