Ancient Rome to the Middle AgesIntroduction

  1. ______(500 CE- 1000 CE)- scholars named this as a time when the forces of darkness (barbarians) overwhelmed the forces of light (Romans)
  2. Rise of influence of ______ as Roman Emperors had granted barbarian mercenaries (hired soldiers)
  3. Emperors gave barbarians ______ within the Roman Empire in return for ______service and it was these barbarians who eventually became the new ______ in Rome

Constantinople and Byzantium

  1. Constantinople- (formerly city of ______) became new ______and control ______ for Roman Empire
  2. Byzantium was the largest city by population in the world west of China
  3. Strategic location on ______ routes
  4. One of largest natural harbors in the world linked the ______and west
  5. Byzantine gold ______(bezant) was the main currency of international trade
  6. Ruled provinces by ______ model—Tried to maintain Roman influence

Christian Church

  1. ______Church has become an important political, economic, ______and cultural force in Europe
  2. Leading officials of Church were the ______and ______(powerful bishop)
  3. Banning of ______ (holding beliefs that contradict the official ______ of an empire)
  4. Forced people to convert to ______
  5. Eventually in 11th Century, Church split into two independent branches ______Orthodox (Greek) based in Constantinople and ______Catholic in Rome

Emperor Justinian

  1. Byzantine ______
  2. His goal was to ______ the Roman world as a Christian Empire and stop all ______ (follower of polytheistic religion-Roman Gods)
  3. Organized Roman laws into a legal system known as the ______
  4. Simplified Roman ______
  5. It helped guarantee ______ treatment for all

Holy Roman Empire (HRE) and Charlemagne

  1. ______ (Charles the Great) who was a military ______and restored Pope Leo III who had been exiled
  2. In return, Pope Leo named Charlemagne the “______” (HRE=Holy Roman Emperor) which secured the relationship between Frankish kings and the papacy
  3. Charlemagne became the first ______of the ______, a dynasty that would last for more than 700 years
  4. Charlemagne ruled the empire through the ______and state
  5. Greatest contribution- encouragement of ______
  6. Ordered the standardization of ______, textbooks, manuals for preaching, schools for clergy and people, new form of handwriting
  7. All these promoted education and scholars and produced a precise written ______(Latin)

Ancient Rome to the Middle Ages Introduction

  1. ______(500 CE- 1000 CE)- scholars named this as a time when the forces of darkness (barbarians) overwhelmed the forces of light (Romans)
  2. Rise of influence of ______ as Roman Emperors had granted barbarian mercenaries (hired soldiers)
  3. Emperors gave barbarians ______ within the Roman Empire in return for ______service and it was these barbarians who eventually became the new ______ in Rome

Constantinople and Byzantium

  1. Constantinople- (formerly city of ______) became new ______and control ______ for Roman Empire
  2. Byzantium was the largest city by population in the world west of China
  3. Strategic location on ______ routes
  4. One of largest natural harbors in the world linked the ______and west
  5. Byzantine gold ______(bezant) was the main currency of international trade
  6. Ruled provinces by ______ model—Tried to maintain Roman influence

Christian Church

  1. ______ Church has become an important political, economic, ______and cultural force in Europe
  2. Leading officials of Church were the ______and ______(powerful bishop)
  3. Banning of ______ (holding beliefs that contradict the official ______ of an empire)
  4. Forced people to convert to ______
  5. Eventually in 11th Century, Church split into two independent branches ______ Orthodox (Greek) based in Constantinople and ______ Catholic in Rome

Emperor Justinian

  1. Byzantine ______
  2. His goal was to ______ the Roman world as a Christian Empire and stop all ______ (follower of polytheistic religion-Roman Gods)
  3. Organized Roman laws into a legal system known as the ______
  4. Simplified Roman ______
  5. It helped guarantee ______ treatment for all

Holy Roman Empire (HRE) and Charlemagne

  1. ______ (Charles the Great) who was a military ______and restored Pope Leo III who had been exiled
  2. In return, Pope Leo named Charlemagne the “______” (HRE=Holy Roman Emperor) which secured the relationship between Frankish kings and the papacy
  3. Charlemagne became the first ______of the ______, a dynasty that would last for more than 700 years
  4. Charlemagne ruled the empire through the ______and state
  5. Greatest contribution- encouragement of ______
  6. Ordered the standardization of ______, textbooks, manuals for preaching, schools for clergy and people, new form of handwriting
  7. All these promoted education and scholars and produced a precise written ______(Latin)