Born: May 14, 1976; Bogota, Colombia. Citizen of Colombia. Not Married

Address: Kagoshimashi usuki 3 chome 16-8, San Paulo 202 gou, Kiushu. Japan

Home phone: 81 90 2085 5288.

Postal code: 890 0073

E-mail: or


Doctoral student (third year). Department of epidemiology and preventive medicine. Kagoshima University. Japan.

2002 Biology with Mention in Genetics. B.Sc. Diploma. Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia.


2006- Scientific visitor, Infections and Cancer Biology Group. International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). Lyon. France.

2005- Laboratory research assistant. Department of epidemiology and preventive medicine. Kagoshima University. Japan.

2003- Research student. Department of Epidemiology and preventive medicine. Kagoshima University. Japan

2002- Assistant Professor of Molecular Biology. Department of Physiological Sciences, Faculty of Health, Universidad del Valle. Cali. Colombia.

2001- Instructor of Animal physiology. Department of Biology, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia.

2000- Instructor of Animal physiology. Department of Biology, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia.

1998- Instructor of Biochemistry. Department of Biology, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia.


2003- Research student. Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) Scholarship. Japan.

2003- Award to the Best Research Work in Genetics and Biotechnology. XXXVIII Congress of National Biological Association. Colombia

2002- Award to the Best Research Work in Genetics and Biotechnology. XXXVII Congress of National Biological Association. Colombia

2001-Young Investigator. Colombian Government Scholarship. COLCIENCIAS-Universidad del Valle. Colombia.

2001- Award to the Best Research Work in Genetics and Biotechnology. XXXVI Congress of National Biological Association. Colombia


Spanish (Native language)

English (Proficient read, write and speak)

Portuguese (speak)

Japanese (speak)


Colombian Association of Biological Sciences Member.


  • Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas (12218231 and 17015037) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan.
  • COLCIENCIAS/Colombia and Universidad del Valle (grant 1 106-04-199-96) and as part of the convention between Universidad del Valle and Kagoshima University.


  • To investigate the association between specific types of human cancer with Human Papillomavirus, type 16 (HPV-16).
  • To characterize the cellular events induced by HPV-16 and their role in neoplastic transformation.


Garcia-Vallejo, F. Cabrera, Castillo, A. Euzuru, Y. Akiba, S. Ceron, F. Zaninovic, V. 2003. Molecular fingerprinting of the human T-lymphotropic (HTLV) Type I integrated provirus using a substractive hybridization of AFLP fragments methodology (SHAFLP). 11th International conference on human retrovirology: HTLV and related viruses. P103. San Francisco, California. USA. (Supplement to: AIDS research and human retroviruses. Volume 19:S-58).

Garcia-Vallejo, F. Cabrera, J. Miyake, H. Ceron, F. Castillo, A. Baba, M. Akiba, S. Euzuru, Y. Zaninovic, V. 2003. Molecular biology of the integration of human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV) type I proviral DNA in the genome of lymphocytes. 11th International conference on human retrovirology: HTLV and related viruses. P103. San Francisco, California. USA. (Supplement to: AIDS research and human retroviruses. Volume 19:S-59).

Panay, J. Garcia-Vallejo, F. Castillo, A. Ordonez, P. Dominguez, M. Ceballos, C. 2003. A computational model of HTLV-1 integrase. 11th International conference on human retrovirology: HTLV and related viruses. P103. San Francisco, California. USA. (Supplement to: AIDS research and human retroviruses. Volume 19:S-60).

Domínguez, M.C. Castillo, A. Cabrera, J. Eizuru, Y. Garcia-Vallejo, F. 2002. Envelope sequence variation and phylogenetic relations of human T cell lymphotropic virus type 1 from endemic areas of Colombia. AIDS Res. Hum. Retroviruses Aug 10;18(12):887-90

Castillo, A. Domínguez, M.C. Cabrera, J. Ceron, F. Garcia-Vallejo, F. 2002. Phylogenetic of human T cell lymphotropic virus type 1 in Sur America. Rev. Asoc. Col. Cienc. Biol. 14(1):65-8121 (Spanish).


Castillo A, Aguayo F, Koriyama C, Torres M. Carrascal E, Corvalan A, Roblero JP, Naquira C, Palma M, Backhouse C, Argandona J, Itoh T,Shuyama K, Eizuru Y and S Akiba. Human papillomavirus in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma in Colombia and Chile. World Journal Gastroenterology.

Castillo A, Aguayo F, Koriyama C, Shuyama K,Akiba S, Herrera-Goepfert R, Carrascal E, Klinge G, Sanchez J and Y Eizuru. Human papillomavirus in lung carcinomas amongthree Latin American countries. Oncology Report.


Doctor Suminori Akiba. MD, PhD. Professor of Department of epidemiology and preventive medicine. Graduate school of medical and dental sciences. Kagoshima University. Japan. TEL: 81 99 275 5298. FAX: 81 99 275 5299. E-mail:

Doctor Felipe García Vallejo. M.S, PhD. Professor of Department of Physiological Sciences. Health Faculty. Universidad del Valle. Colombia. TEL: (572)554 24 57 or (572) 554 2494. FAX: (572) 5542468. E-mail: