Hi………..My name is Marcus
And Welcome toServant King Unraveled.
This is a brief introduction to the Unraveled Programs.
A few years ago the Attorney General of Texas told a group of parentsand I quote, “ The State of Texas owns your children, not only your children but you too”
Now, how is it that these parents do not know who owns them, and do not know who owns their children? How is that possible?
Someone owns you, and you do not even know it. Go ask anyone, who owns you, they will not know.
I watched the series Roots, about black slaves captured and brought to America.
They were chained like sardines in the hull of the boat, and sold at auctions.
And these black people, could not read or write, yet everyone of them knew who their owner was.
And these well educated professional parents in Texas do not know who their owner is, or who owns their children…… Where does that leave them in relation to a black slave. Think about that.
Yet this slimy, excuse of a man called a lawyer, knows who owns you.
All of these well educated professionals from Texas do not know who owns them or their children, and now that they are told, they don’t know why.
So, they ask other. Bob do you know why? No. Hey Fred you went to university, do you know why? No.
And here is the difference the black slaves and the people in Texas. The blacks were captured like animals and taken against their will, and you voluntarilywent into this subjection, and you believe it is normal and the best we have.
And just like you, the young black slaves born from the captured black slaves also know no other way of life. And it is all just normal to them.
I had a police detective on the stand in court one day. He had taken some stuff from me.
He was a detective, he can detect things.
I asked him who owned the stuffhe took from me? He said, You do. So I own it? Yes. Well, Did I say you could take it. No.
You could see in his face,yeah, how does that work? You own it, but I took it without asking you.
I then asked him, Who told you to take it? He did not know what to say.
After a few moments I said to him. You said, I own it, I did not give you permission to take it, and you took it, and I want to know who told you to take it from me.
Now, he just stood there not knowing how to answer.
He finally just said, “I had judicial authority.” So, I left it at that, and I thanked him for his insightful testimony.
To own means: “the right” to possess, to use, to control, to manage and to dispose of to the exclusion of everyone else.Only you.
Who owns you? Who has the right, to possess you....to use you….to control you…..to manage you….and to dispose of you?
The only way to lose your right to own property, is for you to be tricked or give it without informed consent. And uninformed consent is no consent at all.
You better wake up to this. There is nothing more important in life than what I am going to show you. But you need to understand the law behind this.
Property is the Holy Grail of Law.
Holy Grail:
-something that you want very much but that is very hard to get.
-an object or goal that is sought after for its great significance.
To those that have ears, let them hear, and to those that have eyes, let them see.
In the introduction to the Confusion Programs I said, every swindle requires deceit and fraud. Something that is not true. A really good swindle is one where you go away happy not even knowing you have been swindled. And a really great swindle is one where you have been tricked unknowingly intobeing a part of the swindle. You cantry to blame the guy who enticed and trickedyou, but you were a participant. Who are you going to blame? Now that is the perfect Swindle.
The purpose of the Confusion Programs were to raise in your mind questions. To expose and show you things that are happeningin our everydaylives, to show you what some things really are, but mostly to cause confusion where none existed before. In other words, to raise questions that you never thought to ask.
I also made it very clear that you should check out all the facts, evidence and proof for yourself. Check out for yourself what was presented and what some words really mean. If you just believe what I have presented to you, then you are still doing what you have always done, believing what you have been told. Predictable behavior.
The guy who says that this is nonsense, I do not believe it; is just as foolish as the guy who believes it. Neither one checked it out for themselves. Both of them still know nothing.
In the Confusion Programs I said all these programs could collectively be called Confusion of Property. I also said that all the problems you have or will ever have are the result of owning no property. In fact I have been quite adamant about the importance of this thing called property.
Well, as we unravel the confusion, you will see that this story is going to take a couple of more unexpected turns. A really great swindle always takes a number of turns.
When I was told a few years ago that I do not own anything, my predictable behavior did not kick in.
I used my brain instead of my training. I took the path least travelled. I took the path called thinking. Thinking for myself, instead of my training.
I went in a different direction. I followed the property. But to understand the law on property I will need to go to the origin or source of property. You see, the law is a lot different thanreligion or science or philosophy.
So, I looked at the only two possible origins of property. I took each premise and based on the principles of justice, I looked at and determined the RESULT of each premise as it relates toowning property. What happens as a result, the consequence of each premise.
In the first premise where God created everything, everyone on earth would owntheir own property subject only to the rules of God. God would be your government. You can’t steal someone’s property, you can’t tell someone what to do with their property and you can’t get control of someone else’s property.
In the second premise where there is no God, no government, no laws,everyone must in order to protect their claim toproperty, put everything into a common pot and jointly makes the rules or laws governing it. Otherwise every man would be a law unto themselves. However, when you do this, you no longer can own your property, you have lost control of all your property and you must follow the rules of whatever kind of God orgovernment you made to protect your life, liberty and property.But, to protect it, you lose it.The ultimate goof.I want to protect this, oops I just lost it. I looked up the word goof. It is defined as a man who is a stupid incompetent fool. But when you say goof it doesn’t sound very offensive. Oops, I goofed. And this goof is the middle turn of the 3 turns of the Perfect Swindle.
