October Issue of
Born to Learn,
And Lead by Example
This Friday
October 18th is Fall Festival
Please Come Join Us
We need your help…
The leaves are changing colors and there is a nip in the air. That means it’s time for the Summit Elementary Annual Fall Festival. As always, profits from the Fall Festival are divided equally among classrooms. We appreciate any donations. Candy is always welcome, as well as wrapped cookies. Again this year, we will be serving food in the cafeteria and concession stand. Suggested donations are as follows…
Grade / Girls / BoysK / Individual bags of chips.
(Multi- packs of 12 or more) / Individually wrapped cookie or cupcakes.
(Twinkies, Little Debbie cakes, Moon pies, etc.)
1st / Bowls and napkins / Cups and spoons
2nd / Paper plates and candy / Cups and spoons, candy
3rd / 2 liter bottles of soda pop / 2 liter bottles of soda pop
4th / Candy / Candy
5th / Water bottles (12 pack) / Water bottles (12 pack)
All About our Children
The Hope of our Future
Kind Kindergartners
Summit Kindergartners are learning so much! We are now starting to read words from the weekly word lists and can you believe we will be starting spelling tests soon? We are counting, sorting and reading number words! We know about patterns, different sizes and writing our numbers to 10. We are beginning to put words together to write a simple sentence and learning about our community helpers and maps.
We are so excited about the special holidays coming up but we still remember to use good manners and have self control. We are growing by leaps and bounds!
Kindergarten Teachers
Jen Carpenter, Kim Sergeant, Angela Thompson, Sherry Potter
Fantastic First Graders
First graders have been very busy the first nine-weeks. We have been working on addition and subtraction in math. In reading we are already on our second unit. They have enjoyed retelling stories, such as the Little Red Hen and working on main idea and details when reading about animals We were also excited to have community helpers visit our classroom. We had a firefighter, hairdresser, and construction worker come to teach us about their jobs. The students are really making progress. We look forward to many more fun learning opportunities this next nine weeks!
First Grade Teachers
Courtney Brickey, Julie Edwards, Jamie Mulhearn Zach Stumbo
Sensational Second Graders
What an exciting time in second grade! We have had pet day with a 2 week old bull calf, a chicken and a rooster, dancing dogs, and turtles to name a few!
Our kids are ready to learn, teach and lead by example as they share what they have learned about their habitats this week!
Tremendous Third Graders
We are very impressed with our third grade students! They are singing, dancing, playing games, doing research, and using a variety of strategies to learn in all subject areas! They are being responsible, sharing responsibility, working on projects, and showing self discipline as they become character strong!
We would like you to work with your child at home on the following website for math. Students know their Username and Password, but be looking for a note that has this information for you.
Great first semester, Good Times, Made many memories, ready for a new semester… Go Forth and be Fabulous is our Motto!
Third Grade Teachers
Ashley Dearfield, Jessica Sasser, Terry Thorpe, Chris Wallace
Fantastic Fourth Graders
Think… Science Science Science (Ask your child what they are experimenting with)
Think… Read Read Read AR (Did you know that your child’s AR reflects their actual reading grade?)
New semester, new beginning, new challenges… Go For it!
Fourth Grade Teachers
Rhonda Loos, Jenny Miller, Melanie Rockwell, Jordan Stevens
Fabulous Fifth Grade Students
We would like to say that we are very proud of our students for working so hard on their Native American Projects. Students did very well with their presentations in class. Thanks to our 5th grade parents for working with your child on researching information and creating the Native American Projects.
Fifth Grade Teachers
Beverly Butcher, Joey Ellis, Ann Tackett
Artful Art Students
Be sure to check your child's Artsonia account over the next week and see their latest masterpiece. Many artworks have been added this week and there will be more to come over the next couple of weeks!
Wendy Flanery Art Teacher
Memorable Music Students
Schedule of Singers for October
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday7 Lucy Adams / 8 Sarah Caldwell / 9 Haley Kidd / 10 Karlee Pierce / 11 Nicole Miles
14 Dylan Vitiello
Connor Varney / 15 Ben Acuff / 16 Emma Blankenship
Molli Yates / 17 Mikey Chaffins / 18 Evan Parker
21 Courtney Buckler / 22 Madison Spears
Breanna Pennington / 23 Garrett Hicks / 24 Colton Ferrell
Katrina Ingles / 25 Sadie Hill
Tatum Rooker
28 4th grade choir / 29 5th grade choir / 30 4th grade choir / 31 5th grade choir / 1 4th grade choir
Cindy Sullivan Music Teacher
Parents have Power
We want to thank you for all of your support and help with your child and our school. Your words are very powerful and you are your child’s first educator. We appreciate you and are thankful to partnership with you for your child’s education.
Always believing in your child,
Chris Wallace
3rd grade teacher and Parent Involvement Coordinator