Collection Development Policy Template
North Central Library District
- Library Mission Statement
Include library’s mission statement here. Example: “In making collection decisions, the Lycoming County Library System strives to uphold its mission “The Lycoming County Library System is Lycoming County’s free Information Utility, Lifelong Learning Center and Popular Materials Collective. Beginning as the Preschooler’s Door to Learning our libraries provide a friendly environment in which children, young adults and adults can find the materials and services they need to enhance their personal and working lives”.
- Purpose of the Policy/Audience
Include here why the policy exists and for who. Example: This policy is intended to guide librarians in the selection of materials for their collections and to inform the public about the principles upon which the library system’s collections are developed and maintained.
- The Community we serve
Include here brief statements about the community: geographic area, population, location, education levels, etc.
- Information about the collection
Include here number of volumes, formats in the collection, other collections (toys for example). Include what reading levels are collected (preschool, school age, young adult, adult). How much does the collection grow each year.
- Information about the budget
Include the percentage allocated to the collection from the overall budget. Include the percentage of the collection budget allocated to particular formats.
May contain a statement about how budget constraints limit the growth and scope of the collection.
- Cooperative Agreements
Include here information about interlibrary loan, shared databases, ebooks and audios, etc. Include local, regional, and state levels.
Materials Selection
- Example introductory statement: “The System will strive to offer collections that meet the various ages, interests, educational levels, and cultural backgrounds of all members of the community and will provide collections through which an individual may explore all points of view and issues of interest. In making selections, all system library staff will do so based upon principle rather than personal opinion, reason rather than prejudice, and judgment rather than censorship.”
- Responsibility for Selection
•Include here who is responsible for selection of materials. Example:
Final responsibility for selection and discarding is vested in the library director within the policies adopted by the Board of Trustees. The Library delegates some of this responsibility to other members of the staff as follows:
Adult Non Fiction – Interlibrary loan / Reference librarian and Director.
Adult Fiction – Desk Librarians and Director.
Juvenile materials – Children’s Librarian.
Media – all staff involvement.
Staff selections are approved by the Director who is responsible for ensuring that the principles and policies set forth in this document are adhered to, that subjects in overlapping areas are not overlooked, and that new subjects are not neglected.
- Selection Criteria
Include here the criteria for selecting materials:
Accuracy of information.
Potential or known use by patrons.
Popular demand and current trends.
Literary merit or artistic quality.
Importance or popularity of author.
Significance of subject matter.
Critical reviews.
Reputation of publisher or producer.
Relationship to other material in the collection, e.g. series or sequels.
Ease of use (in particular with regard to electronic resources).
Quality of physical format.
Local interest.
- Formats/Types of materials
Include here what types of materials will be selected for the library collection. Example: will you collect videotapes, vanity press, textbooks, etc. May include statement about information found freely on the internet.
- Duplicates
Include statement about duplicates. Example: The XYZ Library will acquire duplicate copies of popular materials if more than 5 reserves are placed on an item. Budget constraints must be considered when acquiring duplicate titles.
- Languages
Include a statement about what languages will be added to the collection and why.
- Patron Suggestions
Include how patrons can make suggestions and what will be done with them. Example: Library’s patrons are encouraged to suggest materials for the library to purchase. To do so, patrons should complete a “Suggestion for Library Purchase” form in person or via the library website. Suggestions from the general public will be evaluated by selectors based on the Library’s criteria for selection. All suggestions will be considered although not all suggestions may be added to the collection.
- Donations
Include statement about the acceptance of donations. What will you accept, how will you accept them, what will you do with them. Statement about placing monetary values on gifts. Will you issue a receipt? Include gift receipt. Sample:
- Electronic Resources
•Include statement about what electronic resources you will purchase if any and how they will be selected. Example: Online Databases are selected using the same selection criteria as all other library materials. Special consideration is given to proprietary materials that otherwise may not be available to the public. In selecting databases, cost and access are considered. Whenever possible, online databases are purchased that allow patrons direct access from home. The System headquarters selects databases and secures, when financially feasible, access for all county residents.