Now that you lost ownership of all your property which includes you too; you now are owned by someone, and He who owns you makes the rules.
So, If I wanted to get control of you and your property, meaning your being, your life, your inheritance and your labor. What do I need to do?
I need to get rid of God.I need to get rid of your owner and hisrules. I have to get rid of the law.
This of course would result in chaos. No rules. Then I come in to solve the problem. I could profit by creating the chaos, and profit by solving it. This is the exact definition of a Racket. Called Racketeering.
Now, To the extent I cannot get rid of God, I would need to control and manage your knowledge of God. Control your knowledge of the law.And we will learn how that is done.
I need you to unknowingly and voluntarily and with a smile on your face give up control over your life, liberty and property. I need your consent.
Rather than capture you and put you in chains, I need to put your mind in chains.
You see, even though the Scripture is widely available now to everyone, something has happened that nobody even wants to read it. The same book that Her Majesty the Queen called, “The most valuable thing in the world”. Who would not want the most valuable thing in the world. Apparently nobody.
The swindle is explained in the Book. And the solution to the swindle is also in the Book.
As we unravel the confusion you will see that what we call government or a legal system is a complete counterfeitof real law with no basis in reality. Our legal system borrows principles of law from God’s government, but the actual laws are switched out with our own laws. And the lawgiver is switched out with our own lawgiver. And the owner is switched out with a new owner.
We have patterned and modeled our legal and judicial system after God’s system of government because it is perfect . God’s system is called the Perfect law of liberty.No man on earth could ever have more liberty than obeying the perfect law.This is the reason our legal system appears good and right, but it is not. It is a forgery in substance and fictional in appearance from top to bottom.It is a system of 100% bondage. And there is no liberty in it.
And now I am going to tell you the most unbelievable discovery I made. Even though I knew I was on the right path for some time, this is what sealed the deal for me.
It can be summed up in this one sentence.” If there is no God, then we mustof necessity make a God, or there is no law.”.” If there is no Owner, then we must of necessity make an Owner, or there is no law.” Only anOwner can make a law.
What we claim that God cannot do because it is impossible, we in fact do and believe it with all of our heart, our mind and our soul in order to have a legal system. The ultimate hypocrisy. Of course you do not know you are doing them, but you are. You see, The law has nothing to do with what you believe, the law has to do with what you do.
If I were to believe the knowledge of God as it is widely reported, hell, I would not believe in God either.
I mean, who the hell does God think he is…God?.... A dictator? We don’t like dictators. Dictators are bad. We want a dictator that gives us free will. A dictator that gives us free will? Who would believe something so contrary to itself to make it utterly stupid? EVERYONE Does.
We want a Godwho gives us commands that are voluntary. I command you to do that, but only if you want to.Who would believe that? Everyone does.
In fact atheists are not hypocrites, they are quite logical and reasonable people. Whether you label yourself an atheist or a religious man is irrelevant. What you believe is not relevant to the law. What you do is relevant, and both atheist and theistdo the same thing. Everyone has a God, and that is just a fact.
Most people think that when you talk about God, that is religion. And religions use books called the Word of God and it might be the word of God but who knows for sure and even if it is, that only applies to back then, to those people. It is outdated, not relevant today. Man has advanced and we have technology that wasn’t known back then. We are modern people and need up to date laws.
I wish there were a way to simply, easily and quickly unravel the confusion. I wish there were a way to accommodate the guy who said to me, “Just explain it to me, I am not stupid. Well if you do not know who owns you, then this is going to take a while. Unfortunately I have to take you through a process that is contrary to the only way of life you know.
I will be putting before you the evidence, facts and proof, of what I present. I will be showing you the solution that many are seeking. All based on law, truth, reality, logic and reason. No belief or faith required. You can pray to God asking him to help you understand his planif you like, but I don’t think he is going to send you an email. Or you can do as you were told, study his words and test all of it to see if it is true. I will be showing you how to do the tests,it is not as difficult as you may think.
God doesn’t want believers, the world is full of those,he wants those who have studied to show themselves approved. And then he wants ACTION.PERFORMANCE. Act according to the Script. Act according to the Scripture. He wants those who walk the talk, not talk the talk. He wants doers,doers of his Word. Not preachers of his Word.
And the benefits and rewards are not in the world to come, they are in this world. Now, today. The time is at hand.
So, if you are ready to learn what Her Majesty the Queen calls, “the most valuable thing in the world” and what I call simply “the science of God,”then get a coffee or a beer and let me unravel you.
Or if you want to remain a beggar, then turn on the TV and watch Law and Order. The choice is yours.
Till then……my name is Marcus.