Chase Scene

Andrew Van Camp

Barry Banta

Bobby Hall

Cameron Sautel

Carson Kehres

Charles Babcock

Daniel Dambros

Daniel James

Daniel Stapp

David Zou

Garrett Bunch

Harrison Cabral

Jack Crone

Jasmine Young

Jennifer Giangarra

Johnny McNicol

Kyle Fitzgerald

Logan Raley

Luke Pearson

Matt Vetter

Megan Giangarra

Michael Bailey

Natalie Knoer

Noah LeClaire

Nolan Hovell

Nolan Lawson

Phil Miller

Rachel Walker

Ross Vessels

Sam Holt

Sarah Schweitzer

Taylor Lawson

The following people are in the end of the chase scene but do not need to attend rehearsals just for Chase Scenes:

Abishek Mahesh

Alex Willinger

Anna Medley

Ben Otten,

Cameron Williams

Cameron Williams

Henry Carnes

Kirsten Swikert

Madelyn Steurer

Martina Parola

Michael Hommrich

Natalie Thompson

Nicole Karem

Orion Johns

Rachel Beavin

Sanjana Mahesh

Seiler Smith

Trent Schroeder

There is a trumpet Call-to-the post. Then--

  1. Ross Vessels enters DR and begins to tap on the wall looking for a secret panel.
  1. At the same time as #1, Jennifer Giangarra runs across stage, scattering papers as she leafs through a File. (DR to DL)

3.  At the same time Charles Babcock chases Sam Holt UL to in front of the elevators. Sam is carrying a big box piled high with World Wide Wickets files. To stop Charles, Sam throws a file folder at his feet. Charles does a banana-peel fall. Sam does a victory dance, not realizing that Charles is recovering. Charles sneaks up on Sam who whirls around and slams his box into Charles’ stomach and goes down again, carrying the box with him. Sam runs off UR chased by Charles.

  1. As soon as Natalie exits, Phil Miller (Office Boy) chases Daniel James (looter) across stage. (DL-DR)
  1. As soon as Sam exits, Johnny McNicol Luke Pearson carry a FILE CABINET from UL. to the extension, where they begin to rummage through it, looking for the treasure. Daniel Dambros enters aisle 1, spots them, blows the whistle, runs up extension side stairs and chases Johnny off Aisle 2. (Luke hides) Ross Vessels sees him, and runs over. They indulge in a tug of war with the file cabinet. They finally agree to share and carry it off Aisle 3 AFTER the next bit exits.

Daniel D.

  1. Five beats after Johnny and Luke enter, Matt Vetter and Taylor Lawson come backwards DL and DR looking for looters. David Zou and Harrison Cabral enter DR and DL. The four back into each other, scream, and David runs off down side stairs R and up aisle 1 pursued by Matt and Harrison runs off down side stairs L and up aisle 4 pursued by Taylor.
  1. At the same time, SEILER SMITH starts down Aisle 2C, asking every few rows if the people have seen the stocks that are hidden here. He works his way down to the front row and across the front row and then up aisle 3L. . When he encounters Abishek, the two start an argument about who needs the treasure more.
  1. As soon as Matt/Taylor/David/Harrison scream and start to run off, Logan runs UR to UL, his arms full of files. He collides with Megan ( running from UR to UL) whose arms are also full of files , and the files go flying in front of the elevators. Andrew van Camp blows a whistle from the top of Aisle 3. Logan and Megan look at each other alarmed. They scoop the files back up and exit down off UR with Andrew blowing his whistle and chasing them. (Be sure to not get in the way of other groups.)
  1. Jennifer runs DL to DR with an armful of papers.
  1. 3 beats after the whistle, Carson—carrying an armload of papers-- runs down aisle 3 chased by Jack Crone who chases him off aisle 2.
  2. Phil /Daniel James second comic bit.

  1. Andrew
  1. As soon as Aisle 2 is clear, Noah runs down it, his arms full of boxes, gibbering to himself about the treasure. He’s chased by Daniel Stapp. They pick a row (B-D) and move through it, excusing themselves to the audience members. They exit Aisle 3.
  1. As soon as Phil/Daniel J exit, tired Andrew Van Camp chases tired Logan & Megan in UR to the steps of the extension. They all agree to pause for a moment while they try to catch their breath. When Andrew figures it’s been enough time (after about 10 seconds), he fires his gun like a starter pistol, and they run off and then they resume their chase down the side stairs, across the pit, and off Aisle 1.
  1. As soon as Logan appears on the stage, Rachel runs down Aisle 4 with a box of files. Johnny McNicol follows her. Once they reach the pit, they do their bit with snatching files. Rachel chases Johnny off Aisle 4
  1. As soon as Logan is on, Sarah (in her nun costume) runs across stage from UR to UL, rummaging through a box of files.

