101 S. Main Street
Clinton, TN37716
February 10, 2011
6:30 PM
John Burrell, Chairman√
Dail Cantrell√
Greg Crawford√
Steve Fritts√
Scott Gillenwaters√
Glenda Langenberg√
Rickey Rose√
Jo Williams√
Larry M. Foster, Director√
Student Board Members:
Shannon McGhee√
Allison Powers√
Others in Attendance
Karen Bridgeman, Jim Woodward, Myles Hebrard, Colby Chandler, Tyler Kent, Taylor Irwin, David Allen, Rachel Clapp, Julie Minton, Sindy Boyles, Jeni Folck, Sue Voskamp, Rhonda Phillips, Christa Frost, DeWayne Emert, Jerry White, Chris Goodwyne, Joseph Nance, B. J. Baxter, Donna Jerden, Terri Ferry, Pastor Donald Swift, Lesa Larson, Leisa Fair, Allison Fowler, Brittany Kellison
Dr. Burrell, chairman, called the meeting to order at 6:30PM as a regular monthly meeting of the Board of Education. Greg Crawford led the pledge of allegiance.
A. Dr Burrell welcomed newly appointed Board Member Scott Gillenwaters.
B. Tim Parrott introduced Bryan Freeman, ClintonHigh School teacher and 2010 Tennessee Outstanding Earth Science Teacher of the Year. Mr. Freeman has taught at ClintonHigh Schoolsince 1999, and also taught at Tennessee Tech. He was Teacher of the Year in 2003 and the system’s Teacher of the Year that year as well. Bryan thanked the board for their support and urged them to think about requiring four science credits to graduate.
- Jerry White brought the playground at DutchValleyElementary School to the board’s attention and asked them to consider helping to fund a new playground in front of the school. The school will try to have fundraisers to help pay for the equipment. He also said they would be interested in obtaining used equipment if there is any to be found. Dr. Burrell asked if Mr. White had spoken with Andy McKamey and suggested he would be the one who would know if used equipment was available. Mr. Foster stated theremay be funds to partner with Head Start or possible grants for funding. Dr. Burrell also suggested he contact our state representativesto ask for discretionary money to be used for the purchase of equipment as was done at LakeCity and AndersonvilleElementary Schools a few years ago.
Motion byGreg Crawford and seconded byJo Williams to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
- Minutes of Regular Meeting –January 13, 2011.
- HR Staffing Report
Last Name / First Name / Location / Position / Effective Date / Return Date / Notes
New Hires
Richardson / Andrea / NES / Café Monitor / 1/7/11 / Replacement for Hope Bailey
Thrasher / Nancy / CES / Special Ed Asst. / 1/10/11 / Replacement for Beth Job
Ridenour / Tracey / AES / Food Service / 1/10/11 / Replacement for Deborah Wilkerson
Stultz / Dallas / TLC / Special Ed Teacher / 1/18/11 / Replacement for Cathy Toney
Gilliam / Shasta / NWES / 4th Grade Teacher / 1/21/11 / Additional teacher needed for enrollment count
Butler / Brianna / Preschool / Companion / 1/3/11 / Replacement for Lisa Tigert
Kitzmiller / Kim / CMS / Food Service / 1/24/11 / Replacement for Tammy Fairchild
Spence / Mary / LCES / Food Service / 1/24/11 / Replacement for Cynthia Thompson
Webber / Cynthia / AES / Food Service / 1/24/11 / Replacement for Sherry Carter
Farrow / Candace / ACHS / English Teacher / 1/31/11 / Replacement for April Perry (LOA)
Wright / Crystal / CMS / Food Service / 1/26/11 / Replacement for Betty Phillips
Transfer/Change of Status
Bailey / Hope / LCES / Educational Assistant / 1/4/11 / Replacement for Teresa Seiber
Harmon / Tabitha / LCMS / 7th Grade Teacher / 1/18/11 / Replacement for Matthew Bailey
Lamb / Teresa / NWMS / Secretary / 1/17/11 / Replacement for Kim Arthur
Fairchild / Tammy / NWMS / Custodian / 1/31/11 / Replacement for Josie Wyrick
Hamphill / Amanda / FES / Teacher / 1/18/11 / Replacement for Tabitha Harmon
Phillips / Betty / NWMS / Café Mgr / 1/27/11 / Replacement for Teresa Lamb
Leave of Absence
Yugo / Candace / DVES / Teacher / 1/3/11 / 1/26/11 / Employee's own health condition
Murhpy / Lise / CES / Special Ed Asst. / 1/25/11 / 5/24/11 / Employee's own health condition
Penticuff / Rebecca / FES / Food Service / 1/17/11 / 2/1/11 / Employee's own health condition
Left Employment
Carter / Sherry / AES / Food Service / 12/17/10 / Voluntary resignation
Wilkerson / Deborah / AES / Food Service / 1/7/11 / Other employment
Thompson / Cynthia / NES / Food Service / 1/5/11 / Dismissal
Job / Beth / CES / Special Ed Asst. / 1/3/11 / Voluntary resignation
C. Field Trips
- Tommy Mariner, ACHS, to allow students to participate in basic leadership training at in Rockwood, TN Jun 5 – 11, 2011. 12 students and 4 chaperones.
- Al Rodd, ACHS, to allow students to participate in the track meet in Mt. Pleasant, SC Mar. 18 – 21, 2011. 35 students and 8 chaperones.
- Riley Sain, CHS, to allow students to compete in the Tennessee Science Bowl in Knoxville, TN Feb. 17 – 18, 2011. 5 students and 2 chaperones.
- Christopher Enix, LCMS, to allow students to travel to Washington, DC May 9 – May 13, 2011. ~45 students and ~27 chaperones.
- 5. Tommy Mariner, ACHS, to allow students to attend orientation at a naval base in either San Diego, CA or Pensacola, FL Mar 21 – 25, 2011. 40 students and 4 chaperones.
- Paula Ingle, CHS, to allow student to participate in TMEA conference/ All state honors choir in Nashville, TN Apr. 6 – 9, 2011. 1 student and 1 chaperone.
- Bradley Pearman, Phil Warfield, ACCTC, to allow students to attend the National Farm Machinery Show in Louisville, KY Feb. 18 – 19, 2011. 10 students and 2 chaperones.
- Dianne Teffeteller, ACCTC, to allow students to compete Skills USA competition in Athens, TN Feb. 21 – 22, 2011. 15 students and 3 chaperones.
- Professional Leave
- Joel Dahle, Mark Gibson, LC, to attend training session to update certification in Atlantic Beach, NC Jun. 1 – 4, 2011.
- Debbie Hawk, CHS, Travis Hutcheson, ACHS, to attend SCOPE Conference in Nashville, TN Mar. 11, 2011.
- Patsye Thurmon, CHS, to attend Transition Summit in Nashville, TN Feb. 22, 2011.
- Myles Hebrard, Shelby Haun, Lucy Van Cleve, Debbie Nall, Kristy Dean, Jessica Conatser, Jo Ellen Frick, CES, Renita Dodson, CO, to attend Model Schools Conference in Nashville, TN Jun. 26 – 29, 2011.
- Daniel Stone, Jeremy Chapman, CHS, James Davis, CMS, to chaperone the band in the Universal Studio Parade in Orlando, FL Apr. 19 – 21, 2011.
- Renita Dodson, CO, to attend Quality Schools Summit in Nashville, TN Feb. 16 – 18, 2011.
- Renita Dodson, Jim Woodward, CO, to attend TASPA in Burns, TN Mar. 2 – 4, 2011.
- Kristi Swafford, GOES, to attend Reading Recovery Conference in Atlanta, GA Mar. 10 – 11, 2011.
- Dale Caldwell, NMS, to chaperone ACHS track meet in Mt. Pleasant, SC Mar. 17 – 18, 2011.
- Dale Caldwell, NMS, to chaperone ACHS track meet in Johnson City, TN Apr. 25 – 26, 2011.
- Lindsey Nichols, CMS, to attend TCAP Achievement review in Nashville, TN Mar. 2 – 3, 2011.
- Johanna Whitley, OOT, to attend CTD Summit, Microsoft, in Redmond, WA Feb. 22 – 25, 2011.
- Chuck Puglisi, CO, to attend Quality School Summit in Nashville, TN, Feb. 16 – 18, 2011.
- Sharon Gaylor, Tammy Hembree, PS, to attend Southeast ChildPlus Users group meeting in Atlanta, GA Mar. 10 – 11, 2011.
- Lesa Larson, Ted Fletcher, PS, to attend Head Start Summit in Baltimore, MD Feb. 14 -17, 2011.
- Lesa Larson, PS, to attend Beginning Supervisor’s Academy in Nashville, TN Feb. 24 – 25, 2011.
- Kayla Watson, ACHS, to attend Southern Conference for Language Teaching in Baton Rouge, LA Mar. 9 – 11, 2011.
