And That Tells It All!
September 7, 2017
Dale & Jeannie Daly
In my opinion, it’s near impossible to read the numerous psalms that David wrote, without being encouraged and blessed in the greatness of God and His ways.“How majestic is your name, O Lord!” Here in Arizona, at the headquarters of CRA Ministries Int’l, where the night sky is more often than not clear; stars are seen scattered across God’s handiwork, illuminating the heavens leaving one with nothing short of a sense of awe at His magnificent handiwork. Is it any wonder why the song writer made the statement with his song “How Great is our God!”
As David stared into the heavens, caught up in the overwhelming incalculability of the number of stars peering down upon him, he penned these words as a question to God. “When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers---the moon and the stars you set in place---what are mere mortals that you should think about them, human beings that you should care for them?” Honestly! Is this not a question you have asked yourself sometime before? As for David, we’re not even sure as to when he penned these words, as it might have been as a young boy on the hillside tending sheep, or it is possible it might have been in his older years, perhaps even lying on his sick bed. We’re not sure as the Bible does not give us the answer as to his age, physical condition, or whether he was in a palace or a tent. As for David, as it is for you and me, why would God be mindful of us?
The answer is quite simple while at the same time immensely complex. As David is looking up into the expanse of God’s creation, viewing the array of stars as far as his eyes could see, he knows that he has a relationship with ‘The One’ who not only made and hung all the stars, but the sun and moon as well! As he continues to gaze heavenward, he is even more overwhelmed as his mind is nearly blown away realizing that this same loving Heavenly Father that hung the heavens in space … then named each and every star. Each is special! Each is important! Each is valuable! In Palms 147:4 David wrote; “He counts the stars and call them all by name.”Now he is beginning to better understand that God has desired to use the beauty of these stars as a love gift to help him better understand that he as an individual is desperately loved.
You, at this moment may not be feeling as though it is possible for the God of creation to love you as an individual. However, my friend, God’s love is not based on whether you are able to feel loved or not feel His love at this moment. To begin with, more often than not, the feelings you and I have on a particular situation, are often incorrect. Something happens between us and another person; or it could be between you and your spouse, and you begin to feel the worse is about to happen by the time you awake in the morning. And yet the next day, when you do awake, you find that the feelings you had the day or night before have now been proven inaccurate. When it comes to the love of God; His love is not based or contingent upon how you and I feel. God has chosen you! He’s made you a son or a daughter of His! He loves you! In fact, He cherishes you! He treasures you! He values you! He looks at you as a prized possession of His! Yes! Even with all your warts of failures, and do-over’s, and the time it’s taken for those do-over’s! No one can be bad enough for God to reject them, and no one can be good enough for God to accept them.
In fact, verse 5 says that He has “crowned (you) with glory and honor.” He “gave (you) charge of everything He made.” Then David goes on to make a short list of those things under your authority.“The flocks and the herds and all the wild animals, the birds in the sky, the fish in the sea, and everything that swims the ocean currents.”
Never! Never! Never! Can we question again whether we are loved by God! He in fact loved you enough, that He allowed His Only begotten Son to leave heaven and to come to earth on your behalf. To be ridiculed, beaten, spit upon, then crucified for not only your sins and mine, but for every man, woman, boy, and girl upon planet earth. That’s another part of His plan that you and I are unable to “feel” and fully understand!
Then David wraps it all up with his last of verse 9: “O Lord, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth!” And that my friend, tells it all!
Psalm 20:7
Dale & Jeannie
Thank you for your faithful support and blessing to keep CRA and this CRA Moment going around the world!
CRA Ministries Int’l
P.O. Box 6238
Goodyear, AZ 85338