i.  Rachel/Johnny

  1. Luke runs on UL carrying a box of lampshades, chased by Ross who wants them. They smack into Kyle who enters from UR. The lampshades fall out in the exact center of the stage (leave room upstage for Sam and David). Luke, and Ross grab for them, but Kyle spots the police in the back of the auditorium and warns them. They look around but see no easy way to escape, so each man grabs a lampshade, puts it on his head, and pretends to be a lamp (standing upstage by the elevators.) Matt Vetter and Taylor Lawson run on—aisle 4 chasing Natalie Knoer who carries a big box . She bumps into Charles Babcock who enters UR, shoves the box into his arms, and slides under his legs. She taps him on the shoulders, and when he turns, grabs the box, spins him around to make him dizzy, and exits UR. Dizzy Charles blunders into Matt and Taylor racing across the stage—and Charles indicates that he’s lost his contact. The other police try to help him find it, and Taylor tries to turn on the nearest lamp for more light. From his face, we can see that he’s felt a face instead of a light switch. He screams. All the lamps take off with police following—Taylor/Luke/Kyle up aisle 1 and Matt/Ross up aisle 4. Charles blunders blindly off UL.
  1. At the same time, ABISHEK (in disguise) starts down Aisle 3C, asking every few rows if the people have seen the stocks that are hidden here. When he encounters Seiler, the two start an argument about who needs the treasure more.
  1. Five seconds after Luke and Ross enter, Sam Holt and David Zou enter from UL. They each begin tapping the wall and listening to it to try to find a secret panel. They discover one and show excitement, and then David sends Sam off UL to get a sledgehammer.
  1. As soon as Taylor starts up Aisle 1, MICHAEL BAILEY runs down aisle 2 holding Mr. Biggley’s knitting, chased up Aisle 3 by Miss Jones/Jasmine.
  1. As soon as Michael Bailey starts up Aisle3, Daniel D chases Harrison down aisle 2 into the pit. Once they reach the pit, Harrison tells him to pause, and then pulls out a giant stapler and begins to fire staples at Andrew and chases him out back up aisle 2.
  1. As soon as Matt/Ross clear the stage, Phil and Daniel J do their office chair bit, exiting downstage.
  1. Sam/ David/ Rachel/Ross: As soon as Phil and Daniel exit, Sam drags a sledgehammer in UL. David shows him where to hit the wall. The sledgehammer is too heavy for Sam to lift. David indicates that he can do it and gives it a try, but he’s not able to lift it. Ross and Rachel have wandered on from UL to watch the proceedings. Ross wants to try, but he can’t pick it up. Rachel steps in, easily lifts the sledgehammer, and chases them all out UR.
  1. Sarah runs with a desk drawer of papers from UL to DR.
  1. Once Phil and Daniel exit, Johnny rides Logan piggyback onto stage DL , chases by Piggybacked Charles/Andrew. They stage a chase like cowboys on horses, and then gallop off DL.
  1. At the same time, GARRETT BUNCH starts down Aisle 3, asking every few rows if the people have seen the stocks that are hidden here. (alternate sides) He should end in the pit just as the scene comes to an end.
  2. As soon as Sam/David/Rachel/Ross exit, Noah enters UL with Biggley’s golf clubs. As soon as he gets center, Miss Jones enters from the left elevator dressed for battle. She beats him up in a very action movie way, does a gorilla roar, and wipes his blood on her face. Then she turns back into a very proper lady, puts on lipstick, picks up the golf clubs, and exits via the elevator.
  1. As soon as Johnny/Logan/Charles/Andrew exit—Kyle and Cameron—riding rolling chairs like a gangster car chase—enter UL—follow by Nolan Hovell and Nolan Lawson on chairs. All have staplers drawn and are firing at each other. All each pair exits a different exit: Kyle/Hovell UR, Cameron/Lawson UL
  1. As soon as Kyle and Cameron enter, a staple-gun shootout begins down the aisles (this should be the lower third of each aisle). Carson vs. Luke (aisles 2 and 1); Daniel Stapp vs. Michael Bailey (aisles 2 and 3); Harrison vs. Jack (aisles 3 and 4). When Miss Jones shoots her gun, the following people capture the prisoners in each aisle and march them to the stage:

a.  Aisle 1: Willinger

b.  Aisle 2: Hommrich

c.  Aisle 3: Schroeder

d.  Aisle 4: Johns.

  1. As soon as Michael/Charles exit, Phil Miller chases Daniel James (looter) across stage. Daniel carries Natalie Knoer.
  1. Miss Jones—a Rambo rag tied around her head—enters from the elevator. She carries a shot gun. In front of her march her prisoners: David Zou, Johnny, Megan, Ross, Sarah Schweitzer, Sam Holt, Jennifer,Rachel . She kicks Noah and he revives to join the kneeling prisoners. When they are assembled, she fires the gun. (Smitty and The Secretaries follow through the other elevator, also with Rambo head bands. The Secretaries collect the trash onstage Smitty takes the gun from Miss Jones and escorts the prisoners off DL.)
  1. As soon as Michael/Charles exit, Phil Miller chases Daniel James (looter) across stage. Daniel carries Natalie Knoer.