- Joe Forgety, CO, to attend Spring Summit in Nashville, TN Mar. 15 – 16, 2011.
- Larry Foster, CO, to attend CTE Conference and legislative breakfast in Nashville, TN Feb. 14 – 15, 2011.
- Larry Foster, Jim Woodward, CO, to attend TSBA Day on the Hill in Nashville, TN Feb. 21 – 22, 2011.
- Brenda Bean, Vicky Bolinger, Melissa Buckner, Karen Bullock, Sara Caughorn, Cynthia Gaddis, Carly Gilbert, Nicole Holstine, Gina Huckaby, Linda Kennedy, Janice Longmire, Cristy Shoffner, Crystal Wade, Jessica Weaver, Sarah Webber, Sherry Webber, EHS, to attend Head to Toe conference in Blountville, TN Mar. 4 – 5, 2011.
- Dianne Teffeteller, G. Jeffers, D. J. Wood, ACCTC, to chaperone students at Skills USA competition in Athens, TN Feb. 21 – 22, 2011.
- Amanda Evans, Adult Ed., to attend West Tennessee TNN meeting in Jackson, TN to train west Tennessee teachers Mar. 3 – 4, 2011.
EXECUTIVE APPROVAL (for information only)
- Professional Leave
- Brenda Bean, Tracy Hembree, Nancy Foster, Doris Day-McBride, Julia Kendrick, Shelly Scarbrough, Ashley Urey, Rachel Stovall, PS, to attend Region IV Head Start conference in Atlanta, GA Feb. 7 – 10, 2011.
- Daphne Douglas, ACCTC, to attend FETZ convention in Orlando, FL Feb. 1 – 4, 2011.
- Field Trips
Motion byJo Williams and seconded byGreg Crawford to approve the consent agenda. Motion carried.
- Day on the Hill is scheduled Tuesday, February 22, 2011. Dr. Burrell said the board will be meeting with two new representatives from our area.
- Dr. Burrell discussed his recent trip to Washington, D. C. to promote the system’sFastrack program and said it wentvery well
- Dr. Burrell reported the board attended TSBA’s Joint Venture with three other boards and felt it was a very worthwhile meeting. They discussed budget issues, the state report card, our mission, policy and vision, the TCSPP plan and had general discussion. No decisions were made.
- Eric Snider, ClintonHigh School, presented Something Good. Mr. Foster commended the staff for bringing ClintonHigh School out of “school improvement.” Mr. Snider introduced Christa Frost and the students from the Virtual Enterprise and Web Design classes. Student Board of Education Member Allison Fowler and Taylor Irwin, Virtual Enterprise, gave a presentation on their virtual company called Uncommon Ground. She described the various departments in the virtual company including accounting, marketing, sales, web design, HR, and administration. She and Allison described their business plan, one of the first projects created in the class. They also described their mission statement and products. Uncommon Ground received third place in the 2010 trade fair for the flyers created to market their products.
David Allen, Colby Chandler, and Tyler Kentof the web design team described a survey they created to getstudentopinions of ClintonHigh School. The teamreported students were excited because it was the first time an administration asked for their opinion. Theycreated the website usingZoomerang softwareand the class tested it several times before taking it to their peers. One member of the web design team monitored the survey and answered questions from students as needed. A final survey will be distributed this month and the team hopes to share the results with faculty and the board as well. Dr. Burrell agreed and asked the teamto report back and reviewsurvey findings.
- B. Leisa Fair provided a final ADA reportand said her office ispaying attention to attendance and funding. She is working with Skyward software to find students who are not fully scheduled because that is how the system receives funding. She will keep theboard informed regarding where the system stands funding wise. Jo Williams asked if the 300+ students droppedduring the 2007-2008 school yearwas credited to homeschool and private school enrollment, and Mrs. Fair agreed that was part of itand also because many people left the area due to a change in jobs and the economy. Mrs. Fair explained her goal is to offer a form of electronic learning for home schooled studentsin order for the system to receiveadditional ADA funds. Dr. Burrell asked if that was possible and Mrs. Fair said it is, the systemcould provide curriculum testing and monitoringand it can be done at home or in a private school setting. Dr. Burrell then asked who makes the final decision andMr. Foster said he wasn’t sure, but thinks the state is agreeable to the process. He said we have to have policies and procedures in place and we also have to figure out how to provide computers to those students. Dail Cantrell wants to know how the system can reach out to parents who are thirsty for resources, labs, etc. Mr. Foster said we should first get permission from the state and then work toward finalizing the infrastructure.