Availability and Access
Sample statement: An informed public is possible only through unrestricted access to materials that reflect a variety of opinions and ideas. Lycoming County Libraries support and promote this freedom by selecting and providing materials that encompass many diverse issues. In supporting unrestricted access to information, the System does not promulgate or support specific beliefs or viewpoints. Likewise, the selection of materials for inclusion in the collection does not constitute endorsement of the viewpoints contained therein. On occasion, library materials may include opinions that are controversial and may be unpopular with segments of the public. Lycoming County affirms the public’s right to free access to information by supporting the American Library Association’s Bill of Rights
With respect to the use of library materials by children, the Library places the responsibility for the selection choices of children with their parents or legal guardians.
Furthermore; it supports the American Library Association’s viewpoint that “parents and only parents have the right and the responsibility to restrict the access of their children – and only their children—to library resources” as stated in their Free Access to Libraries for Minors, An Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights.
Reconsideration of Materials
Include here the process for addressing a complaint about materials in the collection.
Example policy: When a member of the community wishes the Library to reconsider a book or any other material in the collection, he or she should submit a “Request for Reconsideration ofLibrary Resources” This form is available at all library locations.
Procedure for Review of Library Materials
•A completed form should be returned to the Library Director.
•If the form is returned to the Library Director, he or she will immediately inform System Administrator of the challenge.
•The System Administrator will notify the patron that the form has been received and is being acted upon.
•The System Administrator will confer with the Library Director and any staff members who discussed the matter with the patron in order to understand the background of the complaint.
•The System Administrator will review the request and forward it to other staff as appropriate.
•The System Administrator will evaluate the material; consider critical reviews, prior Requests for Reconsideration, and the circulation history of the material as well as the criteria and rationale for the initial selection. The Administrator will notify the complainant of the decision to retain or withdraw the item in writing copying the local librarian.
•All Library Directors will be notified of the recommendation.
•Include a statement about the necessity of weeding. Example: When libraries do not weed regularly or consistently, customers have trouble finding interesting and relevant materials. Removing outdated or worn-out items makes the collection more visually attractive and more inviting to users. Patrons trust the library to supply information that is easy to find and up-to-date. All of these are positive factors from the customer’s point of view. For the librarian, weeding has additional advantages. It finds the gaps in your collection so that you can make new purchases with confidence and creates space for those materials. Paradoxically, weeding is a good way to increase circulation by drawing attention to materials that had previously been overlooked.
Also include how you will dispose of weeded material.
•Include how, when, and by whom the policy will be reviewed and evaluated. Example: The Library director in conjunction with the Board of Trustees will review and update the policy every three years starting in January of 2016
We thank you for your gift and support of the XYZ Library. Please note the following guidelines that are applied to all gifts:
Gifts of materials for the collection will be added in accordance with the Collection Development Policy as applied to all materials added to the library’s collection.
The library reserves the right to accept, sell, exchange, or discard, at its discretion, any unsolicited materials sent to the library.
The library cannot guarantee that any gift will be part of the collection permanently.
Once accepted, donations are the exclusive property of the library and are, therefore, subject to all library rules, regulations and procedures.
The Library cannot place a monetary value on gifts.
Donor’s name:______
Description of donation:______
Received by:______
Date: ______
Sample Reconsideration of Materials Form:
The Lycoming County Library System has established reconsideration procedures to address concerns about library materials. This form is the first step in these procedures. Please answer each question as completely as possible and return this form to either the Director of your nearest library or to the System Administrator, James V. Brown Library, 19 E. Fourth Street, WilliamsportPA17701. Designated library staff will consider your request. After review, you will receive a letter communicating the decision of the Library System. This review will occur within 45 days of receipt of your request for reconsideration.
***Please note that this is a public document under Pennsylvania Law. Your name and address are subject to disclosure upon request.***
Address______Zip Code ______
Telephone: ______Email______
Library Card # ______(optional)
Material to be reconsidered
[ ] Book [ ] DVD [ ] Compact Disc [ ] Other
Title :______
1. Did you read/listen/view the entire item? [ ] Yes [ ] No
2. Why would you like this material to be reconsidered? Please be as specific as possible. Use the other side of this paper if necessary.
3. What are your specific recommendations regarding this item?
4. What material would you suggest to provide additional information or other viewpoints?