Student Name:

Fill this student progress card immediately after each session

 / Demonstration
at the time / Instructor
No. of flights
Effect of controls
Traffic avoidance
Turn coordination
Steep turns
Airspeed control
Trim use
Radio use
Training area
Pre-takeoff checklist
Takeoff roll
Unassisted takeoff
XW takeoff
Box wash
Slack rope
Aerotow signals
Spoilers-out signal
Pre-landing checklist
Pattern planning
Airbrakes & approaches
Flare & touchdown
Ground roll
Wheel brake use
Regular pattern
Abbreviated pattern
XW landing
Precision landing
WW landing
No flaps landing
Downwind landing
Slips to landing
Covered A/S
Covered altimeter
Rope break forward land
Rope break 180 turn
Six signs of stall
Stall recovery
Turning stalls
Spoilers-out stalls
Spin avoidance & recovery
Spiral dive recovery
Benign spiral
Low G
Unusual attitudes
Slow flight: straight, turns
Slips: forward, turning
Performance speeds
Windsheer avoidance

Pre-Solo Checklist

Confirm you have a log-book sign-off for each operation below


Logbook Date

Proper flight preparation procedures, including preflight planning, preparation, aircraft systems, operations
Taxiing or surface operations,
Launches, including normal and crosswind
Straight and level flight, and turns in both directions, if applicable
Airport traffic patterns, including entry procedures
Collision avoidance
Windshear avoidance
Wake turbulence avoidance
Descents with and without turns using high and low drag configurations
Flight at various airspeeds
Emergency procedures and equipment malfunctions
Ground reference maneuvers, if applicable
Inspection of towline rigging and review of signals and release procedures
Aerotow, ground tow, or self-launch procedures
Procedures for disassembly and assembly of the glider
Stall entry, stall, and stall recovery
Straight glides, turns, and spirals
Landings, including normal and crosswind
Slips to a landing
Procedures and techniques for thermalling
Emergency operations, including towline break procedures.
Spin-avoidance recovery Blanik
Demo Spoiler out Signal
Covered AirSpeed
Covered Ailtimeter
Before solo -- confirm you have a logbook
Sign-off for solo flight. (needs to be reissued Every 90 days)
Solo Quiz completed and reviewed
Student Licence - signed (make-model)
Medical (3rd class) or signed statement of no known disabilities preventing safe flight
Phase check, 2nd instructor concurs


  • No West-Wind Launch
  • X-wind limit 5 knots
  • Sign-off needed for different airport (e.g. Salida)

Student Pilot signature: ______Instructor Signature: ______