ADA / ADM / %
August / 6434.8092 / 6637.0639 / 96.95
September / 6396.6388 / 6678.4358 / 95.78
October / 6368.8016 / 6686.2646 / 95.25
The report wasaccepted as read.
A. Motion by Jo Williams and seconded by Greg Crawford to approve policy 1.106. Code of Ethics. The policy was reviewed by the full board and new members were provided a copy. Motion carried.
B. Motion by Jo Williams and seconded by Greg Crawford to approve policy 1.106.1 Effective Boardsmanship Standards. The policy was reviewed by the full board and new members were provided a copy. Motion carried.
C. Motion by Joe Williams and seconded by Glenda Langenberg to approve the Director of Schools’ evaluation instrument and objectives. Motion carried.
Director of Schools Evaluation Form
The director of schools is ultimately responsible for all workings of the school district. While many of the specifics of the operation of the day to day operation of the district are the primary responsibility of designated employees, the director does direct all activities.
Scoring Instructions: Please assess the director’s performance by scoring each item in the listed category. Indicate on the line to the left of each statement the numeral which best describes your opinion of the director’s job performance. The rating scales should reflect the following:
5Performance is excellentExceeds expectations
4Performance is above expectationsConsistently meets expectations
3Performance meets expectationsUsually meets expectations
2Performance is below expectationsSeldom meets expectations
1Significantly below expectationsProgress is insufficient
1) _____ Keeps the board informed on issues, needs and operation of the school system.
2) _____ Offers professional advice to the board on items requiring board action, with appropriate recommendations based on study & analysis.
3) ______Advises on the need for new/or revised policies and interprets and executes the intent of board policy.
4) ______Creates a working relationship with the Board that results in a shared vision - both short-term and long-term goals for the district.
5) ______Bases his decisions on sound educational principle and is willing to maintain that position until the board has reached an official position. He then supports the board.
6) ______Meets deadlines and follows up on commitments and assignments.
7) Maintains a positive working relationship with the board.
1)Works with administrators and principals to employ the most qualified staff for the school district.
2) Reports to the Board employment, and/or promotion or dismissal of personnel.
3)Treats all personnel fairly, without favoritism or discrimination while insisting on performance of duties.
4) Accepts his role as liaison between the board and personnel.
5) Reports unsatisfactory service and takes appropriate action.
6) Holds all district staff accountable for achieving district learning and
teaching goals.
7) Completes a clearly stated procedure for evaluation of all personnel.
1) Facilitates the development and implementation of a district strategic plan aligned to thedistrict’s mission, local priorities and to the goals of the Tennessee State Board of Education
2) Understands and keeps informed regarding all aspects of the instructional program
3) Encourages and supports personal and professional development among staff
4) Provides leadership for all staff to continually design more effective teaching and learning experiences for all students
5) Plans and set goals for student achievement
6) Uses student achievement results to guide improvement planning
7)Works with total instructional staff to study and revise the total curriculum as needed
8)Monitors the results of staff evaluations and uses the results to develop district-wide professional development plans
9) Ensures that instructional time is valued and protected across the system
10) Monitors the effectiveness of curriculum, instruction and assessment in promoting increased student learning
11) Expects high professional standards to be maintained by staff
12) Interprets federal and state laws and regulations that relate to the objectives of the system.
1) Knows and is able to apply sound business practices for budgeting and accounting.
2) Effectively communicates the budget and resource allocations in ways that build understanding
and trust of constituents.
3) Uses district resources in ways that are efficient and reflect responsible stewardship of public resources.
4) Uses a collaborative process to determine and establish a balanced operational budget for school programs and activities.
5) Prepares annual operating budget recommendations and implements the approved budget.
6) Supervises operations and insists on competent/efficient performance.
7) Keeps informed on needs of the school program.
8)Works with the Director of Finance to keep the Board appraised of the financial condition of the system.
9) Plan with the Board for immediate and long-term financial needs of the school district.
1) Gains respect and support of the community on the conduct of school system operation.
2) Keeps the Board and public informed about educational practices and trends and their impact on AndersonCounty.
3) Represents the school system before the public – maintains a high profile of publicity and public relations.
4) Develops good relationships with the news media to disseminate information about school activities and student achievement.
5) Practices two-way communication with parents and community.
6) Understands the importance of acknowledging concerns and celebrating accomplishments.
7) Effectively communicates with stakeholder groups the successes and shortcomings of the district.
8) Identifies groups and potential partners within the community.
9) Establishes an environment of trust among staff, students, parents and the community at large.
1) Recognizes district shortcomings and accomplishments.